And don’t think I’m picking on a single party… My cynicism is not partisan. I’m an equally disenchanted with all of them. Remember, I voted for Nader out of desperation, and even he turned into a raving a-hole after the election, so I was wrong again. I would have voted for Harry Browne, the good ol’ Libertarian candidate, but he was nowhere to be seen during the election.
I try not to be
I try not to be completely cynical, but it’s getting harder and harder. With everything that’s going on in the world, how can anyone be optimistic or even believe in the altruism of others? For example, President Bush is proposing that Worldcom be investigated and those responsible do time. Where was this fury for Enron? Oh, I guess Mr. Ebbers didn’t donate enough money to the campaign.
In the interest of disclosure, Worldcom is right down the street from us, and I have friends at church who work there and had all of their 401k in the company stock (which if I knew, I would advise against – I mean, you can believe in your company, but don’t be naive). But, I don’t know anyone who works at Xerox and the same thing applies.
I just can’t believe that things are going to get better, and that I’ll ever get that idealism back. Everyone in charge is crooked. No one’s clean. I ask anyone to please find me a clean politician, CEO or corporate lawyer.
It makes me feel powerless. There’s nothing I can do to affect change in the world on a scale past my neighborhood, and even that would require me to have the drive to attempt something, and I just don’t.
It has been one crazy
It has been one crazy week. Jen’s parents are coming into town tomorrow night (a lovely drive around the beltway to go pick them up), so she’s been working me pretty hard this week to finish up last-minute decorating projects. This week I’ve:
- Painted part of the basement red
- Installed hooks in the basement ceiling for Jen’s ingenius faux closet
- Install a nifty little wire curtain rod from Ikea (using drywall anchors and wire cutters too, I might add)
- There’s something else I’m missing… I swear I’ve done more than that
Work has been equally busy with all kinds of things going nuts at the same time and very little rest in sight. So, I’m looking forward to birthday parties this week, pinochle, photos and fun.
Oh, by the way, the
Oh, by the way, the presentation went well. I told them all how we should do things and no one complained too much.
In an attempt to woo
In an attempt to woo me further, the lovely couple who give the world Movable Type released a new version yesterday with support for MySQL, which is kind of what I was waiting for. Now there’s no excuse other than time, and now that I’ve installed it once, I think I’d be OK installing it here. Look for neat-o stuff in the very near future (although I may wait until my vacation to do this).
So, I’m taking a vacation.
So, I’m taking a vacation. Yes, I am. It’s been over two years since I’ve taken more than a day off at a time other than my knee , and I was drugged for most of that. In that time, I think I’ve only taken half a sick day. So, I’m taking two weeks off at the end of July to relax and do… nothing.
The big presentation is in
The big presentation is in 13 minutes. Wish me luck.
Today has sucked. It has
Today has sucked. It has sucked so bad, I’m not sure I can do this tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have to give a big presentation tomorrow morning at 9am and can’t miss it. Maybe I’ll fake a rib injury in the meeting and just go home. I need a vacation so bad I can taste it.
So, I got Movable Type
So, I got Movable Type installed on the uber-box (running, of course, AOLserver). It was surprisingly easy. I didn’t have a lot of the required Perl modules installed, but that was also extremely easy to fix.
I may just have to go migrate myself. I don’t know about Jen and Max though. We’ll see, I guess. I am a little worried about migrating over almost 700 days worth of posts, and whether mozBlog will work with it.
In other extreme navel gazing, I’m here at work early for a 9am meeting I don’t want to go to. How wrong is this? I have a 9am meeting today and tomorrow. At my early morning meeting tomorrow, I have to give a big presentation, which I’m not done with. Wish me luck.
So, my site’s been moved.
So, my site’s been moved. I now have MySQL, PHP and all the other cool things that make things… ummm… yeah… cool. So, now that I have PHP and a database, should I do like everyone else and install Movable Type? I know there are other pieces of software out there that accomplish the same thing, should I use one of them? Should I stick with Blogger? Should I build my own? So many options!!