Category: blogging

  • I’ve started my Blogger API

    I’ve started my Blogger API project! I’m calling it BlogTcl. It will be an XML-RPC implementation for AOLserver and I’ve laid out the skeleton of the Tcl code with proc names and some documentation. Wow, my first open source project. I feel like such a geek.

  • I got my first link

    I got my first link on another blogger’s site!!! This is soooo cool. Jodi over at put me in her Good Taste Club. Not sure how I gained membership to such an elusive-sounding body, but hey, I’ll take it! Thanks, Jodi!

  • Some genius from Zeldman’s latest

    Some genius from Zeldman’s latest Glamorous Life:

    Faith is a feeling that tells you it’s okay to trust a feeling.
    Hope is a feeling that some day you’ll find faith.
    Sometimes I see everyone I’ve ever loved filling the rooms of a great house. And me sneaking out the back.

    The man’s a genius, really he is.

  • OpenBrackets has an excellent explanation

    OpenBrackets has an excellent explanation of tu vs. vous for the wannabe Francophiles out there (I tried explaining this exact thing to my wife the other day and failed miserably – this is much better).

  • I’m an active blogger today…

    I’m an active blogger today… but we’re all waiting around for the ax to fall, and who wants to work on something when you could get escorted out of the building at any minute? Here’s random thought of the day #3:

    My wife is a college graduate with a degree in political science. This means she gives bad news very well. She can also get me to agree with her on just about anything. Recently, she let me in on a little secret that she probably shouldn’t have told me. If she doesn’t agree with something I say, she’ll say, “I don’t know what I think about that…”. The ellipses is intentional because she trails off at the end and waits for me to change my mind, which, because I’m a man and not a political scientist, I usually do. The funniest part is, now that I know about the trick, you’d think that I’d see it coming. Nope! She pulls it on me all the time and I still fall for it… what does that say about me?

  • Let’s see if this works

    I’m using Mozilla to write this post. We’ll see how this goes.

    I love other peoples’ photos. Why? I’m not really sure. I like seeing what matters to people I don’t really know. It takes some effort (a lot less than it used to) to post photos. You have to either suck them off your digital camera or worse yet, scan them, create the pages for the photos and then upload the whole mess. Yup, that’s effort. So, what makes people do this? Other than people who post just for family members, which makes perfect sense, why would people post their vacation photos from their trip to Boston or who knows where and then tell everyone where they are? It’s fascinating to me. I love looking at this window of a moment in someone else’s life and seeing what I can learn from them.

    Usually, not much. But, sometimes, there’s that perfect image of a party with smiling faces, arms around shoulders, drinks in hand. A picture of a family, doing normal family stuff in the backyard. Kids smiling. Parents smiling. It’s just great.

  • I aspire to be OpenBrackets

    I aspire to be OpenBrackets (not female living in France, just that good a writer). In my little world of rapid-fire technical e-mails and instant messages, I’ve forgotten how to take my time and write well. I write quickly, with the sole purpose of getting whoever it is I’m answering to leave me alone (well, mostly – not you, sweetie). Here, I want to write differently. I want to take my time and write things that can be savored, or at least read with more interest than an e-mail that will be read and then discarded to the inbox dustbin.

    I’m not there, and it will take a lot of practice to get there. I’m just starting to remember that I have a voice that comes out when I write. I’d forgotten all about it. Wish me luck…

  • – what a great – what a great name for a blog.

    Open Brackets: Another cool blog I discovered last week. An excellent writer, interesting perspectives. If you hate my slop, you’ll love hers.

    As I said on Friday, I’m bored. Well, it’s not getting any better. Today is even worse. Nothing exciting is going on. If there IS anything exciting going on, I’m not a part of it. I’m waiting on people to do things, make decisions, do their thing, so I can do mine. It’s the worst time to be me. I can’t stand waiting, especially when I’m not too excited about what I’m waiting for.

    I’ve decided I need to shake something up. Mostly, that’s involved me thinking new and interesting ways to destroy my hair. I haven’t done anything crazy since I shaved my head a couple years ago. Now, I’m thinking about dying it. I may just try ultra-blonding it to see if I like the dyed look before I go crazy and go purple. Why? Well, I’ve decided that people over 30 who dye their hair crazy colors are desperate for their youth. I want to dye my hair some crazy color before I turn thirty so I don’t fall into that desperate camp. I’ve never done it before, and well, it’s time to.

  • Wow… this is so beautiful

    Wow… this is so beautiful (found @ openbrackets and by David Berman):

    When it’s snowing, the outdoors seem like a room.
    Today I traded hellos with my neighbor.
    Our voices hung close in the new acoustics.
    A room with the walls blasted to shreds and falling.

  • Because I don’t edit… I

    Because I don’t edit… I won’t replace the last post with this one. Has anyone come up with a geographic Blog Directory? I think it would be really cool to see local bloggers. Ok, maybe not REALLY cool, but it would be interesting. And then you could do a big map with dots on cities and the number of bloggers in that city. Yeah, good idea… too bad I don’t have time to do it. I COULD do it, really I could. I just don’t have a public place to host AOLserver, Postgres and RedHat. Maybe when I get DSL… I keep saying it, and some day, it’ll get out here in lovely Sterling. I just don’t know when.