Tcl is fun for many reasons. Everyone should learn it and use it in their daily lives.
Author: Kevin Lawver
I’ve started my Blogger API
I’ve started my Blogger API project! I’m calling it BlogTcl. It will be an XML-RPC implementation for AOLserver and I’ve laid out the skeleton of the Tcl code with proc names and some documentation. Wow, my first open source project. I feel like such a geek.
So, if I get some
So, if I get some time in the next week or so (that’s as long as I give myself to start a new project – no sense fooling myself), I’m going to work on an AOLserver/Tcl implementation of the Blogger API. I’ve never worked with XML-RPC, but it looks like it’s just POSTing XML to an url, and ta-da, you’ve got a cool buzzword to add to your resume. AOLserver makes this terribly easily by allowing you to construct responses and requests and has a very nice Tcl socket API. And just when I was getting bored…
Mmmmm, Big Brother 2, TV
Mmmmm, Big Brother 2, TV that sucks in a good way. It’s trash, but it’s amusing trash. The people are all shallow and goofy, and make me laugh at their attempts to cover up their evil. Yum yum yum.
Why does the TV my
Why does the TV my wife watches suck so badly? She’s off at church at her lady’s thing, and she’s having me record JAG. Oh PLE-E-E-ASE! The dramas on CBS suck. They’re horrible. JAG is the biggest piece of crap of all of them. It’s trite, melodramatic and stupid. The characters are paper thin, and transparent. Ugh. Thankfully, I have the happy web to keep me occupied while the drivel spills to tape for my wife to peruse later.
I’ve created an account of
I’ve created an account of our Risk game on Sunday… probably only interesting to the fam. You’re welcome to look at it though, if only to get a glimpse of my amazing photographic talents.
My favorite non-uncle uncle is
My favorite non-uncle uncle is retiring from his column @ This saddens me, as it was always well written, funny, and provided some more insight into a man I only knew through the radio. As I said before, he’s the kind of man I want as an uncle. He sounds like a guy you could call with problems you can’t talk to your parents about. He sounds like a guy you’d want to have dinner with, or have along on a campout. I’ll miss his column.
In happy news, I played Risk for the first time in many many years on Sunday night with the fam (well, Dad, H and S… Jen and Mom bowed out to discuss fabric). I documented the carnage with the digital camera, and will post a report later today (unless things get busy).
Interesting Google tip: If you
Interesting Google tip: If you type in link:, it will find pages that link to the url you enter. How cool is that? I remember AltaVista being able to do it too, but I can’t remember how. I wish we did that… Oh well, here’s how cool my sister is. She has 5 pages of sites that link to her, and I have 4 sites total, two of which are comments I’ve posted to other sites, one is a site I’m a member of, and one is real. She’s won awards, you know.
Three Post Night
It was weekly, couple-with-a-toddler weekend movie night. We had one hit, one miss this time. We’ll start with the miss.
15 Minutes: Avoid this piece of crap like the plague. If you have to watch it, watch the first 45 minutes, stop the movie, and finish the movie in your head. It will be a million times better than the crap that follows in the second half of this lame movie. The concept of the movie is great and full of possibilities, but the director has no idea how to pull off the ending, so he goes back to his Die Hard: How to Make a Movie manual, written by Michael Bay and Jan de Bont. Aside from implausible, it was just stupid. Ok, enough, it’s almost Sunday and I don’t want to start swearing. Last word: a terrible waste of a good concept and a great cast.
And now the good…
The Gift: Sam Raimi strikes again. I loved A Simple Plan. This movie was great. Unlike the stinker, this movie has a great concept, cast and pulls it off in a way that stays true to the premise. This is an excellent supernatural thriller without relying on gore or crap sarcasm to pull it off. It’s serious psychological horror, and is just excellent. 4 stars, definitely.
Happy Happy Happy Part 2
Oh yeah… The Underpants Gnome episode of South Park is on Comedy Central RIGHT NOW! It was the first episode I ever watched all the way through. I still don’t watch it all the time, but Saturday night @ 10 is the perfect time to watch, and it’s the best episode ever! Remember: Step 1 – Steal Underpants. Step 3 – Profit!