Author: Kevin Lawver

  • A Cure For The Blues

    Read a really funny and disgusting story about a worm.

  • Thuddius Giganticus

    I went with Jen to her OB appointment yesterday, so I could see our baby. Doctor GoGo (a story for another time) wanted another sonnogram to check the size of the kid because Jen is measuring “large”. We arrive in the little room with the dim lights and Jen exposes the Belly that contains the Baby. Goop was applied, and the magic wand started showing us our kid. The tech started taking measurements, and then redid them. And redid them again. And one more time after that. The measurements all point to us having a gigantic baby. Right now, today, four weeks before Jen’s due date, the estimate is that the baby weighs….

    10.6 pounds!!!

    Needless to say, we were a little shocked. After all the remeasurements to make sure she had it right, the tech laughed, and asked us to tell her how big the kid is when it’s finally born. Of course, the ultrasound could be wrong. It could be off a pound and a half in either direction. Which means… we could either have a 9 pound baby or a 13 pound baby… TODAY!! Jen’s not due for another four weeks, and the kid could gain half a pound a week for the next four – that’s two whole pounds. Let’s do some math. We could end up with a baby between 11 and 15 pounds. All the newborn clothes are going right back in their bags, back in the boxes, and back in the closet. The kid’s going to walk out.

    Last night, we were trying to come up with names for our goliath child. If it’s a girl, I think we’ll name her Giganta or Thundara. If it’s a boy, Thud has a nice ring to it. Or, we could be biblical and name him Goliath. It’s really up in the air at this point.

  • Nothing

    I’ve got nothing to say. Stuff is happening, and I’m doin’ what I always do. I just have nothing to say about it. Isn’t that worth reading?

  • The Other Lawver Blogger

    My little brother asked me this week what it would take to set up a blog. He played right into my trap. It took twenty minutes to set up the new domain, MySQL db, an hour to wait while Dreamhost got them all set up, then another 10 minutes to install and configure Textpattern. I’m still getting used to Textpattern (the look is all my fault), so look for changes, and maybe a real domain name in the future. With all that said, I proudly present, my little brother, compatriot, super pal and best friend: Tim (the mighty).

  • The Woes of Meridia

    Meridia is the new diet pill I’m trying (per my doctor – no it-ner-web pharmacia for me). The side effects include, and I quote, “dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, stomach upset or constipation.” Check, check, check, aaaaaand check. But, I’ve lost seven pounds. I’m still not sure it’s worth it.

    Let’s talk about the sleeplessness. I keep waking up earlier and earlier, no matter how much sleep I think I need. This, of course, leads to the third side effect: irritability. I feel like I want to kick everyone at least once in the shins, and some multiple times in the head. This makes for an unpleasant working environment. In a job where the daily goal is not to get too wrapped up, starting out that way is not going to make for a successful day.

    Maybe if I took Meridia and Prozac together… or Meridia, Valium, and Ambien (that’s the sleeping pill, right)? Maybe if I quit my job, went to work at a garden store tending plants that never ask when I’m going to have that document ready, do this thing, or fix that problem (that wasn’t caused by me, or have anything to do with me). Nope, that won’t work either.

    I know, I’ll wear black t-shirts (check), sneer a lot and try to replace Simon Cowell on American Idol, or Henry Rollins. Oh, that’s good. I’ll be AOL’s own Henry Rollins. Someone needs a good yellin’ at, I’m your guy. I can “lose it” with the best of them. In fact, I did it yesterday. I may do it today! Watch out, world, I’m trying to lose weight!! Hide the kids and the old ladies!! GU-BLAH-GEEEEEEE-PPPHHHHH-BLAH-GRRRRRRRRR (I bite the head off a chicken… aaaaaand… scene)

  • Love is a Grocery List

    “Love begins as a sonnet, but it eventually turns in to a grocery list, Therefore you need someone with whom you can go to the supermarket.”
    -Joel Achenbach (via bazima

    Our friends frequently tell Jen that we have a good marriage. I agree. Why? Because even at the grocery store, we’re having a good time. Not just that, but even a trip to the DMV is fun when we’re together.

    That fun translates to conflict resolution, making decisions and life in general. We get along. We’re in love (going on seven years, even). And all that said, we’re not stupid about it. We know we both have little niggling annoying traits. We ignore them for the most part, laugh about them, and then accept them.

    I can’t imagine doing this marriage thing with anyone else… Love you, sweetie.

  • Eating, Eating, Eating

    I’ve been listening to this playlist I created called Max’s Happy Music to try and cheer me up. I don’t know why, but the President’s press conference last night is eating at me. Lots of things are eating at me. You’d think I’d be losing more weight…

  • Saying “I’m Sorry”

    How can you be asked point blank by a journalist if you feel any personal responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and completely dodge the question? Answer the question, Mr. President We’ve heard everything you’ve said before, and it’s getting old. Your press conference was the same stammering excuses with no real answers.

    Mr. President, you were asked at least three times if you feel any responsibility, would offer any apology to the country for 9/11. You refused to do either, and changed the subject every time. You were asked what to name a mistake you’ve made since 9/11. You couldn’t even do that. How dare you. Janet Reno, Richard Clarke and even President Clinton have publicly taken their share of the responsibility for not stopping the attacks. None of them were on the case, or in charge on that day. Your National Security Advisor, and every member of your Administration has also refused. I’m sure it’s for your own political interests. If so, you are worse than callous. You were in charge. You have a plaque on your desk that says “the buck stops here.” You have done nothing but dodge the buck during your press conference, and during your term as President. You, our law enforcement agencies, our intelligence, and your Administration failed us. You are the leader (repeat leader) of our nation. If anyone owes us an apology, it’s you.

    I am tired of your Administration’s absolute refusal to take any responsibility for your actions. You are not a cowboy. You are not a CEO. You are the President of the United States of America, and you are in charge. Take responsibility for it.

  • The SXSW People

    There are forty-one people on this list. I met them all, and had at least one conversation with them. The conversation may have been short, silly or mundane, but it was a conversation. If I talked to you and your name isn’t on this list, well, I’m a jerk (my bad memory is a jerk anyway). Let me know, and I’ll add you.

  • Nice Googlehood

    My Googlehood is a whole lot more dignified than I remember it. I’ve got some pretty impressive neighbors now! What happened?