• Pumpkin Muffin!

    I’ve been trying for weeks to come up with a cute and witty intro to this post, and I just can’t. So here I go…\
    Our good friends, Tom and Becky, are looking to adopt. You can check out their pertinent and personal info here: Tom and Becky.\
    While reading about their effort to adopt, it just struck me that maybe someone reading this blog might know Pumpkin Muffin, (their pet name for their future child). Kevin’s half of this blog gets so many visitors, I wanted to take the opportunity to spread the word about Tom and Becky’s search. Maybe one of you reading this knows of a woman looking for adoptive parents. If so, click on the link above and see if there is a possible match. Thanks.\
    A bit about Tom and Becky- They are well-educated, generous, intelligent, family-oriented, and fun-loving. Becky actually introduced me to Kevin, who turned out to be my Prince Charming. Wouldn’t it be nice if I were to facilitate Becky meeting her own little prince (or princess)?

  • A Kidless Father’s Day

    The boys are up in Virginia with my parents, so this was my first kidless Father’s Day in the last nine years. Jen took good care of me though. She made orange rolls for breakfast, made some amazing beef stew for dinner and watched guy TV with me all day. I finished putting the grill together (we’re trying it out tonight – steaks!), worked on Ficly and generally goofed off. The boys called and we got to chat for a while – they’re have a great time being spoiled rotten by their grandparents and aunt and uncle.

  • Ficly.com is the place to be

    Wow, I am really amazed at the reception the new site has received. Way to go, men!

  • What a difference 599.2 miles make…

    Max had NINE family members at his preschool graduation. Brian only had me. Even so, Brian’s graduation on Friday was adorable. The kids wore paper graduation hats, with glittery tassels. They sang songs and recited some of the things they had learned over the year. The kids were well behaved as they sat and waited for their name to be called to go shake hands with the teachers and receive their diploma. I’ll be sure to post pics, as soon as Kevin comes home with the camera and we have Brian reenact the moment.\
    Graduation was totally moot though because over half the class is staying for another year of preschool. Plus, of those kids going on to kindergarten, most are staying for the summer program, which is in the same classroom with the same teacher. So, graduation (and cake!) on Friday, back to school on Monday.

  • Ficly

    It’s not done, but I nagged Jason enough so we’ve launched it anyway!! I present to you, my dear readers… Ficly. There’s a long story to tell about how any why Ficly came to be and why we couldn’t leave well enough alone. I might as well tell it.\
    Building ficlets, for both Jason and me, was the best experience of our professional lives (he told me that, anyway, and I believe him). We had total freedom to do the right thing, which is rare, especially at AOL. We, along with Ari, Cindy and Jenna, built something beautiful. And then, it all sort of went weird. Everyone eventually left AOL, and I was left alone to keep the site kind of up and running even though I’d been told I wasn’t allowed to work on it anymore. Then, I left AOL last summer to go work at Music Intelligence Solutions on stuff I’d never done before.\
    In December, AOL announced that ficlets would be shut down. I went and created the ficlets memorial, because it would be criminal to let all those stories just disappear. A bunch of valiant souls still inside AOL battled hard to get the company to either give me ficlets outright or donate it to a non-profit – it obviously didn’t happen. Jason and I e-mailed back and forth a few times about how sad it was to see ficlets die and that we really should do something about it. But, who’s got the time?\
    It was Jason who pushed until I agreed. Jason got Tom Osborne and Owen Shifflett from Viget Labs to jump in and save the day (because you really don’t want me designing anything). They designed what you see on the site, and it’s more than I could have hoped. Our pal Joe helped out when he could, and I worked a couple hours at night during the week and a few hours on weekends when I wasn’t working late at the office. Five months later, and several helping hands later, here we are.\
    I’m extremely happy with how it’s turned out, and with the reaction from the community so far. We wouldn’t have built Ficly if the ficlets community wasn’t so great. We did it for them, and because we have a lot of fun working together – even when it’s over e-mail.\
    I don’t think of Ficly as a “side” project and we’re certainly not a startup. Ficly is an art project. We built it out of love – and a passion for fostering creativity. I think Jason put it best in an e-mail, “My job isn’t building web pages. It’s delivering happiness by the kilobyte.”\
    I don’t know where Ficly goes from here. I know I have a laundry list of stuff I wanted to do on ficlets that we’ll probably get around to eventually. For now, it feels good to have done what we’ve done so far. It was hard making time for it, but I’m glad we did.

  • My favorite time of the year

    Before I went to the grocery store today, I had eight different types of fresh fruit in the house (and I didn’t count faux-fruit like tomatoes or cucumbers). YAY Spring!

  • Something’s Gotta Give

    Tuesday Night Happenings for Chez Lawver:\
    Art show at SCAD (featuring work from elem schools. Max wants to go and submit something), 5-7\
    Pick up Kevin from work, 5:15\
    Retrieve van from auto shop, 5:30\
    Brian soccer, 5:30-6:30\
    International Night at Max’s school, 6-7:30\
    Max karate, 6:45-7:30\
    Jen’s head explodes, 8:05\
    Kevin cleans up mess, 9:15

  • Excuse me while I go throw up.

    From an article at CNN.com about Brown University, “For this year’s graduates, tuition and expenses came to a four-year total of about \$180,000 each.”

  • He’s FIVE!

    Brian's mighty yowp

    Saturday was Brian’s birthday. There is a growing set of photos from his party. I could use another weekend to recover from this one.

  • What’s Happened to the Boy Scouts?

    They’re now training Explorer scouts to ‘combat terrorism’. That’s crazy. As a wee bit of backstory, I’m an Eagle Scout. I was a Cub Scout and in scouting from age 8 to about 17 when I was a junior assistant scoutmaster. I got my Eagle when I was fourteen and was an Explorer.\
    I can’t imagine what the point of this is other that a bunch of macho jackasses being, well, macho jackasses – and passing it on to kids. It’s just sad that Scouting has come to this; I’m not sure what else to say about it other than I’m disappointed and that my kids won’t follow me into Scouting.