Come Work With ME!

We’re hiring! We’ve got a ton of work to do on an awesome new product and I need help!

What am I looking for? Someone who “gets” working in a startup. You’ve got to understand the pressure involved and time required to launch something and the crazy stupid optimism to believe it will succeed (even if it doesn’t). You’ll be smart, creative and willing to do the right thing even if it seems a little daft at the time.

So, here’s what we’re looking for:

And the best part? We’re right in downtown Savannah above Leopold’s Ice Cream and close to everything happening around the heart of Savannah. We’re fun to work with and are working with some amazing technology. If you’re interested, check out the postings and apply (please)!

Brian: The Great Zorb Rider

The school’s family fun fair was Saturday night and other than an accident with a sno-cone, the kids had a good time (the grownups got to stand in lines, hold snacks and get eaten alive by bugs). There was a zorb there for the kids to ride, and Brian had a ball (other than a bit of a tumble on the way out) and I snagged some video of it (the first with my new phone). There are other pics up on Flickr. Enjoy!

Categorized as family

The boys

The kids have had a fantastic couple of days.

At school on Friday, Brian was recognized for achieving High Honor Roll and perfect attendance and Max was recognized for achieving High Honor Roll, perfect attendance, and was his class’s Super Hawk, which is the best all-around student. YAY school!\
At soccer on Saturday, Brian received the Good Sportsmanship Award, his second of the season, and Max’s team won 5-0. YAY soccer!

I still think Perfect Attendance is silly, but as long as those awards are being handed out, I am going to brag that my kids got them. 😛

Categorized as Brian, Max

Bus change = more talky time

The school changed the bus pick up time. It is now 90 minutes before school starts. Isn’t that ridiculous? I offered to drive the kids to school because that extra hour in traffic is stupid. (We live 3 miles from the school!!) However, Brian wanted to still ride the bus, but Max wanted me to drive him. I went out with Brian and spent 30 minutes waiting for the bus (it was really late) and talking. When I got back home, I tried to finish up the dishes, but Max was really interested in talking to me too and he spent the whole drive and wait talking. So, not necessarily a bad change after all.

Categorized as Brian, Jen, Max

Question of the Day

How come when people (authors) say that sweat is sexy, they are talking about sport sweat or working-on-the-car sweat and never mean hunched-over-the-bathtub-scrubbing-soap-scum sweat? Just wondering. I gotta go mop my brow and get back to scrubbing.

Categorized as Jen

Brian \o/

Brian’s really tearing it up at school, in a good way. He received the first High Flying Hawk Award for his class for embodying the monthly theme of Peace. He has all A’s on his progress report. He scored 100% on his first two Accelerated Reader tests. He has all 100% on his spelling tests each week. He got a 100% on his Summer Reading Project.

Check him out at his first soccer game:\

Categorized as Brian