Author: jclawver

  • the closest I get to a sick day

    Hi, you’ve reached the brain of Jennifer. It’s not in right now. Please leave a message and it may get back to you later. If this is an emergency, close this page and contact someone else who can help you. Thank you.\
    I am super tired, don’t have to go anywhere or do anything, and have the house to myself (well, Brian is here too) after weeks of constant commotion, so I am taking the day off.

  • All hail the construction guys!!

    My master bathroom is finished! The ceiling and walls were repaired and then they were lovingly painted in a brownish neutral. It looks really good. Much better than we could have done. YAY for professionals!\
    After I showed my bathroom to Brian, he exclaimed, “Let’s go see my bathroom,” and ran off. But, erm… Kevin decided that we didn’t need the kids’ bathroom painted. Currently, it has some splotches on the wall from when Max’s room was originally painted blue, the counter is littered with paper cups from last night’s drinking needs, and the rug has toothpaste gunk on it because I refuse to wash it more than once a week. In short, the kids’ bathroom is not fabulous. He said, “The walls are CRAP!” I was shocked, “What?” He repeated, “The walls are crap! They’re ugly. We need the construction guys to come fix it.” Haha, no. Sorry, kid. Mommy and Daddy are about ready to tear their hair out at the thought of even one more day of strangers in the house; no way are we adding to the list.

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like… it always does.

    I stole this from Aunt Margie:

    You Are a Minimal Christmas Tree

    You’re not a total Scrooge, but you feel no need to go overboard at Christmas.\
    Less is more, and your Christmas reflects refined quality.

    This is totally me!! I love the family, friends, and food aspect of Christmas, but hate the the stress of gifts and the work of temporarily redecorating. Grabbing my family and going somewhere fun, like Hawaii, would be way more enjoyable than sitting at home and watching The Sound of Music for the 59th time.\
    Kevin and I have only had one full-sized tree since we’ve become parents. Oopsie! Since we are traveling again this year, in addition to having work done on the house, I doubt we will put the tree up. I am so bad at Christmas that my mother-in-law once stuck a wreath on my front door because she knew I never would. I have been thinking about buying a lit-up village-surrounded-by-a-train-thingy, so maybe I am finally coming around.

  • Bigshot? More like MonkeySh*t.

    TWoP’s TV Bigshot has been a huge disappointment and I apologize to any that I inspired to participate. The number of mistakes made by TPTB is now more than 50. 50!!! It’s like the game is run by a bunch of monkeys. I stopped playing awhile ago and can now laugh at the complete meltdown. My network’s rank peaked in the top 50, out of 25,000 networks, before I quit. Not bad, eh?

  • My folks

    Yesterday was my parents’ 35th anniversary. Woot. Let’s hear it for my parents! In this day and age, 35 years is almost miraculous. When I was in high school, my parents were one of the few couples still together. Twenty years later and they are still going strong. I hope that Kevin and I are lucky enough to end up like them. We have the same attitude as my parents about money and general decision-making, so I bet the odds are in our favor. :)\
    Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad. I love and miss you.\
    ETA- Now with more better grammar and punctuation.

  • Got a dollar?

    I am 100% behind the writers in the strike, but also want the strike to end because tv is fun to watch. Except for reality tv; me no likey that. But regular tv? That I like a lot. The strike means no new tv. Boooo. If you’re wondering how to show support for the writers and put pressure on the other side to end this strike, well, I just happen to know:\
    United Hollywood has organized a Pencils2Moguls campaign a la the peanuts to the network for Jericho.\
    As stated by Joss Whedon on Whedonesque:

    The campaign itself is fairly simple. We’d like to start it right away, and it goes like this:\
    Point the fans to, where there will be a banner or button allowing them to click through to buy boxes of pencils. The pencils are plain wooden \#2’s, and the company uses sustainable farming for the wood (seriously. They do.) The pricing will be “a buck a box.” (Sustainably harvested wood pencils + PayPal cost per transaction puts us a little higher than the cost of a box if you buy at Office Depot, sorry.) If there’s any money left over, it will be donated to the Union Solidarity Fund, which is a nonprofit for non-WGA members affected by the strike.\
    When fans click to buy the pencils, they can choose to identify the show they are supporting if they want. (This will generate a database of fans by show – among other things, allowing showrunners to thank fans by group if they want to.)\
    The pencils will be delivered in bulk, by trucks, like the peanuts were. The deliveries will be to the 6 CEOs of the 6 congloms (Disney, News Corp, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS, GE) one by one – we’ll probably start with GE. If we get enough to pencils to do all 6, then we will. If we don’t, we’ll concentrate on one or two.\
    If the logistics can be worked out, showrunners who choose to can take part in a “load the pencils” photo op – unpacking the boxes of pencils and shoveling them into bins or boxes for transport to the CEO’s. The visual has the potential to be worth a thousand words – for the fans as well as the general public.\
    We will suggest that the fans send a message similar to this: “We’re all on the same page. Make a fair deal.”\
    This has the potential to be a historic moment in fan history – the first time that all fandoms band together to show that they are a force to be reckoned with to the corporate world. Given the passion and commitment the fans are already showing, this seems a good way to both show our appreciation and respect, as well as giving them the direction they’ve been requesting.\
    We hope you’ll be willing to join us in this effort. It won’t be our last.\
    Carol Barbee Jericho\
    John Aboud\
    United Hollywood\
    Jane Espenson\
    Buffy, Battlestar Galactica\
    Jeffrey Berman\
    United Hollywood\
    Rob McElhenney\
    It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia\
    Laeta Kalogridis\
    United Hollywood\
    Ron Moore\
    Battlestar Galactica\
    Marti Noxon\
    Buffy, Private Practice\
    Jaime Paglia\
    Bill Prady\
    Two and a Half Men\
    Shonda Rhimes\
    Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice\
    Stephanie Savage\
    Gossip Girl\
    Joss Whedon\
    Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse

    Go ahead. It’s \$1.00 per box and it’s a way to be involved and show our support.\
    Plus, I get to feel like the 12 year old fangirl I never was!! (Until I hit my 30s. Shhh, let’s keep that between you and me, ok?)

  • Mysteries Revealed!

    For those who don’t yet understand my many Flying Spaghetti Monster references, CNN has an article. For the record, I am not anti-religion; I am anti-“let’s teach ‘intelligent design’ in science classes.” Big difference.

  • No more whining

    My husband is home, yay!\
    The office now has closet doors (that match! Way to go above and beyond, contractor!) and it’s time to pick a paint color, yay!\
    I FINALLY saw some awesome tv tonight, yay!\
    Potty-training hasn’t been nearly as horrible as I remember, yay!\
    It’s Friday, yay!

  • Whiny me.

    I am ready to have my husband back.\
    I am ready to have strangers out of my house.\
    I am ready to have Brian sleep past 4:30 in the morning.\
    I am ready to have Max not be sick.

  • TV recommendations

    The writers’ strike starts tomorrow. Eeeep! I am not sure how long it will last, but let’s prepare anyway: Question: What television shows, available on DVD, are must-see?\
    You all know my answer but I am going to post it anyway: Veronica Mars, Season 1. The best season of tv, ever. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but… you can skip the other seasons. Shhh, you didn’t hear it from me. But Veronica Mars Season 1? Rocks so hard core! Here are all of the reasons why. The show follows my favorite format: there are bad guys to catch each week but there is also a season-long mystery/Big Bad. Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer also worked this way.\
    Other awesome shows I highly recommend: Firefly, Sports Night, The Office, Friday Night Lights, and Supernatural. For those of you living under a rock, and not just merely uninformed, The West Wing and Friends are must-sees as well.\
    Hit me with all of your recommendations and we’ll get through the writers’ strike together and with the status quo intact: the scrapbooking incomplete, the quilting unfinished, and the great American novel unwritten.\
    ETA- I know the strike won’t affect prime time tv for a couple of months, but how will I know what to ask Santa or the New Year’s Elf for if you don’t tell me now?