One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to be more independent.\
HA on me: Kevin is on his 4th business trip of the year and will be home less than half of the time between now and July.\
But I am very proud of him and am happy with the opportunities he is exploring. 🙂
Category: Uncategorized
Be careful what you wish for…
Target! Yeehaw!
I went to Target this morning to buy milk, juice, and some pants for Max. I ended up spending almost \$100 more than that though. Sheesh, Target is becoming just like Costco for me! I did buy Brian 3 pairs of shoes- sandals, pool shoes, and new tennis shoes- so I place all blame for the high bill on the kids (my new black flip-flops were not part of the problem, no siree).
Wear Your Heart On Your Desktop
We Heart Microformats\
I did this for Shawn’s E-Tech demo, and I liked it so much, I tweaked it a little bit and made it my desktop. If you’d like to use it as yours, you can. -
Um, ha?
A woman is suing Walgreen’s because of some remarks the pharmacy staff (unintentionally?) put on her pill bottles. Read about it here.\
This makes me chuckle and remember when I was trying to get a prescription of valium filled and the pharmacy kept me waiting over 2 hours. I kept thinking to myself, “Do they know what the prescription is for? Shouldn’t they try a little harder to get it to me?” -
He’s not smart enough or right enough to decide for me.
I can’t believe the governor of SD just signed a law making abortion illegal except in cases to save the mother’s life. WTH? While I am personally against the idea of abortion, I can’t imagine forcing a woman to gestate and deliver an unwanted fetus.\
The thing that confuses me the most is that this issue is questioning “when life begins,” which is a spiritual issue. (I think life = dna + soul. I am not sure when the soul enters the body, but I don’t think it happens at conception. Hence, a spiritual question, not a scientific one.) What happened to the idea of separation of Church and State?\
I am also personally against: open-marriage, separate checking accounts in a marriage, gambling, bottle-feeding, divorce, spanking, working mothers, motorcycles, alcohol, skipping immunizations, coffee, and many other things, but that doesn’t mean I am against their existence for others.\
Also, I know how the LDS Church feels about this issue, so I don’t need to be reminded. 🙂 -
The Sun Sets Over Mandelieu
Time-Lapsed Sunset\
I finally got the pictures off the camera and will try to get them all up before leaving for Texas. I think this is my favorite one so far (I haven’t look at all of them yet – I have to work and stuff). It’s a two second exposure of the last moments of sunset on the day I arrived. I was really tired (didn’t sleep on the plane) and just waiting until a reasonable hour before crashing. I was so happy to be back in France, yet entirely exhausted. I love Mandelieu. I got to know the area a little better this time because I rented a car, and it hasn’t made me love it any less. The people are friendly. The food is amazing, and the scenery is breathtaking. You should go. -
What about me!?
Some UPN and WB bigwigs flew out several bloggers to the San Diego set of Veronica Mars so they could meet with Rob Thomas and the cast and get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this awesome show and then blog about their experiences afterwards. How come I wasn’t chosen? Huh? Huh? I blog about Veronica Mars! I’ve written about how hip the show is, how awesome the music selection is, how Rob Thomas is a genius for his ironic use of That’s Amore alone, how superb the acting is, how Jason Dohring and Harry Hamlin deserved Emmy nominations, how charismatic ALL of the actors are, how sublime the cast chemistry is (hello! something you can’t teach or write or even direct), how ballsy the writing is, and how crafty the storytelling is. I so should’ve been picked! Is it because my husband doesn’t get enough hits on his half of the website? (HA!) Is it because my husband works for Time Warner? (Well pooh on that!) Is it because I am a lesbian? (A cookie for everyone who gets that reference!)\
Anyway, it sounds like it was a neat-o experience and I am wicked jealous. Read one account here: duckyxdale (scroll down to March 1, 2006).\
For all those who’ve read my previous VM pimpage, tell me if you ever started watching the show and if so, what you think of it. Thanks. -
Mom #274,518
Tip: Women with PMS should not be allowed to run out of chocolate cake while their husbands are away.
Kevin returns when?
OMG, I broke Brian. He won’t stop crying!\
Ok, I didn’t really break him, but it is true that he won’t stop crying, which is unusual for him. He is being such a baby. Sheesh!\
Kevin is never allowed to leave again. -
Bad Mommy, proof # 6294
Everyday I have to wait at the bus stop for my kid, or the driver won’t let him off the bus (it is a kindergartener rule). Today, I was engrossed in Beauty and the Geek I had on tivo and missed leaving at my usual time. When I realized I was late, I fled out the door, barefoot, in my pj pants, the shirt I had slept in and a black sweater (with no bra on) and ran down to the stop. FYI- cold, uneven concrete hurts. I missed what the clock said so I didn’t really know what time it is. I didn’t know if I actually missed him. (I am usually really early and stand around for 10 minutes.) I also didn’t know if the bus would come back around again one more time before taking him back to school. I didn’t have a phone with me, so I couldn’t call the school and I was afraid to back and get the phone in case I missed the bus during this time. So, I was barefoot, dressed oddly, standing on the corner, in the winter and I got lots of strange looks. After awhile, I decided to chance heading back for my phone, constantly looking over my shoulder for the bus. I ran inside and grabbed the school’s phone number, my shoes, my phone, and my cellphone and ran back half way to the bus stop. My cellphone was dead, but luckily my real phone still worked at this distance. I called the school and the nice office lady told me the bus driver was bringing my son back to school. What, no second drive by? Come on! So, I thanked her and went back home. I had to change the baby and change my pants, put on some shoes (I forgot about a clean shirt and a bra) and off I went to claim my son. And then we went to Friendly’s.\
There were extenuating circumstances though. Brian woke up 2 hours later than normal, and it threw off my internal timeline. Since we hadn’t had snack and he hadn’t gotten cranky yet, I forgot to look at the clock.