Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

    I’ve been able to stay away from writing about politics for a while now, but I just can’t stop myself on this one. The whole Terry Schiavo case is crazy. It smacks of hypocrisy and pandering, and a poor brain-dead woman is caught in the middle. It gets even worse when you realize that the Right only seems to care about white people with money who face terrible end-of-life decisions. When it’s a poor black family in Texas, I guess the “culture of life” doesn’t apply (see Blog for America).\
    How horrible is that? George W. Bush signed the bill in Texas – if you can’t pay, your loved one gets the plug pulled. They did it to a six-month old baby, whose parents still had hope. Terry Schiavo’s husband, and her doctor’s have no hope left. Medically, she’s not coming back. Yet, the Right goes apeshit trying to save a woman past saving, but lets a poor black child die. What does that tell you?\
    Unless you bow your head in the same direction as our’s, none of these lofty ideals like the “culture of life” apply to you. If you happen to be poor, or a different color, we’ll put you to death, bomb your country into the stone age, let you waste away without any help and if you happen to go bankrupt, well, you’re screwed. If you’re white, and rich, you can declare bankruptcy without consequence, get tax breaks for offshoring, and profit from the deaths of thousands. What a country!

  • The Siege of Cahir Castle

    The Siege of Cahir Castle

    Porter finally posts more of his Ireland pics. I love this one… AUGH!! It’s Kevzilla!! Run, little dark ages Irishmen, RUN!! Ok, that would make a great movie. Godzilla in the middle ages attacking an Irish castle? Come on, it’s got blockbuster written all over it.

  • The Best Review of SXSW Ever

    Josh nails it. He says:\
    bq. …SXSW is a space for people who’re inventing the future to actually live it for a few days…\
    Yep, that’s it. The rest of his review is just as good.

  • On This Day…

    On March 20th, Albert Einstein published his theory of relativity, John Lennon and Yoko Ono got married, America attacked Iraq (the second time), the first woman was put to death in the electric chair, a bunch of other stuff happened, and thirty years ago, I was born. Wow… I’m thirty… and I still have hair.

  • S5 + Instiki = Happy Geek

    [Warning:]{style=”color:#900;”} I’ve only tested this on 0.9.2 on OS X. This may not work at all on .10. Since .9.2 is working fine for me, and there isn’t a disk image for .10, I haven’t upgraded yet. When I do, I’ll see about posting instructions for it. Until then, you’re on your own.\
    I use instiki all the time. I have it installed on my Powerbook and use it for note-taking, documentation writing, presentations, brainstorming and keeping info I would normally keep in a saved e-mail somewhere. It’s great. I love it.\
    As I said, I’ve been using it for presentations. I’ll jot down the sections as h1’s, then go back and fill in bullet points. When I’ve got what I want to say, I’ll go in and add the s5 divs, then tweak, massage, correct and add until I’m happy with it. Once that’s all done, I cut and paste into a new copy of s5 and I’m good to go. Well, I’m fine as long as I don’t want to change it. Once I change it, I have to save, cut and paste all over again. Why bother?\
    So, I had an idea. It shouldn’t be all that hard to create a new “print-like” view in Instiki that’s just s5. You know, it wasn’t! In about fifteen minutes, I had a link at the bottom of all my wiki pages that said “Presentation”. I clicked on it, and kaboom, I had a lovely presentation ready to go. It was scary simple. Here’s how i did it (I use OS X, but most of these instructions apply to any install of it, just don’t do the stuff that doesn’t apply):

    # Make sure you have Instiki 0.9.2 and S5 (download the zip file)

    # Go to Applications, right click on Instiki, and choose “Show Package Contents”

    # Go to Contents, then Resources, then rb_src (on every other platforms, you should have an rb_src inside your instiki directory).

    # Now, go to the app directory, then controllers and open up wiki.rb.

    # You should see a line that says “def print” (in mine, it’s line 189). Above that line, put in:

    <code>def preso
    @page = wiki.read_page(web_address, page_name)

    # Save that file and close it.

    # Now, go back to the app directory, then to views.

    # I went ahead and put my preso file up, so you can snag it.

    # Drop preso.html into the views directory.

    # Now, we need to create our link to the Presentation view, so in the views directory, open up page.rhtml, and search for “| Views:” – that should put you in the right place. Now, add the following:

    <code> | Presentation</code>

    # Save that file, and close it.

    # Now, we have to make some decisions, mostly because I suck. I couldn’t figure out (in the fifteen minutes it took me to do this) where to drop the s5 stuff (the ui directory in the s5 zip file) to get it to get served out by WeBRICK (the webserver instiki runs), so I just dropped them in my local copy of Apache, which is always running anyway. I suggest you do the same, then change the urls at the top of preso.rhtml (for the CSS and JS files) to match that. Once you’ve done that, you’re almost done!

    # Bounce Instiki.

    # Now, try it! Isn’t that cool?\
    All you need to do to create an s5-able wiki entry is enclose the stuff you want in a slide in (the spaces are important, so Textile doesn’t do something stupid with the HTML):

    <code><div class="slide">

    There you have it… s5 + Instiki = happy geek\
    And some tags: and

  • The Slow South-by Recovery

    All use AOL’ers made it home last night, but it took a lot longer than we expected. Instead of one three hour flight on a small plane, it was two flights with a stop in Houston, lost luggage and a cab driver.\
    I have so much I want to say, but right now, I just want to tell you how freaking tired I am, and how cool having all the SxSW notes up on a wiki is. As I find more peoples’ notes, especially for sessions we didn’t get notes for, I keep adding them. If you’ve got some you’d like to share, please feel free to add them. Also, if you’re a Mediawiki master and feel like sending me the right .htaccess to hide index.php in the url, I’d love that too.\
    I’ll try to post the “new people from SxSW” list in the near future after I un-bury myself. There’s nothing like extreme engagement (panels, meals, socializing) to show you how much e-mail comes in. I was downloading 100+ messages every day, and barely able to read a tenth of them. This morning was an exercise in damage control. Oh, I long for the day when everything that I actually care about comes through NetNewsWire, and all the other cruft that ends up in my inbox just goes away.

  • T-Shirt Sites

    James asked me to post a list of places I get my t-shirts. Here it is. On top of these places where you can actually buy t-shirts, Preshrunk is an awesome resource for cool shirts, and new t-shirt sites.

    • T-Shirt Hell – Some of them are really raunchy, but there are some amazing gems here.
    • Diesel Sweeties – Great pixel artwork, and funny slogan shirts, oh, and a hilarious web comic. Home of the shirt I’m wearing RIGHT NOW: Bacon is a vegetable
    • Thinkgeek – Awesome source for shirts from the slightly geeky to the super-nerdy. Home of the Viva La Relativity shirt.
    • Maestro Instruments – Home of “This is the torch I use to burn bridges” and other funny shirts.\
      That’s where I get most of my weird shirts.
  • Sterling’s Keynote at SXSW

    Was awesome, as expected. I took notes, but I’m nor sure how coherent it is.

  • SXSW In A Wiki

    It’s totally not the same as being here, because the best thing about SXSW is the interaction with people who are just as weird, creative and passionate as you are, but we’ve been taking a lot of notes on the wiki, and I thought I’d share some of my personal favorites:

  • Hey, It’s Me!

    Kevin Lawver

    Dan took this. It looks better than I do in real life. Great shot, Dan!!