I was really looking forward to SxSW this year. I’m moderating a panel I’m really excited about. I get to see all of my south-by pals, go to amazing panels and eat good food. It was a good plan, until I went to pick up the rental car and rolled my ankle turning to talk to someone. I don’t know if it’s bad or not. I don’t know if it’s just a mild sprain (which is what I thought it was the first time), something serious, or nothing at all. It’s the first time I’ve tweaked it since surgery, and I’m freaked out. It’s swelling more than usual, which may be normal because I’m doing more walking. It hurts, which also may be normal with all the walking.\
What do it all mean? It means I’m not doing a bunch of stuff at night, and I’ve already skipped one keynote so I can ice and shock it (yes, the home electrocution kit made the journey). It means I’m missing out on a bunch of stuff, and that makes me sad. I had to skip out after dinner last night to ice myself into oblivion. Have you ever had ice directly on your skin to the point that it burns, till your skin turns red?\
Yes, I’m just feeling sorry for myself. I’m still having a good time. I’m still extremely excited about my panel. I’m still ecstatic to hang out with my pals and meet new people. I’m excited about other peoples’ panels. My favorites so far have been Creating Passionate Users (see the blog) and How To Be A Web Design Superhero from Andy Clarke and Andy Budd. Both were very well done, and I got a lot out of them (now, I totally need to redo I Am Alpha). I am in complete envy of the Andies slides. They were the best slides I’ve ever seen, and I don’t normally like slides. If you were there, you know what I mean. If you weren’t, imagine a comic book as a presentation and then throw in some complimentary motion, and that it fits perfectly with the tone and timing of the panel. Yep, they were that good. It makes my poor little s5 slides look a little anemic. But, I’m not a designer, and I think the content is good, so we’ll go with them and see what happens. You can even get the slides yourself!\
If you see me hobbling around, please say hi. I would love to meet you. Also, please come to our panel Tuesday morning at 10!! We’re in the “big room” according to the mini-schedule, and it would be kind of embarrassing if no one showed up.
The Crippled Conference
My allergies are really acting up. All of my uncontrollable sneezing may not kill me, but it is certainly killing my spirit. Go away allergies, just go away!
Wow… Someone Actually Likes It!
Someone linked to Stenomonkey and actually called it “clever”. See, you can do clever things with Dojo in only a couple hours (while jet-lagged and watching bad Italian reality TV).
Cheater cheater pumpkin eater!
Steve and Joe from Blue’s Clues never do their own work. They are constantly asking others for the answer. Do you think kids who watch this show will end up being cheaters in school? Hee.
Click to see misleading headline. What the hell?
The Way To Celebrate A Panel
Our panel on Tuesday (at SxSW if you didn’t know already) is at 10am, and you should go. But, that’s not what I’m writing about now. Thanks to Upcoming, I found out that the Comedians of Comedy are playing Austin on the 14th!!! And, better yet, Flight of the Conchords is playing too, at the same place!!!! And it’s only \$15.50 to get in!!!!! Can you tell I’m excited? You know I’m going, right? You should totally come too!!\
No, really, you should. If you ask nice, I might even let you sit next to me.\
It’ll be a great way to celebrate what I’m sure will be a successful panel (it will be, it will be, it will be, it will be… really, it will). -
Me Today
This is me\
This is me today (I really do look this blurry in real life). If you see me wandering around the convention center, say “hi!” Hooray for SxSW!! -
Be careful what you wish for…
One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to be more independent.\
HA on me: Kevin is on his 4th business trip of the year and will be home less than half of the time between now and July.\
But I am very proud of him and am happy with the opportunities he is exploring. 🙂 -
Target! Yeehaw!
I went to Target this morning to buy milk, juice, and some pants for Max. I ended up spending almost \$100 more than that though. Sheesh, Target is becoming just like Costco for me! I did buy Brian 3 pairs of shoes- sandals, pool shoes, and new tennis shoes- so I place all blame for the high bill on the kids (my new black flip-flops were not part of the problem, no siree).
Wear Your Heart On Your Desktop
We Heart Microformats\
I did this for Shawn’s E-Tech demo, and I liked it so much, I tweaked it a little bit and made it my desktop. If you’d like to use it as yours, you can.