The fam and I went out for ice cream to celebrate Brian getting his cast off and I ordered a small cup of peppermint ice cream. It’s true!
Pet peeve
Spongebob’s grandma is awfully passive-aggressive, yes? I hate that.
B’s sleeping schedule has been wonky lately. Today is one of those wonky days where he woke up at 4 am, ready to start the day. Boooooooo. I think I might turn on some cartoons and try to grab some more Z’s on the couch.
Go See Frank Gruber In Person
Though I will be speaking at another conference this same day still I wanted to help spread the word about the TECH cocktail CONFERENCE which is more than just a cocktail mixer event . Just last week TECH cocktail was awarded the Illinois I.T. Assocation CityLIGHTS Award, the first TECH cocktail conference will be held on Thursday, May 29, 2008 in Chicago. Frank has assured me that it’ll be solid and not at all boring. I actually work with Frank at AOL, and like him, so I trust that’s he’s telling the truth. I have no reason at all to doubt him.\
Check out the speaker list for the event. The event looks to facilitate a place for people to learn all the various aspects of starting and running a Web business. The usual “no nonsense” approach will be alive at the conference along with their signature relaxed atmosphere so attendees will learn a lot while having fun.\
If you are interested in attending the go register! If you go, and use the: kevinisawesome discount code, you can save a big ol’ twenty-five bucks! Space is very limited so sign up today.\
If I hadn’t already agreed to be on a panel at RailsConf, I’d totally be there. -
Brian’s cast came off today! Yay. I didn’t keep the cast (sorry, Dad) since it was so messy. The skin around his wrist is dry and flaky and smells so gross. Yuck. B’s arm needs to stay wrapped in cotton and an ace bandage for the next three days and he can’t have gym time or playground time yet. We go back in 10 days to have the arm looked at again. After Kevin gets home, Brian is going to take the longest bath of his life. (I am waiting so that Kevin can help me rewrap it.)
Memories, all alone in the moonlight…
So, my mom wants to know my best and worst childhood memories. I have a lot of the first and not so much of the second, thankfully. I think the qualifier of “best” and “worst” is TOO MUCH PRESSURE, so I am just going to relate a good and bad story, ok?\
Good: Visiting Grandma Lang and the Michigan gang for Christmas when I was 8-ish. First time I remember snow. We all crammed into Grandma’s little apartment at the retirement home for dinner one night. Grandma complained that I kicked in my sleep. (Sorry!) Uncle Roger gave me a perfume-making set. He and Aunt Nancy kept calling each other Aunt Roger and Uncle Nancy and laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. Cousin Dana, who was 10-ish, and I visited a neighbor lady of Grandma’s. She was a little weird, as unknown old people are to young kids, but Dana knew the lady pretty well and she was really nice.\
Bad: Minor car accident with Grandpa Junkermann and Mom in a snow storm on the way home from a cousin’s funeral in another state when I was 14. We spun out and the car got stuck in the snow in the median and we ended up spending the night in the cab of a couple of nice female truckers (call signs Onion and Carrot). There were literally hundreds of people stranded in the middle of nowhere and the truckers in the area made sure we were all relatively cared for. Because I was lame, I only took my jean jacket with me, instead of my warm winter coat which I left in the car. The cab was smelly and cold where I “slept” (I got the spot near the pee jar and the dirty clothes, and ended up on the cold metal floor, yay) and just really uncomfortable. Yeck. I know it was a bad night for everyone. No one was hurt though, so I can’t complain too much. Beyond that night, every single time my parents were late coming home. I was a huge worry-wart about car accidents (a fear not related at all to the previous story). I am still a worry-wart about my parents being in an accident and freak every time they call me, which they rarely do. Maybe if they called more, I would get over it, eh? -
Embarrassing questions- GO!
I am laid up today with a bad back. Kevin is laid up today with the stomach flu. We are so compatible. :)\
I never thought I would say this, but the new bathroom in the basement seems really far away suddenly.\
We are going to be marathoning some Battlestar Galatica later in prep for the season premiere tonight. But for now, I am already wicked bored and my tivo is still sadly empty.\
Sooooooo, embarrassing story time! What would you like to know about? Ask away! -
Terrible timing
Kevin has the stomach flu. 🙁 He took a couple of vaction days and it totally blows that he is sick instead. Booooooo.
Good news!
Brian gets his cast off next week. That will be three weeks after surgery, instead of the expected six. YAY.
Brian woke up at 4:30, totally awake and ready to start the day. Which, ugh. This pretty much guarantees that 1) he will not be spending the night at Babba’s anytime soon and 2) I will crash after I drop him off at school. Kevin is home today, sick, so maybe he and I can have a nap date. Being near each other, in sleep, is just as good as being awake and actually talking to each other, yes?