• I’ve been an opionated little

    I’ve been an opionated little bugger this week, haven’t I?

  • I’m fighting the inevitable. My

    I’m fighting the inevitable. My PC has been running the same installation of Windows 2000 for over a year now. I have a RedHat partition I never use now that I have my wonderBox running Linux. My machine’s starting to drag. It’s losing its pep. There are programs hanging around that refuse to uninstall. Weird things are happening. It’s time to sign the DNR (Delete n’ Reinstall). It’s time to repartition with one big partition, because I have lots of other hard drive to back things up on. It’s time to start fresh.

    Maybe next week…

  • The cobra will bite

    The cobra will bite you whether you call him cobra or Mr. Cobra.

    Indian Proverb
  • I don’t see what all

    I don’t see what all the fuss is about. If it’s a news program and it’s impartial and objective then what’s the problem? If our kids understand that not everyone believes the same thing, and that not everyone in the world has the same family life, how is that bad? If Nick gives the information, and parents provide context and their own spin, I think it’s a great opportunity to warp your kid’s life however you want. If you let them watch it and then say all those people are going to hell for being weird and unholy, go right ahead. Or, how about you let them watch it, and let them decide for themselves? Or, if you’re so weak you can’t handle exposing yourself to anything outside your small sphere of belief, then don’t watch it at all. Go watch Reverend Jerry or Pat tell you all the bad things that happen in the world were caused by those dirty non-believers. Don’t let your children learn. Keep them bottled up and frustrated. Make them xenophobic.

    It’s like the whole creationist argument. If you run around you whole life with your fingers in your ears screaming that Genesis 1 is the way it is, end of story, then I don’t think you’re giving God enough credit. You’re reading a chapter that’s been rewritten, translated, edited, and futzed with for thousands of years. If you’re reading the New International House of Pancakes Student Edition with Genderless Pronouns and With Liberal Use of the Word ‘Dude’ edition of the Bible anyway, how can you trust what you’re reading anyway? How can you be absolutely positive it didn’t start, “And the first day, God sat down at a drafting table with a box of freshly sharpened pencils, a big pad of paper, a cup of cocoa and started doodling. And God saw that his doodles were good. And that the was the beginning and end of the first day except when God went to get the paper. On the second day, God did rewrites. On the third day, God showed them to Jesus and Jesus nodded, smiled and then giggled when he got to the platypus. God was pleased at the giggle and nod and said, ‘Go forth and build me this place so man might be.’”

    The world is small; God is big and wise; the universe is apparently infinite in all directions; our belief systems should be able to compensate for knowledge. I accept that evolution might very well be true. It makes sense to me. I also believe that even if evolution happened exactly like Charlie laid it out, that I also believe that God designed it that way. I am not so proud to think that my ancestors ran around naked swinging from trees and were hunted by large beasties with gigantic teeth. I’m ok with that, and it makes the story much more interesting than the mother of humanity being made from a rib. I believe that people are different for a reason. Everyone has the right to think what they want, do what they please, make the choices they make. It’s called free will, and it’s our greatest gift. Now, if you think you should kill people and then go do it, society has the right to throw you in a little room or fry you in a chair with a pat of butter. But, you’re welcome to think it. And I’m welcome to think you’re a freak. You also have every right to think that homosexuality or any number of other things is wrong, but don’t you think your kids should at least be aware of it? If you don’t teach your kids about the world, they won’t learn how to make decisions. If they have all the facts, and understand the consequences of their choices, then you’ve done what you can. It’s up to them to use their free will and decide for themselves. Just arm them with all the information you can get your hands on and let ’em go.

    So, there you go… I’ve rambled enough. I should get back to work.

  • There’s nothing like coming in

    There’s nothing like coming in to work and running from the start. It’s 11am now, and I’ve been working on fire after fire since 8:45. It’s satisfying but exhausting. It’s time for a nap, I think. Has anyone else noticed that I post a lot more now that I’m using mozBlog?

  • Wilson said she was concerned

    Wilson said she was concerned the combination of revealing clothing and suggestive dancing could lead to sexual assaults. So, instead of fearing sexual assaults commited by others, she went and committed one herself. That’s pre-emptive administrating, folks!

  • In the interest of fairness,

    In the interest of fairness, David Coursey has posted part two of his Linux Journey. This article is much better than his first, and I actually agree with a lot of his points. I love Linux because of it’s power, customization options, and its overall geek-appeal, the same things that make it a bad choice for people who want “ease-of-use” right out of the box. Linux is fun. It’s a tinkerers world, full of more options than anyone will ever have the time to tweak, and that’s the joy. It can be and do anything if you have the time to figure it out. You can take the core of Linux and put it in a phone, a toaster, a PDA, a satellite, a settop box, a PC, a Mac, an e-mail server, a dual-processor web server up to the largest virtual multi-processor super-machine at the NSA. Linux is great, but not great at everything, and that’s part of its charm.

  • My post about the whole

    My post about the whole CIA thing yesterday was a little disjointed, mostly because I was upset about work, and just couldn’t handle any more bad news. I need to go back and read 1984, but doesn’t this all strike you as being vaguely familiar? Jen and I went and saw Sum of All Fears on Saturday. The movie made me angry. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief enough to think that a president would fold under the pressure so quickly and go nuclear (or as GW says, nucular) without at least first getting communication with the folks on the ground and figuring out what was going on.

    And then, I read that George W. Bush has signed an executive order making it clear he wants to “remove” a head of state. I didn’t think you needed an executive order for that sort of thing, especially if the CIA is going to be carrying it out. It just seems like a plot point in a bad Tom Clancy book, or even worse, a bad Tom Clancy movie.

  • I like OS X. Why?

    I like OS X. Why? I like my bad news anti-aliased.