I was going to take today off, but that didn’t happen. There’s too much going on, which in itself is reassuring. I have a full day of stuff to do, things to look into and places to be. I wanted time to reflect on my feelings about today, but with my sinuses being what they are, I probably won’t do much reflecting today either. I didn’t want today to be “just another day”, but it’s turning into that. I guess in way it shows that I’m moving on. I still remember everything about the day, and I still feel as helpless to explain my emotions as I did then.
I thought it would be interesting to look at what I wrote on that day, and afterwards. I don’t normally go back and look at what I write after it’s posted, but I decided to go look and see what I felt then. It’s pretty much what I felt then, only maybe a little less raw than two years, and then one year ago. See for yourself:
- 9/11/2001
- 9/12/2001
- Nostradamus \#1: 9/12/2001
- Nostradamus \#2: 9/13/2001
- My Thoughts on the First Anniversary
- 9/9/2002
- 9/12/2002