For Intl Day of Awesomeness, I donated blood for the first time in years. They tested my blood and told me that I am negative for a common virus, which means my blood is more pure than most (I think they said 95% of the population). This means that my blood is needed for premature babies, cancer patients, and trauma victims. It has been less than a month since I have been able to donate again and I have received at least 6 calls and 3 letters asking for my blood. I really want to donate more… but, you know, I’m busy. First, a bunch of us came down with a stomach virus for 2 weeks and then I had to do the laundry that wasn’t done during those two weeks. Now I am trying to move. But I should totally be out there donating blood and saving some lives. Oy, the pressure!
Category: family
Brian is a mini-me!
I had a conference with Brian’s teacher today. My first one for him. The teacher, Miss Deborah, said that she thought he was special needs when she first met him, but a couple of days later she realized he wasn’t. She also said that he is needy, and cries if the slightest thing is wrong; he needs to do more than play with legos (which is what he always chooses to do during centers unless the teachers direct him somewhere else); he needs to work on saying, “I” instead of “me” when appropriate; and needs to be potty-trained. I am sure all of these issues are linked and are totally my fault. Whatever. She said that he is right where he should be in terms of knowledge- he knows the alphabet and can count. I don’t know what else he knows. She said when he is ready, he will read. He just recently started talking more and opening up. That is all.\
Reason number 53 that I love the AOL Center: these evaluations are done three times a year over 30 different areas. For the record, Brian “always” dances during music time, is “always” open to culturally divergent ideas, and is “not yet” sight-reading. -
After the burrito…
Here is a follow up post from Amalah: Check it out.\
I read her post and can sympathize, but can’t empathize at all. Kevin and I are great, solid, blah blah, all sorts of schmoopy good things, blah blah.\
But truthfully, if I could go back in a time and not have kids? I would so do it. Gosh darn it, but childrearing is THE SUCK. (I type this as Brian is having a crying fit about washing his hands. OMG, what I am going to do when he doesn’t go to all-day school? Uh, I’m going to go hide under the covers. Be back later.) -
Brian and Jen’s Birthday Party!
We had a lovely birthday party for Jen and Brian. It was a lot of fun and Brian was a little ball of energy. He was so excited, he couldn’t sleep and came downstairs several times saying, “I’m done going to sleep now.” The rest of the pictures are up on Flickr. Enjoy!
Yay, presents!
Brian woke me up at 5 am ready to tackle and explore his many birthday presents. (Last night he was only able to check out a few before it was bedtime.) So far he has been flitting from toy to toy. His attention span has been reduced to 4.8 seconds because he is so excited to try them all. The one toy that he loves beyond all else? A 99 cents Hotwheels motorcycle. Sigh.
Picture post!
This is the only photo of the four of us taken in the last three years. Sad, huh?
I guess one of us is usually behind the camera.\
Three years earlier we had this taken. Too bad it’s in black and white:I want to get a real family photo, but I am obsessively paralyzed about finding clothes for the four of us that will coordinate. It’s really hard! I feel a whole new level of empathy for boy bands now.
Kevin works hard for his money, so hard for his money…
They say you shouldn’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry or else you’ll spend a fortune and buy everything. Well, apparently you shouldn’t go toy shopping when happy and energetic or else you’ll spend a fortune and buy everything. I finished up Brian’s birthday shopping today and went way overboard. I even bought stuff for Max! And stuff for our summer vacation! Mm, nothing for Kevin or me though. Drat. I should go back out, yes?
Max’s schoolwork 2
Favorite Food Mom Makes\
What is it: Macaroni and Cheese.\
How it is made: take a plastic thing mac n’ cheese and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.\
She is so nice and she is honest to me. She let’s me have reading time before bed. She is like 2170 pounds of nice with reduced gravity. -
Max’s schoolwork
I just pulled this out from Max’s bag. This is the paper in its entirety, emphasis mine though:\
I was in kindergarden [sic]. Later, I went to Hawaii. Technecly [sic], I was going to the Hawaiian Islands. I stayed for two weeks. They were the best 2 weeks of my life. We lived in a house where we got dirty feet if we went barefoot. Before we got to rent the house, we went to a place. My brother and I went to a playground. On one of my last few days there I went to McDonald’s (which I only regret only because of the recipe) and later, I left. It was great. I wish it could happen again.