On another topic, I’ve been reading a lot lately. We subscribe to a ton of magazines: Smithsonian, Utne (free with my Salon subscription – yet more reading), Premiere, and there are a couple others. I always read Smithsonian cover to cover, and here’s why (all from this month’s issue):
- The Nature of Cuba – which is really interesting in contrast to this from Salon
- Mr. Rogers’ Sweater – A sweet eulogy of the last earnest man on television.
- James Turrell’s Light Fantastic – Yet another reason to go back to Arizona. The pictures from this article were just amazing.
And yesterday, I read a great article on mushrooms and how they may be able to help clean up chemical spills, counteract chemical weapons, give us new medicines and generally make life better, a mother’s touching and funny love letter to her son, and David Byrne’s frequently confusing essay on good bad art and bad good art in Utne. Between those two magazines alone, I’m caught up on trivia for at least the next year if not longer.
So, in doing all this reading, and with work as busy as it is, I haven’t been posting as much. I don’t think I mind all that much. I’m going to try to come up with one good post a day, and maybe do a sidebar blog of links and short subjects that I don’t want to spend as much time on. Yeah, I know everyone else is doing it – but it’s a good idea anyway.