• Winston the Badass

    Winston the Badass

    We went to the National Firearms Museum (it’s weird) on Saturday. I knew Winston Churchill was cool and all, but a badass? I never knew!

  • Free or Rich

    I was reading The True Story of Audion this morning, and this quote just leapt out at me:

    The lesson? It seems you can either be free to do anything you want, to create anything you dream of without answering to anyone, or you can be rich. You’re not likely to be both.

    I’m not sure why it did, but it has the ring of truth. I don’t really relate to working for myself, since I’ve worked for the Giant Triangle for my entire adult life (it’ll be a decade in May). But, I do understand freedom. I’ve carved out a nice little spot for myself here, and have a lot more freedom that other folks I know who do the same thing. I can inject myself in interesting projects or just do what’s expected (not that I ever do that).

    For example, I can get away with things like the pirate organization (which is going very well, I might add). I can get away with being in the W3C. I don’t know exactly how I did it, or I’d tell you.

    I answer to a lot of people, yet I still feel free. Why?

  • This Man Has A Secret


    I don’t know what his secret is, but it makes me laugh… long, and hard until tears squirt out the sides of my eyes, and boogers roll out of my nose. Yes, it’s booger-rollin’ funny.

  • New Favorite Song: Bonnie & Clyde

    I have a new favorite song: Bonnie & Clyde from Luna‘s Penthouse. The “Wooo-hooo-hooo” bits just make me smile, the beat, violins and cooler-than-thou sultry French lyrics (about Bonnie & Clyde, and Jesse James being dead) are just heaven to my ears.

    Luna is a recent discovery, and they’re just peachy. They’re jangly, punchy and poppy, without overdoing any of it. They strike the right balance (with few exceptions) between pop and moody alternative. The lyrics are fun without being overly introspective, and the beats are always toe-tapping. If you’ve never heard of them, go pick up Bewitched, Penthouse or Romantica. You won’t regret it.

    And completely unrelated to anything, someone found my site today while searching for “dudepants”. What did they find? They found one of my all-time favorite posts: Captain KangerDude. I love finding stuff I’ve written that I’d totally forgotten about…

  • Waiting is the Hardest Part

    The hardest part is the waiting. I’m giving a presentation on web standards (and revealing a pirate redesign of one of AOL’s big products) in 30 minutes. I’m sitting here in this empty conference room, which I got to an hour early to make sure all the equipment worked and that I could get the projector to do 1024×768. It all does, which I figured out in about ten minutes. That left me fifty minutes to sit here, by myself and get nervous.

    The thing is, I shouldn’t be nervous. I know this stuff inside and out. I’ve been standing on my soapbox for years now trying to get people to see the benefits of using web standards instead of “old school” tables, spacer gifs and non-breaking spaces. I could give this presentation in my sleep (and if you ask Jen, I probably have).

    I don’t know why I’m nervous, or if playing Morcheeba over the conference room sound system is helping (but it is kinda fun). I’ll let you know how it goes…

  • I’m Going, Are You?

    I just asked for approval from work to attend SXSW next year. Are you goin’? I am (I hope).

  • Blogging With Movable Type

    The first class has been posted, and the domain name is live. I’m so excited. I’m teaching a class (starting tomorrow, so register soon!) on Movable Type over at Eclectic Academy. If you’ve ever want to try out MT, and haven’t been able to install it, or have it installed and don’t know what to do with it now, then this class should help. The first class is all about installing it on your local computer to give you a functional sandbox so you can “practice” with the product before replacing a current blog, or getting appropriate hosting for it.

    So, if you’re interested, please go sign up. I’d appreciate it and stuff.

  • Lessons Learned

    Well, that was fun. Fun, as in not really fun, extremely stressful and heartbreaking. Congratulations to the winners, and a pat on the back for all the losers (including me). Before anyone starts thinking it, or assuming I think it, I don’t don’t think anyone “stole” this election. I think the GOP won it. I don’t like how they won it, but it was well within the rules and no dirtier than our side played it (from what I know now, you never know). I think everyone misjudged the fear that ran as an undercurrent of the election.

    What have I learned from this election? It sucks to lose. It sucks worse to lose when you’re personally invested. I hate losing. I’m not good at it. Today has been horrible, but tomorrow should be better. I told Daniel this morning, “I’m sorry. I tried.” I did. I wrote here about why everyone should vote for Kerry. I volunteered, although not enough. I could have done more. Next time, I will.

    Some good things happened because of this election. People who’ve never run for office ran, and some of them won. People who had completely checked out of the process woke up and voted. More people voted in this election than any in the last three decades. More people voted against Bush than have voted against any sitting president in history. Young people got involved in the process in record numbers, along with record numbers of minority voters. We, once again, have an engaged electorate. Hopefully, this means that some of the things politicians were able to get away with while the public was asleep won’t be so easy to pull off now (on both sides, I’m against chicanery in a bipartisan way). The more people watching and speaking up, the better.

    As bad as I feel today, I’m more committed than I was yesterday. Spending those three hours at the polls yesterday was energizing, an experience I’ll never forget. I was a part of the process, however small. Our district went for Kerry, one of only seven in Loudoun County. I’m surprisinged at how proud of that I am, even though I had very little to do with it. Instead of going away and hiding, I’m going to get more involved. I’m going to do more, not less. Next time, I don’t want any doubts about what more I could have done to help.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about activism, local politics and being part of a community – three things I’ve never really been involved in before. I’ve never felt like a part of something, like I belonged. I’ve written about that before in relation to Church, but I feel the same way about my community as well. Before living here, I’d never really lived anywhere long enough to put down roots. It’s time. It’s time to get involved. It’s time to stand up. Being an activist is a good thing. It means you’re active; you’re a part of a larger whole working for something you all believe in. It’s the only way things change. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

    I want to be a part of that group.

  • Small Consolations

    I just woke up, and apparently, the world’s gone crazy again. The one small consolation I can take from all of this is that our precinct went Kerry. A lone spot of blue in VA’s sea of red.

    UPDATE: Another small consolation: even though I spent last week eating out in California, my blood pressure is way down, and I lost seven pounds last month. Again, it’s a small consolation, but today, I’ll take whatever I can get.

  • Fearless Prediction

    I wanted to get this down before the polls close, and would have done it sooner, but Jen had to go get her hair cut (looks fabulous, by the way), and Brian was cranky. I haven’t seen any exit polls, so this is the same prediction I made last week in California, and the same prediction I made to anyone who would listen.

    Kerry is going to win, and it’s not going to be that close. He’ll be outside the “margin of litigation” in Florida and Ohio, and will probably take a couple surprise states like Arizona or Virginia and maybe Arkansas. He’ll get more than 300 electoral votes, and we’ll know tonight who the winner is.

    There you go. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong; but, I believe this one. I’ve never felt more strongly about an election, and I actually got a little choked up after voting this morning, and then leaving the polling place this afternoon after volunteering. The Republican presence was almost non-existant, and they had no visible Get Out The Vote activities going on. The Democrats were mobilized, organized and dedicated, some volunteers getting there this morning at 5:30 and staying until 2. If we lose, it won’t be because we did anything wrong, or missed an opportunity.