For all the terms I could come up for, why oh why does Google pick “green snot” to put me at number two?
Mmmm, White Stuff
24″ and counting. They say it’s not going to stop until mid-afternoon tomorrow. We took Max out to play earlier, and will have pictures up later after we warm up our extremities.
This is more snow that I could have hoped for, really. It could stop anytime now and I would be perfectly happy. I’m thinking we won’t have to go into work tomorrow which means a whole day of sitting in front of the TV with my laptop, attempting to get work done. If not, then I’ll get to take the monster into work and test out the four wheel drive. Either way, a smell a good day coming on.
Mmmm, Flakes
We’re bracing for a gigantic snowstorm. 8-12 inches in one day is like three feet in Minnesota. They’ve cancelled church, which never ever happens. I think I’ve had church cancelled on me maybe three times in my entire life, and once was because we weren’t allowed to leave the base to attend (I was five and Germany was a little crazy with Iranian terrorists at the time). I’m relieved we’re worried about an act of nature, and not madmen. I can deal with snow. Snow is predictable. Snow falls, lands and accumulates. Terrorists plan, skulk, threaten, surprise.
Someone said today that snow’s the best thing that could have happened this weekend. Snow mutes everything: sound, fire, chemical and biological agents, and even dirty bombs. So, whoever’s responsible for all this snow, thanks.
The Mother In Law Responds
My mother in law is the best (and how lucky am I that I can say that and actually mean it). In an e-mail to Jen, she said, “duct tape and plastic sheeting is hysterical crap. Now go turn on Blues Clues or something and stay away from the news.”
Way to go, mom!
Geeky Goodness
Oh yes, you had to know it was coming. Want to run JSP’s or other cool Apache add-ons on your swanky OS X machine? Oh, you say it’s a pain in the butt? Yes, it was. Now you can go get the Complete Apache2 from and throw those worries out the window. They have packages for PHP, mod_perl and JSP. Now, I’m not terribly familiar with Apache, but I’ve loved having it on my Powerbook as a platform for playing with Movable Type. Being able to run a servlet engine on it makes OS X just about perfect, don’t you think?
Shut Up Stupid Brain!
Ok, last night was pretty bad. I’m feeling a little better today. Jen went out and bought the stuff she wanted and seems better (we haven’t talked much – I’m at work). I’m tired. I took a Tylenol PM last night and still didn’t sleep well. It took forever for it to kick in, and then left me with a benadryl hangover this morning.
Does anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that this whole duct tape and plastic scare is an attempt to revive the economy? I know it’s sick, but this stupid thought won’t get out of my head. If people are out there stocking up, they’re spending money on things they wouldn’t normally buy like bottled water, plastic sheeting, battery powered electronics, etc. In a sick way, Home Depot’s got to be loving this.
Another Conspiracy Update
The Secret Rulers of The World is going to be replayed on Trio all next week at nine pm. I highly recommend it (as if you didn’t know that already).
Ahhh, Seamless Tiles
I used to have a copy of KPT 3.0 that had this wonderful thing called Seamless Tile Creator in it. The thing no longer works in PhotoShop, and I haven’t made a seamless tile in ages. Well, today, I made my first two seamless tiles in almost four years today thanks to this great howto. Worked like a charm.