The minute after Brian gets out of the bath, he finds the closest marker and draws all over his face. Grrrrr.
Wanna be a Big Shot?
Kevin and I are playing TV Big Shot at Television Without Pity. It is a fantasy tv ratings prediction game similar to fantasy football. Our shows are:\
Back to You\
Kitchen Nightmares\
The Biggest Loser\
Anyone else playing the game? -
No wonder I liked Angel so much.
Salon’s big article of the day: People of Paradox.
Mormons are not creationists
Say what? Since when? I’ve only been to church a handful of times in the last two years, but they didn’t change something this major and not tell me, right?
Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater
About a month ago, I gushed about how awesome Big Brother was this season. Murphy’s Law dictates that when a show starts out so freakingly good that it must crash and burn before the end, (Lost anyone?), so of course Big Brother had to totally blow chunks as this season came to a close. I’m not going to go over the specifics except to say: Dick cheated!! On camera! There is proof. I saw it with my own little eyes!! Booo to CBS and the suits behind the show for not ejecting Dick immediately. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.\
Aww, MSNBC agrees with me.\
And an even bigger BOO to Kraft and the NFL for not firing or, dammit, at least suspending, New England Patriot’s head coach Brian Belichick. His assistant got caught cheating, Belichick admitted to it, and he barely got a slap on the wrist? Are you FRAKIN kidding me? -
Rambling account of protest march
Here is my free-flowing account of the Stop the War/Impeach Bush protest held on Saturday in DC. You can read Salon’s coverage here. I really appreciated the opportunity (and knowing about it beforehand) so that I could do something. I’ve been feeling so powerless lately that shouting for a day made me feel better. Having never been to anything like this before, it was a great learning experience.\
I went with friends which made the experience very enjoyable, as there was a lot of waiting, standing around, and walking. It was part neighborhood festival, part sight-seeing tour, and part social studies lesson. We people-watched. We listened to the speakers. We marched. We had nice conversations with those around us. We looked at and appreciated cool buildings (the White House looks so much smaller in person, I guess tv really does add ten pounds). We took a ton of pictures of us and the other protesters. We chatted and caught up with each other as well as discussed the different topics of the day. We chanted and took turns holding up a sign that read, “Support the Troops: Bring them home now.” I wondered where Susan Sarandon was.\
Seeing the different homemade signs was cool, funny, and poignant. One sign read, “Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.” Some called the war a class war and others asked how many gallons of oil a liter of blood was worth. Some signs were dedicated to dead soldiers. Some called Bush and Cheney evil (“Cheney/Voldemort ’08” is the one I remember the best). A lot of signs called for impeachment (which, thank you). Most signs reflected the idea of supporting the troops AND ending the war. One sign read, “Read Chomsky.” My favorite sign was “Supporting peace is not unpatriotic.”\
There was a big age range of participants, everyone from grandparents to students and a handful of kids and tots. There was a Santa; a guy in camo, smeared in fake blood; a 12 foot tall figure dressed as war; a fake Bush and Cheney or two. Tons of veterans. A lot of out-of-towners. There were a few tourists who happened to wander into our midst as they tried to cross the street against the mass. A lot of older women. A lot of banners that went off of the “stop the Iraq war” agenda (as did some of the speakers), which led to me wondering what kind of tangents were raised at the Civil Rights march where King made his famous speech (Maybe, “BTW, school lunches suck”?).\
There are estimates that one million Iraqis have been killed.\
Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General, and the head of, listed some of the reasons for impeachment:- Criminal negligence after Katrina.
- Intentionally and knowingly LYING to the people, Congress, and the world about reasons for war.
- Detaining American citizens without charges or counsel. (Hello, Constitution? Where are you?)
- Sanctioning torture.
- Illegal wire-tapping, illegally ignoring judicial authority. (Yoo-hoo, Constitution? Still can’t find you.)
- Attorney General/Gonzales firings scandal.\
Cindy Sheehan talked about how she “retired” from this, and it was heartbreaking to hear. After all her efforts, she felt like nothing was being accomplished. People would march and yell and then go home and watch a football game. (I wonder how my fantasy football team did. The Redskins are playing tonight- Woot!) She came back though and encouraged everyone to participate in more civil disobedience. She wanted us to “stand up and lie down!” She also encouraged soldiers to refuse to fight. Which, no. That is a capital offense.\
There was a lot of questioning of the government, Bush, Cheney, Pelosi, Obama, and Congress. There was a lot of “preaching to the choir”. (But the crowd drew the media, so I guess some of the speeches were a good thing.) There was a teeny tiny bit of harsh words exchanged with the anti-anti-war people, but not by me. One of the anti-anti-war signs read, “Casey Sheehan would be on our side”. See how I was nice and didn’t call them pro-war? There was one guy- one!-selling soft pretzels and cold water right in the middle of the marchers’ path. As we were listening to the speeches and then marching, I couldn’t see the end of the people, even when higher up. There were so many people there it was amazing.\
At the Capital, we saw the Iraq war veterans do the mock funeral to start the “die-in” and saw the first person get arrested. We left after that. I am disappointed at the media’s coverage of this, since I don’t know what happened to the one thousand other people who signed up to participate. (ETA- I’ve since read 160 were arrested.)\
Honestly, I am unsure about the point of those who got arrested. They were arrested for crossing police lines. We were fine on the walkway leading to the Capital steps and the front lawn. Many many people lied down on the lawn. But some protesters crossed the line, which is when they were arrested. Did these people really-super-badly want to protest on that specific piece of property or did they simply want to be arrested? Some civil disobedience makes sense to me: chaining yourself to a tree so that it won’t be cut down; not sitting in the back of the bus to protest civil rights’ differences; blocking the path to abortion clinics (which I don’t agree with). These acts have an easy-to-understand relationship between the crime and the protest. But wanting to lie down on a certain piece of property doesn’t make sense to me. I fully concede that I may be missing something vital to their rationale. I went to the website though, and didn’t learn anything.\
There was a physical kerfluffle with several people being taken down by the statue/monument thingie in front of the Capital after the die-in started, but I don’t know the details because I was in the port-o-potty at the time.\
We saw a couple of dozen police on horses, a dozen on bikes, and a few dozen more hanging around by their cars. They weren’t bothering anyone and it was nice to see them since I wasn’t intending any skirmishes.\
As we left the area and walked towards the Washington Monument, I asked my friends to pretend to be international spies when we got to the other side of the Monument. But we didn’t walk that far, so that plan was nixed.\
Max was disappointed he didn’t go and asked if he could go to the next one. He also wants to set up an anti-war website and have his own protest march. After I tucked him into bed, he said, “If the war ends while I am asleep, can you write a note and put it on my door?”\
I don’t think this will change anything. More and more people are starting to speak out though, so maybe eventually things will change. Maybe all it will take is a new president. One sign read, “Only 142 days [or whatever the right number is] to impeach Bush.”\
My parents are proud of me though, which is still cool even though I am 33. My mom assured me that protests against the Vietnam War are what finally brought the troops home. There are more marches and protests planned: one urging Congress to not renew funding (we’re spending \$2 billion a week is one figure I heard), one involving meditating for peace, and there are synchronized regional ones in late Oct in which they are hoping to get a million people involved all over the nation.
It’s my favorite time of the year.
Kevin twittered that the world was upside down because he wasn’t playing fantasy football this year but I am. Ha. Today is my first game. (We’re being fashionably late.) Here are my starters, for now:\
Marc Bulger, QB, St Louis\
Torry Holt, WR, St Louis\
Santana Moss, WR, Washington\
Joseph Addai, RB, Indianapolis\
Laurence Maroney, RB, New England\
Clinton Portis, RB, Washington\
Tony Gonzalez, TE, Kansas City\
Shayne Graham, K, Cincinnati\
and the Baltimore defense.\
I am not sure how I feel about having both Marc Bulger and Torry Holt. If Bulger has a bad day, that could mean two of my players having low numbers. Hmmm. (Peter King from suggests I get ride of Bulger. Should I listen?)\
I am sticking with the Ravens even though Ray Lewis is injured. I just need to give the guys a pep talk and they’ll come through for me.\
I had Josh Scobee as my starting kicker until I noticed a blurb about him being hurt. Phew, saw that in time to make a change. When did this injury happen and how come I just learned about it today? Is this a sign of me being a bad manager already?\
ETA- I just saw the coolest commercial. It was for a toy car running around on a track, like the Hot Wheels stuff that has been around for ages, but this was for girls. It was pink and had kickass chicks driving. Girls rule!! -
I’m home.
I made it back from the protest march safe and sound. Kevin put up some pictures on flickr. Go to the “photos” link above and clicky.\
The experience was interesting and great and sad and frustrating.\
CNN has some pictures up: Number six is my favorite as it shows what I felt. I couldn’t see the front of the group or the back, even when higher up. -
My imaginary sign reads, “Impeach Bush Now!!”
I am goin’ protesting tomorrow! Wish me luck that I don’t get lost on my way to the meeting point. What does one wear to a protest?\
Kevin and the boys bailed on me. I am really disappointed too. I was hoping this could be a great family experience, but the boys got a better offer (trip to grandma’s house) and Kevin’s ankle is too sore. I am also really disappointed that I will be out of the house while the boys are gone. I should be at home, reveling in their absence! Oh my, cleaning is so much faster and efficient during those times. And I am missing the opportunity. Poooo. -
The Great Stache Off Continues
I’m posting daily photos of the ‘stache’s progress. Today marks the beginning of the return of the ‘stache lovingly known as The Cletus. The sideburns may follow, but I’ll have to go to the judges and see if that’s allowed in the rules.\
It’s never too late to donate , but why wait? It’s all for saving testicles from cancer. Please, think of all the nuts you’ll be saving (and their balls)! -
I’m stealing the Cheers and Jeers idea
Cheers to this awesome \$30 rug. \$30!! I couldn’t believe the price and it looks fabulous in my house. I am sort of afraid to use it though, because the kids are only going to mess it up. I have actually been thinking about getting a second one as a backup.\
Cheers to the Redskins for winning. I am really surprised they did so though.\
Jeers to Loudoun County Parks and Rec. I’ve been miffed at them ever since the receptionist gave me false information which made me miss out on registering Brian for preschool. Today’s Jeer however is because their online registration system is showing classes from 2 years ago. For about 45 minutes, I was so excited to find a preschool opening… until I realized it was from 2005.