Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Someone at work actually noticed

    Someone at work actually noticed that I’ve lost weight. First time someone other than an immediate family member noticed since I started. Damn, that feels good.

  • All Alone

    After a marathon Saturday getting Jen and Max to the airport, circumventing a gigantic accident on the Beltway, navigating through a less than pleasant neighborhood in downtown DC, managing to get everyone to the airport, checked in, to Security, back over the beltway, wrong way first, U-Turn by FedEx field, getting antibiotics from nice old pharmacist at Safeway, coming home to an empty house to wallow in sinus pain.

    Jen and Max made it to Tucson safely. Max was an angel and slept for two hours on the plane and then played quietly the rest of the time. I was prepared for horror stories of inflight diaper disasters, grumpiness and general pandemonium. Max gets a pony when he gets back, I think.

    I slept through church on Sunday. I slept for 14 hours straight, and was still tired when I finally dragged my butt out of bed, downstairs to the couch where I had a cold bachelor pizza lunch and wondered why the olympics didn’t start until 7.

    It’s no fun being sick unless I have someone to feel sorry for me, so here I am at work where I’ll do the “I’m sick, but aren’t you impressed that I’m here anyway” and try to avoid as much actual work as I can. The problem is three projects are at their apex of pain right now and that means I get to do eight things at once, answer thirty IMs at once and juggle ostrich eggs all at the same time. That’s pretty tough when I’m well, much less when I’m swimming in a facefull of bloody snot.

  • Spent today being sick and

    Spent today being sick and playing with Max, and watching Jen pack for their trip. Now, I’m printing directions to the airport to combat last-minute mind-losing. Must go to bed now, head is full of snot.

    Tomorrow – drive to airport, help corrall the kid while in line for security, drown sorrows in Super Troopers and Vietnamese food. Wallow in my sinus infection in front of Iron Chef.

  • It’s official…. I’m sick! A

    It’s official…. I’m sick! A temperture of 100.5, flushed and achey, I’m sitting here at work delivering bad news left and right and stamping out fires with my sick feet. Happy Valentine’s Day ::cough, cough::.

  • Funky Funk

    A funk has set in. Maybe it’s because Jen and Max are going out of town for two weeks, or the fact that I don’t feel well. Maybe it’s that they’re threatening to switch platforms on me at work, and I’m afraid I’ll have to learn a language I don’t want to (Java – Why the hell would you compile something that’s going to change every other week?).

    There’s something to be said for a sinus infection that’s now bad enough that every time I sneeze it looks like a gib exploded in a bad gangster movie. My face is so swollen that my vision’s affected. Yeah, baby, I love it! I’m going to the doctor tomorrow to see what’s up and hopefully we can find a way to kill this thing once and for all.

    In other news, I’ll be able to weigh myself on a reliable scale tomorrow and see if this soda reduction is working. I feel like I’ve lost weight, but our scale’s so old and messed up I have no idea where it starts, much less what number I should be reading when I get on it.

  • Are you fat?

    I am. And I’ve come up with a list of ways to tell if you are too.

    1. Can you use your gut as a portable table?

    2. You’d buy a sports car, but the thought of getting in and out of it deters you.

    3. Lose twenty pounds and no one even notices.

    4. You know what dunlap’s disease is.

    5. Your belt is industrial grade, and not for decoration.

    6. You’re six feet tall and have been turned away from a roller coaster.

    7. You’ve ever said, “Bacon’s my middle name.”

  • Jen is strongly refuting my

    Jen is strongly refuting my charge of infrequent seat-lifting. I think we’ve come to a consensus to blame it either on the supernatural or Max.

    And just an update for those of you who may be wondering – I only pee sitting down at home. In public, I’m a stand-up manly urinal guy.

  • It’s a strange day. I’ve

    It’s a strange day. I’ve been reading about the demise of a company I once respected, and a love story I’ve watched from afar (so far that I’ve only exchanged e-mails, but wow, it’s been a hell of a story – one I hope they never make into a movie because I don’t think anyone could get it right but the participants).

  • Realizations

    I’m thinking about moving my site to They provide AOLserver + Postgres hosting at reasonable prices, and well, I’ve realized that I want to start doing more with this site, and my current host just won’t allow me to do it. I’m not sure of the timing of everything, but expect to hear more in the coming weeks (maybe for my birthday).

    I will be 27 on March 20th. How do I know this? My globe-trotting sister just turned 17. I don’t know, but that seems a little older than I feel. I still feel 22 and stupid some days. Others, I feel much much older: like I’m the old man at the party looking at everyone with the bemused wink of someone who’s done it all and knows what’s what. It’s an odd feeling considering that I haven’t left the country to go anywhere other than Mexico in almost 20 years (damn, that’s a long time). Now I know how Jen felt last year. Twenty-seven has a ring to it. It sounds like I should know something, something you learn somewhere between twenty-six and twenty-seven. What that something is though, I have no idea: Always cut away from yourself, never leave the oven on overnight, don’t play with matches, sit when you pee, what is it? Maybe I’ll learn it in the next month or so and be all ready to be a mature and with-it grown up.

    Oh, now I know what I really wanted to tell you about today. I have a confession to make. I am comfortable enough with my masculinity and any ridicule that this might bring to tell you my deep dark secret. It’s a gigantic admission for a guy to say this: I pee sitting down. Yes, that’s right. I don’t do the stand-up-and-spray like every good man. I don’t leave pee drops on the seat or floor. I sit like a lady, do my business out of sight and then flush it away without so much as a look. I know you’re all horrified, but it gets worse. And why save more pain for later when I can let it all out now and not think of it again. For some reason, my wife sometimes leaves the seat up. I’m not sure what she’s doing that the seat needs to be up, and I’m a little afraid to ask. Nevertheless, I now know why women get so upset when the seat’s left up and they go to sit down. Sometimes, in the dead of night, when I make the trek to the bathroom, so tired I don’t bother to turn on the light, go into sitting mode, and then… there’s something missing. Ass touches porcelain and the relfexes kick in. There is a fumbled leap up, which is not so graceful with pants around ankles and bits flailing. If I’m lucky, I’m able to gather my wits, do my thing and go back to bed. If I’m not, it means sitting for a while, calming down, and taking 5 minutes to do a 30 second job.

    I feel so much better now. Thanks for listening, and understanding.