• Jen’s dad made it here

    Jen’s dad made it here safely. Max put on quite a show for his Grandpa, making a mess at dinner, running around the house naked after his bath and saying “Bye!” to everyone and everything. What a cutie.

    He’s asleep and Jen and her dad are upstairs watching JAG, which I can’t bear to watch. It’s just so… CBS. There’s something wrong with most shows on that network. They’re too sappy, goofy and simple for me. Especially JAG. What a piece of crap.

  • If you’ve ever wondered what

    If you’ve ever wondered what kind of people oppressive theocracy breeds, now you know. And all in 12 panels. Thanks, Carol Lay.

    I know I’ve been plugging The Norm way too much, and it’s great. But, if you’ve never checked out the daily comics at Salon.com, you’re missing out. There’s something different Monday – Thursday, and they’re all great (I never got into The Dark Hotel, their Friday thing).

  • Take Two

    I’m going to try this post again because I’m up watching this game and don’t feel like going to bed yet. It’s time, once again, for the Lawver.net Weekend TV Review:

    1. Once and Again: I admit it, I’m a girl. I love this show, probably even more than my wife. We both agree that the best shows are the ones that revolve around the kids, and this was a great one. I’ve never seen a better ensemble of young actors before, and may never again. The kids in this show convey deep emotions with such reality that I’m at a loss to even describe it. If you don’t watch this show, you should.
    2. The Cell: I watched this alone Saturday morning while everyone was napping. This movie isn’t on the level of Seven or Silence of the Lambs. Not even the level below it. But, it does have some redeeming qualities. The imagery in the dream world is great, alternatingly gorgeous and disturbing. The problems lie in the acting. Vincent D’Onofrio is otherworldly as usual, and pulls off his part well. Jennifer Lopez though… she should stick to acting. She was horrible: wooden and lifeless when she should have been the most appealing and human character in the movie.
    3. Iron Chef – Lamb Battle: The title says it all. Only this show would have the guts to call a cooking competition a “battle”. This show is camp at its finest. The draw isn’t in the cooking, which is always a nice side-effect, but not the main draw. The best parts: the bad translations, which include eating sounds like slurping, talking with food in the mouth and heavy swallowing, the hilarious outfits of the “chairman” of kitchen stadium, and the mock solemnity of the whole affair. Way too much fun.
  • Oh, and I forgot one

    Oh, and I forgot one for Dave’s list: When Good Muslims Go Bad – still on the “Bad Fox Special” theme.

    And here’s the worst one I can think of, to the tune of that old camp song: “Hello Mullah. Hello Osama. You ‘ttacked us, so we bombed ya! Hope we catch ya. Hope we kill ya. That’s what you get for bein’ evil.” It works with the rhythm… got some rhyming problems. But, that’s ok. I’m still proud of it.

  • Blogger ate my post. It

    Blogger ate my post. It was a good one too, all about stuff I don’t want to talk about and the crap I watched on TV this weekend. You’ll just have to imagine my witticisms, as I’m not going to retype them. Why? I’m a selfish jerk. Yup, I am. I admit it.

  • I love contributing to lists…

    I love contributing to lists… Maybe when I get tired of this code thing, I can freelance for Letterman and all those “special” magazine issues.

  • What is it about fart

    What is it about fart stories that make bad days all better?

    I won’t even go into the events of the weekend or today… needless to say, I need another weekend.

  • Goin’ ta redesign – Yes,

    Goin’ ta redesign – Yes, yes I am. I want something lighter and a little different. I’ve been playing with the idea of using Fisher Price little people in some way, I just haven’t figured out how. My mom brought out all my old toys for Max, and one of his favorites is my old Little People house and its inhabitants. They include the bald green guy, Donna Reed, a butler in a tux and tophat, two little kids, an Indian chief and a construction worker (both part of that classic Little People collection, the Village People Backstage Baccanal Playset). Stay tuned… it should get interesting.

  • Wow, yes another cool blogger

    Wow, yes another cool blogger has linked to me! I don’t believe it! And it’s Open Brackets, one of my faves to boot!