I have to send out another headshot for another conference (SxSW this time). I usually use Dan Budiac’s great shot from SxSW 2005, but decided that three years is long enough to use the same shot. So, I went searching through flickr for stuff tagged kevinlawver and found a ton of shots of me making a goon of myself. Here are some of my favorites:\
The Biggest Ham
To brag or not to brag?
SQUEEEE! Kevin gave me diamond earrings for Christmas! They are beautiful and sparkly and perfect. Just like he is. Sappy sigh. I put them on immediately and two days later when Kevin saw that I still had them on, he said, “Oh, you’re still wearing them.” Hell yea! I am tempted to have these babies soldered on!
OMG I hate school!!
After only one day in big boy preschool, Brian woke up vomiting in the middle of the night and it continued through the afternoon. Ugh. Stupid germy kids. Kevin was a super trooper and cleaned up the bedding while I cleaned up Brian and aimed him at the toilet.\
While rocking Brian last night, I was stuck watching middle-of-the-night tv since my tivo is empty and my dvd player broke. There is a show on the WE network called My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding, where people spend around a million dollars, give or take a few hundred thousand dollars. The one episode I watched was about a couple from New Jersey. It was like watching an episode of The Sopranos. The groom isn’t a mobster, but he is the boss of a successful company and his office also services three or four other guys, all of whom seemed to act as his lackeys, exactly like Paulie, etc from The Bada Bing. It was hysterical. -
The Two Best Photos I’ve Ever Taken
These aren’t great from a photography standpoint, but they tell a story that still makes me crack up.\
There were eight Americans in a row boat (rowed by a tiny Indian man) in a bird sanctuary. Our driver promised crocodiles. The guy rowing the boat lifted up his oars as we got close to a large (we guessed about 14 feet) and said “Watch this!” We drifted in towards this very large fellow sunning himself on the rock.\
The boat drifted closer and closer and eventually stopped with a thud against the croc’s rock. The croc wheeled his big head around, opened his mouth and hissed. Cliff was zoomed in all the way and thought it just looked like we were close the the gigantic angry crocodile.When the croc hissed, Cliff lowered his camera, sprang back and screamed “*Oh dear, crocodile!!”
Still makes me giggle…
Christmas Pictures
Jen already did the highlights, so I’ll just post the photos:
- The Annual Trip to the Hattiesburg Zoo
- Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
- Fishing With Grandpa\
It was a good trip, like Jen said. We all got at least a little touch of something at some point during the trip, which was unpleasant, but we all had fun, lots of good food and the boys had a blast.
OMG I love school!!
While Brian was in school today, I:
- Cleaned and mopped the tv room.
- Started dinner.
- Made some phone calls.
- Cleaned the mirror and toothpaste junk from the bathroom.
- Did the dishes.
- Cleaned most of the kitchen.
- Put away toys.
- Ate lunch.
- Blogged about our holiday vacation.
- Goofed off.\
Brian’s first day of school went really well for him too. No peepee mess (which was my biggest worry). He didn’t pee at all in school, which is ok too. When I got there to pick him up, they were having music time and he was dancing and doing all of the motions to the song. It was cute. He is a head taller than the other kids, which is really funny to see.\
This month Brian has preschool everyday because I am keeping him enrolled in his old school, which meets T, W, Th, and added his new school, which meets M, W, F. (We’ll skip old school’s Wednesday classes). Since it is winter, which means no playground time with mommy, this seemed like a good idea. In February and on, I was going to just have him go to the new school. I have to admit though that after only one day of getting a heckuva lot done, I am tempted to keep him in both programs. Mwuhahaha.
Holiday Highlights
This is just the fun stuff. I am leaving out all of the fevers, vomiting, face implosions, second-degree burns, and tears:\
We left for my parents’ house in Mississippi on the Friday before Christmas, a day earlier than we had planned, because Max kept nagging us about wanting to be there already. The drive really was better than I expected, but I had to pull out a DVD about three hours into the second day’s drive. That kept everyone happy until we got to town. Yay. We got to Miss about 1 pm. It was so nice to see my parents. I just wanted to hold hands and sing “Kum By Ah.”\
While there we went to the zoo and had fun having a sing-along with a dancing, singing Santa statue and dropping coins into the spinny, twirly donation bucket. Yea, that isn’t a ringing endorsement of the zoo, is it?\
My parents took the kids to see the chipmunk movie and they both loved it! (Which is difficult to achieve with their age gap.) While they were doing that, Kevin and I saw Charlie Wilson’s War. Woot!\
On Christmas Eve, we drove to this little town, Tylertown, to see a Christmas lights display in the town’s park. One hundred miles round trip for a 13 minute drive through the park. Do I know how to prioritize my resources or what?\
My dad had fun taking the kids for rides on the trailer attached to his riding lawn mower. That is our version of a hayride, I guess.\
One of th gifts Brian received is a Barbie, because he’s been asking for one for ages. My mother-in-law let him play with one at her house and said that he just loved it. Well, I am not sure exactly what was going on there, but all Brian wants to do with his new Barbie is “smell her butt.” Yes, he’s three.\
My mom invited a friend over for Christmas dinner. She is a gifted educator. We talked for awhile about Max, and she kind of spurred me on to do more about Max’s schooling. It’s been really hard to find out answers here and I keep getting the run around. Boo.\
My dad and Kevin took the kids fishing for the first time. Apparently everyone had fun. I only have one picture though because the adults were too busy keeping the fishing hooks out of the kids’ eyes and keeping the kids from falling into the lake.\
The town had a fund raiser by selling giant fiberglass swans to businesses and organizations. It was fun to drive around town and spot them. Think of the painted cows in Chicago and you’ll get the idea.\
Probably the highlight of the trip, and isn’t this sort of sad, was watching the USA-version of The Forty Year Virgin with my parents. No F-words, but all the raunch. That movie is hysterical. For some reason, let’s blame the eggnog, it was so much funnier the second time around.\
I was really intent on trying all the yummy regional food: fried catfish, shrimp creole, bbq ribs, and Krispy Kremes (heh). Add all of the holiday food on top of that and I need to eat salad for the next month to cleanse the body.\
We left a day later than we had originally planned. I needed that extra day with my folks; they just live too far away now that I am hampered by school vacation schedules. Boo. Before we left, we made plans to go down there in June and then drive to the beach, plus my mom said that she and my dad would come up here next Christmas. :)\
There may or may not be pictures posted soon. -
I just dropped Brian off at big boy preschool. Cries.
The GOP political candidates in Buffy-speak: Clicky here to see.
Happy New Year and Twitter Stats
We had a lovely time in Mississippi eating way too much fried/barbecued/fatty food (I only gained one pound, and have promptly lost three, so no worries), playing with the dog, hanging out with Jen’s parents, fishing and watching the boys ride around in the trailer behind Grandpa Brian’s lawn tractor. I’ll try to upload pictures tonight.\
I’m back at work, and having a hard time getting back into the work groove. So, I got my twitter stats instead… yeah, productive, I know (I also cleared out my inbox, remembered my kerberos password, did annual review feedback for folks, updated SVN and set up a meeting for this afternoon).\
What I found funny is the tweets per hour. Since I got the blackberry over the summer, I twitter more at night while watching TV than I do while I’m at work. I also seem to post a lot around 11AM, which is usually when I take my first break of the day. All in all, I post a lot, which doesn’t really bother me, or seem to affect my work. I love the “noise” twitter generates. After working for almost 13 years with constant interruption, if I don’t get interrupted every ten minutes or so, it feels like something’s wrong.Also, March was my heaviest month o’ tweets, which isn’t surprising since SxSW was right smack in the middle, and that’s where I really “got it”. I’m not sure what happened in May, or why December was so high – especially considering I was at home for almost three weeks and without “real” bandwidth for a week.
I think I’ve reached a sort of twitter equilibrium. I follow about 200 people, with only about 50 sent to my phone, which keeps the noise on my phone when I’m not near the computer down to a dull roar.\
(I generated the stats with the very handy script written by Damon Cortesi)