Category: family

  • Done!

    I am done for the day!!! If you need me, call someone else, k? Thanks. Bye.

  • Not me too!

    I cannot get sick, I must not get sick, I refuse to get sick, I will not get sick.\
    Oy, I think I am sick too.\
    Brian is super sick. Took him into the doctor today, then shuffled on over to the hospital for a chest x-ray and lab work, and then back to the doctor’s office for injections of antibiotics. He has THE FLU (not to be confused with, “Boss, I can’t come into today because I… cough cough… am sick. I think I have the flu.”), a double ear infection, his white count is elevated so maybe something else too, I don’t know, and the doctor is worried about pneumonia. Brian looks so bad- his eyes are red and puffy and they are constantly leaking tears. His nose is also constantly running, so Brian has dried snot in various places around his face. His clothes and my clothes from this past weekend were frequently wet. Eww, gross, I know. He is lethargic and just wants to be rocked. He isn’t eating well but he is drinking his juice and Gatorade, so no worries. I spent all day (and most of the weekend) but for 20 minutes and while I was driving, with Brian in my arms. I should have Kevin take a picture of the poor little guy. He looks like the poster boy for some charity. It’s really pathetic. My left arm is killing me from holding him for so long. Brian weight 38 pounds, which is officially the size of a 4 year old. I think doctors need new charts.

  • Blargh

    Max is still sick, but happy in spirit, and I am tired of it! (Him being sick). I haven’t been able to go to Costco, my household routine is in disarray, and Brian and I are tired of staying inside. And I am sure as heck tired of getting up early in the morning, unnecessarily. Booooooo to it all.

  • The Big 9!

    Hey peeps! What’s up?\
    There is a new Veronica Mars on tonight. Woohoo! It’s counter programming to all of the lies and filth being shown on the other channels tonight. Check it out, 9pm EST on The CW!!\
    Also, it’s my anniversary people, let’s PAR-TAY!\
    Over the past 9 years, Kevin and I combined have experienced:\
    2 kids,\
    4 in-town moves,\
    2 dye-jobs,\
    4 broken bones,\
    1 super horrible hair cut,\
    buying 1 house,\
    4 operations,\
    1 cross-country move,\
    buying 4 cars,\
    1 helicopter ride,\
    6 wedding rings,\
    1 heart attack of a parent,\
    2 family weddings,\
    1 car crash,\
    1 BFF divorce,\
    1 trip in an ambulance,\
    3 tivos,\
    3 uncles that passed away,\
    4 prescriptions for anti-depressants,\
    2 family vacations,\
    7 trips overseas,\
    3 parents retiring,\
    12 business trips in the US,\
    6 trips to visit family,\
    1 big snowstorm,\
    and 4 sets of neighbors.\
    What have you experienced in the last 9 years?

  • Done!

    The kids are fed, bathed, and in bed; the living room is clean; the dishes are done; and the trash has been taken out. I AM DONE! Goodnight!

  • Me=Dumb

    Explain to me why I have no problem going to sleep at 7 pm sometimes when Kevin is home, but can’t force myself to go to bed before midnight when he isn’t?\
    ETA- My attempt at sleeping in this morning failed spectacularly. Booooo.

  • My Week

    Kevin is out of town, so expect a lot of random posts from me. These are my plans for this week:\
    Monday, (Max doesn’t have school) take the kids to McD’s to play in the indoor play area and use Grandma’s naughty McD’s gift certificates.\
    Tuesday, Brian and Jen to Costco to get all the things we didn’t last week when Brian had a meltdown in the store.\
    Wednesday, Brian and Jen to BB&B or Walmart for floor lamp and red pillows and cushion.\
    Thursday, quick, everybody clean up because Daddy comes home tomorrow!\
    Exciting week, huh?

  • Oy! and Awwww!

    I am going to start keeping a running tally of how many times Brian asks about Kevin this week. So far, 5 times in the 5 hours since we dropped him off at the airport (and he took a 2 hour nap in there). Brian had a really hard time dealing with Kevin going back to work after his massive time off. Every hour he would ask for Daddy and cry. Oy! It got a little better as the days went on. But since the weekend, Brian is back to how he was right after vacation ended.\
    Seriously, Brian asked about Kevin 3 times just while I was writing up this post.

  • Bad Mommy #561

    Brian is so spoiled! Ahhhh.\
    Kevin doodled around with the site, so I haven’t been able to blog in over a week. I have a bunch of stuff stored up! Look for it, coming soon!