• What’s up, yo?

    Someone please explain to me why Brian just threw up, seven hours after eating a small bit of plain pasta and 20 hours after his last barfing bout. I THOUGHT HE WAS BETTER!

  • Badass

    I’m eating some cereal. Oh yea.\
    ETA- Brian just threw up again, after I thought he was better. He only had a cup of apple juice but it came back up almost immediately. Note to self: waaaaaah.

  • Ugh continued

    A couple of hours ago I decided that I didn’t need narcotics, I just needed my mom. She is so great about making my aches and pains go away and soothing me when sick. But I am the mom in my household. I am back to wanting drugs. Please, please, gimme drugs. Anybody got the number for Dr Feelgood?\
    One thing is for sure- I am so thankful to be done having kids. Ugh, ugh, triple ugh.\
    I’ve tried to suck it up today and not let Brian’s care be affected (effected? whatever). It hasn’t really worked though, so I decided to cry ‘uncle’. I am commencing whiny, baby mode NOW. Waaaaaah.

  • Ugh, pass the pepto.

    Three of the four of us are sick. I am quarantining the house until further notice.\
    In other news, Kevin is awesome and having him is better than being wooed by any fake billionaire. True story.\
    ETA- OMG, I am the worse sick person. I need some pot to combat the nausea and some Tylenol 3 for the pain. Boohoooo. Brian seems better though. He and I got sick at the exact same time, though I was feeling it hours earlier. I wonder if I can write a fancy algorithm predicting when I will feel better based on Brian’s stats. I sent Max to school since he was completely unaffected. Keep your fingers crossed that he stays that way.

  • A Small Favor: Have You Read My Book?

    I sometimes check the Amazon page for Adapting to Web Standards to see if anyone’s rated it (and to see how it’s doing, of course). It’s been out for four months, and there are no ratings so far – good or bad.\
    So, I’m asking a small favor, if you’ve read the book, could you please go rate it? Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. If you’ve got any feedback on my chapter (#7, the one on AOL.com), I’d love to hear it. It’s the first thing I’ve written “professionally”, and I’d love to hear what people think of it, how it could be better and where it goes wrong.\
    Thank you, please continue about your day.

  • Half the Photos from China

    man dancing in traditional Chinese dress while wearing a mask.

    I’m not close to having them all up, and will hopefully be able to recover the ones on the\
    fried laptop’s hard drive, but I’ve started uploading photos from China. They’ll all end up at that URL eventually.

  • The Many Misadventures of One Kevin P. Lawver

    I made it home. What a week. I posted before about what I did on the flight to China and that was the last you heard from me. Well, Saturday night, my laptop died. It suffered a complete hard drive failure. Even using Arun system disk, it couldn’t find the hard drive controller. Hopefully, this means the drive itself is OK and I can get the first day of pictures and all the stuff I worked on on the flight there off.\
    But, that left me in a tough spot. I had no laptop, spotty access on my blackberry (which is OK for staying semi-connected and consuming small chunks of data, but doesn’t work very well as my primary connection to the “collective”), and I usually charge the blackberry with the laptop. Thankfully, I’d thrown a little USB power thing in my backpack just to see if it would work for charging the DS Lite.\
    So, I took notes in a W3C meeting longhand, on paper… yes, I stood out. Yes, my fellow nerds gave me a hard time about it (good-naturedly, of course). Yes, it sucked not to be able to upload photos, browse the web, read feeds and hack.\
    But, the worst part of the trip was my asthma. Beijing is extremely polluted, and I was affected by it. A couple times, I took a walk around the neighborhood (the hotel and conference center is right across the highway from most of the major olympic venues), and came back wheezing. The one free day I had, I took a “test” walk in the morning to see how I’d do, but had to cut my walk short and take multiple hits on my inhaler to stop the asthma attack that followed. So, I didn’t really go anywhere or see anything outside of a four or five block radius of the hotel. I didn’t want to get stuck somewhere having an asthma attack where I don’t speak the language and didn’t know where I was or how to get back to the hotel.\
    There was a great dinner, with entertainment provided by students from Baihong University, and I love hanging out with W3C folks. We even got a game of werewolf together. Doug Scheppers and I cleaned up the village as werewolves and won handily. It was only slightly unfair as Doug and I are both seasoned werewolves, and we “feasted” on a game full of first-time players.\
    Now, I’m home and it’s going to take me a few days to get back on schedule. A twelve hour time difference is crazy, and I don’t think I ever got quite adjusted to it, so maybe it’ll be easier coming back.\
    I’m off to bed, hopefully to sleep for many many hours. I’ll hopefully post pictures tomorrow once my laptop situation is taken care of.

  • Tv

    Tell me you people are watching How I Met Your Mother. This week’s episode rocked! (Ha, literally.) Since I am a total spoiler-phobe, I was completely surprised at the many, many awesome surprises! Foshizzle, eh? Now I am off to check the Robin Sparkles videos that I have seen running amok on YouTube.\
    And if you aren’t watching How I Met Your Mother (CBS, Monday, 8:30), I weep for you.

  • Another one bites the dust

    My wedding ring is falling apart. Again. I put away my original ring because the gold was wearing down, leaving little protection for the diamonds. I bought a similar ring, with much thicker gold, and the same thing happened again. I give up. I am just going to draw on a wedding ring with magic marker every morning. Or get a ring tattoo. (I think Pam Anderson did this once, which automatically makes the idea a winner, right?) Maybe I will blow our tax return on a new, non-channel set, diamond and platinum ring. I hear that stuff is tough. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Kevin would make sad face though. But not if I don’t tell him!

  • WTH Tuesday? Why you be acting like a Monday?

    I am posting this at 6:32 am and this day has already been THE SUCK for three hours. Pouts.