Cavity []{.disappointed .be .she’d .mom, .my .tell .don’t .shh,} + waiting until convenient time for an appointment = very expensive root canals. Doh!\
If you need me, I’ll be hiding in my room. Call Kevin instead.
Category: family
Tip Of the Day
I cry FOUL!
Max woke me up this morning, a Saturday, before 6:30 for breakfast.\
Hmm, think my parents are up yet? I need to call them. -
Cute Brian and other real life stuff
Brian usually calls me Mommy, except for when he is looking for me or calling for me from the stairs, then it is “Mama” at the top of his voice, which is the cutest thing ever! (Holy run-on sentence, Batman!) I am going to try to get it on videotape this weekend.\
I got my passport today. YAY! Paris is a go! We even got my mom’s ticket. Super duper YAY! I am so frakkin’ excited!\
There is a group of bloggers on the Supernatural set. Damn, passed over again! I’m still loving the show though. Wheeee. How come you guys aren’t watching it too? It’s so awesome, with the music, and the boys, and the car. Totally badass.\
My online world has gone crazy with death threats, two actual deaths, numerous fights, and three pet deaths. March has been a BIZARRE month.\
Kevin comes home tomorrow! YAYAYAYAY! -
Bad Friend #184
A friend just posted this: My mom just called and my grandpa died.\
And all I can think of is, “Man, he must have really not wanted to talk to your mom.” Inappropriate laughter is the best kind. I was laughing so hard I squirted pear bits all over the computer. Oh man. -
Bad wife #9
Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever made a bad wife post before. (We’ll discuss reasons why at some later point.)\
Today is Kevin’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Kevin!\
I don’t have a cake for him. Bad me.\
In my defense, we were supposed to go to The Cheesecake Factory and I thought a birthday cake after cheesecake would be too much. But Kevin is feeling ill and wants to curl up with some leftover homemade beef stew instead. So, no cake. Sorry, dear. I’ll do better next year! -
Daddy’s boy and other things
Kevin must have spent extra kissy and huggy time with Brian this morning because he smells like Kev. It’s nice.\
It’s too rainy to do any of our planned activities today. Booooo! Brian and I may go to the mall instead but I need milk and the mall doesn’t sell that in a convenient gallon sizes. I only have it in me to drag myself and Max through one parking lot though so I have to choose: milk or mall.\
The meeting with the school didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but they said they would do some research and we could meet again next week. The vice principal kept guiding me away from the dyslexia testing and went on about how to qualify as disabled certain things must be present like an inability to do the basic work (or something like that), so I got to bust out my, “According to the IDEA law, a child cannot be not considered disabled due to high achievement.” YAY for Aunt Margie.\
They are also balking at giving Max an accurate reading assessment saying that their test is capped at the 5th grade level. What the hell? I have talked to: the district office, the old principal, the new principal, the vice principal, the teacher, the gifted teacher, the reading specialist and my dr’s office and no one is helping me! (And I really like my dr’s office and the school normally.) Kevin came home to me in a whirlwind of frustration. He was all, “What’s the urgency behind this?” And I cried. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the internet, my husband made me cry. I am going to send in my request in writing to the school and we’ll see what happens.\
ETA- I couldn’t make myself go out in the rain after all. This turned out to be a good thing since school is closing early due to the bad weather! Now, how can I convince AOL to release my husband early too? -
Happy pi day, everyone!\
Kevin comes home today- yay!\
I have an appointment at Max’s school today and I’ve got my game face on. Wish me luck! Super big thanks to Auntie M for pointing me in the right direction. -
Cleaning up is fun to do.
20×2 is a tradition where 20 people are given 2 minutes to present their answer to the same hypothetical question. This year’s question was, “What if…” Kevin decided to do his on “What if Max were in charge?” Hee. Check out the video to the left. I heard someone did hers on “What if the internet didn’t exist?” My initial response: oh the horror! ’80s flashbacks with the hair and the leg warmers. Arrrrggk. I am looking forward to Kevin’s recap. Aren’t you?\
Kevin’s birthday is coming up. What should I get him?\
Auntie M wanted to know why, when, how I am going to Paris. Here’s the explanation: Kevin was asked to speak at a conference there in May. I decided to tag along. My mom even agreed to watch the kids. YAY!\
I have a meeting with Max’s new principal tomorrow. I am really tired of the run around I have been getting from the school, the district office, my dr’s office. Even the phone book and internet haven’t been useful. Grrr.\
In slightly similar news, Anne typed in a two paragraph’s of Max’s favorite reading material, The New Scientist, into a website that can determine its reading level. One paragraph came in at 9.5 (half way through first year of high school) and another came in at 15.3 (part way through third year of college). Cool, huh? Not sure how much Max actually understands since we don’t read the magazine too, but he talks about the articles a lot like he understands them. Max also enjoys reading kiddie books too, like James and the Giant Peach, so he’s fairly well-rounded. He is even starting to get into the world culture books Nana bought him. -
20×2 7.0: What If?
20×2 was tonight, and I was #8 in the lineup. Max and I created the movie below, and it was shown tonight… the “world premiere” if you will. Here is it, if you want to check it out. I was thrilled that people laughed in the right spots, and it got some big applause afterwards.\
A huge thank you to the star of the movie, Max, for sitting through my silly questions and giving such thoughful answers. I’ll try to put together an outtake package of the stuff that was funny but didn’t quite fit into the 2 minutes. But, right now, it’s sleepytime!\<embed src=”″ quality=”best” scale=”exactfit” width=”400″ height=”300″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”></embed>
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<a href=”″>20×2 2007: What If We Put Max in Charge?</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a> -
Booooooooo to Daylight Savings. The sun isn’t even up yet.