Author: Kevin Lawver

  • TV Talk

    According to Salon: NBC will also restructure its early prime-time programming to focus on cheaper, unscripted shows like reality series and game shows.\
    Uggg. Really, more reality crap? It’s like we’re in the Dark Ages of TV. Yes, there are bright spots, but waaaay too many reality shows already. It sounds like NBC is throwing in the towel. Which is so much funnier after this week’s Studio 60.\
    Heroes– Everyone, including Kev, keep saying how awesome this show is. All I see is The 4400 without the interesting bits. So much melodrama. The politician and the stripper bore me to tears. As do the painter, the dr’s son, and the cute neighbor. Milo V’s hair is too distracting for me to be bored by him. I am totally into the chubby cop and the Asian guy. More time with them, please! It’s like the writer had a great mini series planned, and then the studio told him to stretch it out to three times its needed length. There is way too much talk, talk, talk, whine, whine, whine, going on.\
    Battlestar Galatica– Not a fan of the premiere, am bored by the Iraq War parallel, and want the peeps back on a spaceship where they belong! Think it is amazingly ballsy of the writers to have that one guy in a fat suit for so long. Not much greatness going on, imo. Still love their use of music though.\
    Veronica Mars– I am not sure what to write. It is an entertaining show. Watching with Kevin is awesome because he laughs at the great one-liners and just enjoys it for what it is. But, it isn’t the same kind of show it was in its first season. And it never will be. I just need to readjust my expectations. I still heart Rob Thomas, so I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer. But, for my street cred to remain intact (HA! Come on, laugh, it’s ok), I must be honest. We’ll always have season one, though, and that is the single best season of television ever!\
    Gilmore Girls– I was a fan of Luke/Lorelai until they butchered them last season. While it is sometimes true that two very different people would have problems being in a relationship together, it doesn’t necessarily make for good or successful TV. I am also a fan of the Chris/Lorelai pairing. (Call me fickle!) I wish the writers had killed off Luke(because I didn’t want to see the relationship fail, but it couldn’t realistically be successful either), and then Lorelai could have eventually gotten with Chris. I’ve heard the actor who plays Luke is a pain in the ass and most of these plot lines are so Lauren Graham doesn’t have to work with him as much. If that is true, they should either fire him or tell them all to grow up and do their job.\
    You know what else isn’t good TV? Logan on the phone in every scene he is in. That got old during the first episode. Please let something interesting happen.\
    I think that is all of the TV shows I watch. What have you been watching lately?

  • Smiles Sheepishly

    Soooooooooo, tonight’s Supernatural wasn’t quite up to the awesomeness that it had been exhibiting. Every show is allowed a down episode or two, right? (Remember “Beer bad?”) Sadly, there wasn’t even a cool ‘previously’ like usual. Poo!\
    But, hey, there were some great one-liners and some awesome moments. A Duckie reference! Hee. “It’s your grief counselors! We’ve come to hug!” Ha! Walking in on your brother watching porn? “Awkward” and priceless. But, that scene has probably happened once a week to those two. Yay for the show being mostly realistic about boys and sex.\
    For those who liked the episode- rock on! Cuz this show is seriously much much better than this one, so it’s like gravy for you. For those who didn’t like the episode- stick around! Cuz this show is seriously much much better than this one.

  • Supernaturally Sound

    A friend of mine wrote this recently, after she mainlined the first season of Supernatural in one week, and it amuses me to no end:

    This show BOWLED me over.\
    You have no idea how much time The Sis and I spent mocking this thing all year. And now I feel like I totally owe an apology to everyone I’ve ever made fun of for watching this show. ‘Cause it’s fuckin’ fabulous.\
    Honestly, before this fall, the only thing I had ever heard anyone say about **Supernatural** was that it was The Pretty Boys Show, leading me to believe that was ALL the show had to offer. I’ve never been to partial to the typical ‘cardboard-cut-out’ pretty boys in my television which is why I never checked it out before. But after finally going through it for myself, I have to say, it’s a crying shame that the series has been marked as such. Because the show is actually great in its own right. THERE IS SO MUCH HERE FOR ME TO LOVE.

    YEA, BABY! I want my apology spelled out in Oreos. Heh. Oh, and hey! Supernatural is on tonight (Thursday), on The CW at 9pm EST. Cool, huh?

  • Contest

    Vote for #8 for a friend of a friend: Flying Spaghetti Monster contest. Yea, I got hella cool friends.

  • WOWee

    Kevin came home at a decent time last night and we ate dinner all together. Later, Kevin and I sat together for over an hour while we watched tv. Baby, life is good.

  • Channel Frederator Is The Bestest

    You absolutely have to download this week’s Channel Frederator. Why? The first short is unreal, and the main character looks like the internet’s own Jon Morris!\
    Channel Frederator is the show that turned me on to video podcasts. It’s chock-full of indy animation (uneven at times, but there are usually at least two gems per show) and it’s funny. You know how I love funny…

  • Oh, Damn.

    I wish I had seen it: Cardinals choke, cuz I am evil that way. Instead, I was in bed by 7:30 nursing a headache the size of Mt Rushmore.\
    This interview with Kristen Bell (from Veronica Mars) cracks me up, mostly because of the things she’s not saying and the new clarity on the things she’s been saying for years. She just won’t give up. Hee. And, hey, Veronica Mars is on tonight. Cool!

  • The Evils of document.write

    As a developer who works on a site where users can paste in all manner of crappy code from all corners of the web, I’m here to beg. Please, for the love of all that is holy, it’s time to stop using document.write. Yes, I know that it’s being used in the header and footer on AIM Pages, but we own that page (and we’re not going to be doing it for long). Your code has to live all over the web, if say, you’re the Flickr badge. There are so many other, better, ways to do the same thing, there’s no reason to use document.write.\
    It’s old and evil, a lot like Dick Cheney. Yes, it will shoot your friend in the face and sneer all the time. You don’t want to code like Dick Cheney, do you?

  • California, There I Went

    I spent the first part of this week in Mountain View for a CSS Working Group meeting. Cindy and I tried to document the atrocities in a photographic manner, but Cindy did a much better job than I did. If you really feel like scarring your retinas, this’ll do the trick (it’s me doing the hula… scary).\
    It was a good meeting. Progress was made on a couple of things near and dear to my heart (that will change the way we build web products in a few years, honest), and it was nice to see so many people there. I also go to go to Hobee’s a couple times, and we went and got breakfast burritos at Burrito Real (best since Tucson, and Tucson has the best burritos in the world).\
    Unfortunately, I ended up spending 9 hours arguing about CSS, and then another three or four each night writing it, reading it, or answering questions about it (oh, and DOM stuff and plowing through three hundred e-mails every night). So, I was a little worn out when I got home. It was so bad, that Thursday night, I got home around 4:30 in the afternoon, and managed to stay away until 6, when I conked out on the couch. I woke up at 7, and then decided that I really needed to go upstairs and go to bed. I slept from 7:30PM Thursday night straight through to 7AM Friday morning. I needed it.\
    Now, I’m home, and I have to get ready for The AJAX Experience, and help get a huge project through QA and out the door very very soon. I foresee more exhaustion in my immediate future.\
    In happy news, the boys and I all went out for breakfast while Jen took a nap, and then got haircuts today. They’re so cute when they’re shorn. I’ll try to take some pictures tomorrow if I’m not at work. It’s definitely time for bed…

  • They keeled him

    Kevin came home. And then shortly became dead to the world for over 12 hours.\
    I guess the thought of Supernatural was too much for him.\
    Now I have to sing all by myself. “Wheel in the sky keeps on turning…”