• A Title Change

    I’m thinking of changing the name of my site from the current: “Lawver.net: Spacemen Fighting With Pointed Sticks”, which I think is still funny, to “Lawver.net: So Ten Minutes Ago”. I spend so much time at work and with family that I’m about ten minutes behind the rest of the world when it comes to writing about the news, sports, etc on this site. I think it fits…

    Maybe I’ll redesign around that. It will be hard to part with my spaceman, but I think I’ll manage.

  • iChat U 2

    Ok, my favorite new feature in OS 10.2 has go to be iChat. They’ve outdone the AIM client in almost every way. It’s gorgeous in that iTunes kinda way, and the Rendezvous thing looks like it will be a lot of fun. The only problem is the fact that I think I’m the only person on my floor using it, and well, that means my Rendezvous window is empty. The thought baloons are cute, and I think might start to annoy me eventually. For now, they’re a nice departure from the same old thing. Thankfully, you can shut them off and go back to formatting them as regular old IM’s.

  • Burn, Baby, Burn!

    I’ve never been, but even all the way back in 1993, I wanted to. I’ve never been quite unbusy or crazy enough to make it, but you can see why I’d want to go. Doesn’t Burning Man look like fun?

  • Design Happy

    Senor Brown has gone design happy. I think this is the what, fourth new design since Saturday? I know the feeling. I’m starting to feel the urge to rebuild this site, and see what I can do keeping the same HTML and just changing the Style Sheet.

    My jaw really hurts. I got through some Lo Mein and egg drop soup, but since I didn’t eat for almost 12 hours in the middle of the day, I’m still hungry (ok, also the fact that I’m almost ALWAYS hungry).

    I should go to bed, but I’m waiting (in vain) for the Motrin to kick in. While waiting, I’ll let y’all in on what I hinted at over the weekend. They finally announced it to the work world, so I’ll announce it here: I got a big promotion last week. The best part is that I didn’t see it coming. I am now a senior software engineer. How crazy is that?

  • Feelings… Nothing More Than… Ouch, Crap, Ouch!

    The feeling is coming back now (lo, four hours after being numbed) and it hurts. If I didn’t have a meeting in an hour, I would so be home whining to Max and Jen now.

  • Oh, the Drilling, Sucking and Burning (oh, the burning)

    This weekend, I cleaved a corner off one of my molars. Thankfully, it didn’t hurt much, and I didn’t even notice it had happened until I noticed a really sharp edge on the tooth with my tongue. I spent all weekend trying to avoid the sharp tooth and rubbing my tongue raw in my sleep.

    I called the dentist this morning and thanks to a cancellation, got in this morning. After X-Rays and probing, I now have to have a root canal. Today, he took the nerves out, and gave me a temporary filling. He numbed me extremely well. I can’t feel the left side of my face from chin to sideburns, half my tongue, or anything on the left side of my mouth. It was great while I was in the chair. I didn’t feel a thing.

    Next week: a root canal. I can’t wait.

  • Like, Oh My Gosh!

    My adorable sister is going to play a valley girl in a one act play. I can’t wait to see it. If there’s one thing my sister isn’t (and I’m not surprised there’s only one thing, for she is so many things), it’s a valley girl. It will show her true acting talent. That, and it will make me laugh until I wet myself.

  • Amazonians Unclear on the Concept

    Amazon.com is great. It allows people who’ve used a product to rate and review it so I can make a more informed decision. This system is especially useful when buying video games (yes, I broke down yesterday and bought a PS2). But, I’ve noticed an annoying trend. Games that no one outside of the company creating the game and a small number of beta testers haven’t played yet have ratings. Adventurous psychic souls have rated games that aren’t coming out for sometimes months in advance. For example, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter sounds like a great game. You can’t rate the concept of a game before playing a game. If you look a the concept for one of the most popular video games of all time: a yellow circle eats small dots, gets chased by ghosts, and for short periods of time gets to chase those ghosts after eating a slightly larger dot. There, that sounds pretty crappy, doesn’t it? The same with classics like Super Mario Brothers, etc. People, people, people, you’re screwing up a great system. Amazon, please don’t allow people to rate items before they come out, or at least wipe the slate clean once the item is released. It artificially skews the rating for premonitions to count the same as real-world experience.

    Ok, I’m done… and by the way, Jak and Daxter is amazing. The world is huge, and loads of fun to explore.

  • Why Blog?

    With a sister who blogs, I now don’t even have to recap my day; she’s already done it. Now, Max is going to help me by typing. We’re sitting here watching Blue’s Clues, and I decided to use the time to check my mail. Bad idea. He wants to “help me”. Here is the product of his “help”:

    STOP !