Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Debate Notes

    I watched the debate last night, after a long day of doing nothing (God bless vacation time!). Here are my impressions:

    • I’m sorry Bob Graham dropped out, but not too much. He seems like an honest and reasonable guy, but he didn’t really strike me as presidential in the debates I watched.

    • In 2000, I didn’t like either choice – Gore or Bush. I liked McCain, but he dropped out in South Carolina, and left us with W. But, of the nine Democrats left in the race, there are real differences between the candidates, and they are polar opposites of our current President. It’s exciting to watch.

    • To me, Howard Dean is losing ground. Maybe it was just this debate, but he’s starting to look a little wooden, and I’ve heard all of his answers before. I don’t know if it’s just Dean Burnout, but he’s slipping in my mind.

    • Wesley Clark is moderate enough to win against Bush, but not liberal enough to win the nomination. That’s a little depressing, but unfortunately a fact of life. Apparently, to win the nomination, you have to go way out on the left, and then spend the rest of the campaign swimming against the current to get back to the middle. I think that the Democrats need to start that transition now. Bush is not a moderate, and his actions are eroding his support in the middle. If the Democrats speak to the middle and not the party faithful now, they get a head start on next year, and we can pick a candidate that will energize the moderates in this country, who make up an overwhelming majority of the voters in this country.

    • This debate format sucked. I could try to say something intelligent about it, but I’m not awake yet.

    • Sharpton was flatter than in other debates.

    • Speaking of moving to the middle, Kucinich needs to drop out soon. No matter what the question, he comes back to the “I voted against the war. I’m the ONLY ONE!!” line, and the even worse “Bring our troops home now!” Kucinich is interesting, but too far out on the fringe to do anything in the race. He needs to drop out.

    • I don’t think we’ll see too many more folks leave the race until New Hampshire, although I could see Moseley-Braun and Kucinich leave before then.

    • For winners? I think Kerry and Gephardt gave their best performances, and Gephardt for the first time actually looked like he had some fire. Kerry gave his most fiery performance and, in my mind, pulled even with Dean and Clark.

    I’ve been thinking about each candidate, their strengths and weaknnesses, and may write up what I see in the near future if I can find the time. Oh, Lazyweb, does such a thing already exist?

  • FoodTV Used What?

    Now I’ve heard everything… FoodTV just showed a commercial using a song by Kosheen. I thought I was the only person in the world who knew who they were (ok, only other person in the world, since I heard them through a friend). It’s a good album, feel-good lyrical techno. It’s no Mezzanine, but it’s good.

  • Clean Underpants and Bacon

    As soon as my drawers are dry, I’m pretty sure I’m going to Amphora for breakfast. Either that, or I’m cookin’ some bacon. I don’t have to do either, you know. I’m on vaaaa-aaacation.

  • Hatin’ For Jesus

    This makes me ill. To sum up, an anti-gay preacher wants to put up a “monument” in Matthew Shepard’s hometown that reads:\
    MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God’s Warning: ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.’ Leviticus 18:22

    This could get rocky, so hold on to something. This is what I don’t get about the inflexibility of some Fundamentalist Christians. Oh wait, before I get started, let me state that I’m talking about a select and chosen few who say they’re Christians and believe in Christ – not all Christians, probably not most. Unfortunately though, this group is too large and vocal not to stand up to. Here’s what I don’t get… how can you believe in Christianity – therefore you worship Jesus Christ – and espouse such hate? Luke chapter 6, verse 37 states: Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. See, this verse is in the Gospels, so it’s probably attributed to Jesus. So, even if you believe that homosexuality is wrong, how can you be so blind as to determine, on your own, where he is spending his Eternity?

    To me, one of the most important tenets of Christianity is the Golden Rule: thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. It’s the second great commandment, only after the first, which is loving God. That should help put into perspective where we’re supposed to hold those who share the earth with us.

    If we’re supposed to love our neighbors, I think that includes everyone (notice there are no qualifiers on that statement). If I loved someone, I would not pass judgement on where they’re going after they die. It’s not up to me, a mere mortal who possesses no great insight into the inner workings of anyone’s soul, not even my own. It’s not up to Fred Phelps, either.

    The Gospel is not about hate. It’s not about declaring that anyone’s going to hell. It’s about love. Love means tolerance, peace, patience and humility. It means accepting others’ shortcomings and hoping that others accept yours. To me, being a true Christian means living your life emulating the Savior – to the best of your ability. It means accepting that human beings are imperfect. We are all going to mess up.

    I have a hard time balancing sins and sinners. We’re supposed to hate sin, and love the sinners (you know, our neighbors). It’s not easy to draw the line between the sin and the individual sometimes. My religion teaches that acting on homosexual desires is a sin. Personally, I don’t know how to balance loving my neighbor with that. But… if loving my neighbor is the second great commandmant, loving my neighbor is probably more important than hating anyone’s sin. Therefore, I should suspend judgement, accept the person and love them. I shouldn’t worry about where my neighbor is going after they die, because I surely don’t have any right to judge them.

    I know that I’m not perfect. I do stupid and wrong things. If I want people to accept my shortcomings and imperfections, I have to accept others’. Being imperfect myself, I have no right to judge. There is on Judge, and it’s not me, you, Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell or any other mortal.

    I wonder if Fred Phelps would like someone putting up a giant marble monument in his hometown declaring his damnation… I doubt it. I know I wouldn’t.

    I know this probably won’t convince anyone of anything. Most people I know are in the choir on this. The ones who aren’t, I’m not eloquent enough a writer to convince.

  • Once Upon a Time in Mexico

    This afternoon’s “Movie Matinee That Jen Doesn’t Want To See” was Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and it was a blast. Johnny Depp was great as the effortlessly slimey CIA agent, Antonio should only play “El”, and Salma Hayak was beautiful in her short stay on the screen in flashbacks. The action didn’t seem as spontaneous or as un-choreographed as I would have expected, but it was still exciting.

    This is a go – in – sit – down – disengage – brain – engage – popcorn – popping – testosterone – action – guy – gene – and – enjoy movie. This is not a deep film, although it tries at the end – it fails completely to be politically relevant to anyone. I’m fine with that. This movie was a lot of fun. Willem Dafoe sneers his way through yet another villain role, and the side story with Mickey Rourke and Ruben Blades was more compelling and better acted than the main plot.

    Friday, I’ll be at the first show of Kill Bill if anyone wants to come with me.

  • What Blowout?

    I sure am glad I stayed up… that was one amazing game. The Colts came back from 21 points down with 4 minutes left in the fourth quarter and won! That was some insane football. Better yet, I’ve got Marvin Harrison in my fantasy league.

    I was none too happy with my fantasy league. I missed the draft, and the software didn’t save my rankings, so I didn’t get any of “my” players. But, through picking up some well-time free agents, my team’s doin’ OK. I’ve got David Boston and Marvin Harrison, who both scored 29 points this weekend, and Michael Pittman who I picked up as a free agent two weeks ago. I’m three and one now (we missed the first week with a late start) and am pretty happy with the team I’ve got.

    Off to make phone calls, and maybe to the movies this afternoon.

  • School of Rock

    Today was a good day. I got up at 10:45 in the AM, showered, dressed, left the house and met the folks from work at Nagoya in Ashburn for some Hibachi action. It was good, but the Hibachi chef didn’t put on the show I was expecting. The two other times I’ve been there, the guy did the onion volcano, the egg-robatics, etc. This guy was aaa-aaall business. The food was just as good, I just like fire… especially flaming onions.

    After lunch, I went to see School of Rock. If you like Jack Black at all, even a little, you will love this movie. If you’ve ever loved rock, and ever wanted to be a Rock God, you will love this movie. It could have been super-cheesy, shmaltzy, after-school-special crappy, but it’s not. Jack Black pulls off hilarious earnestness, and the kids really do a great job. I laughed more than I expected. Oh, and Joan Cusack is amazing.

    Go see it with someone you love, or by yourself like I did.

    Tonight? I made a lovely butter-lemon salmon with curried tomato rice and it was super-tasty, if I do say so myself. I’m especially proud of the rice: just enough curry to give it a kick but not overwhelm the little pieces of tomato. Aaaaand now, I’m feeling sorry for Tony Dungy getting his butt handed to him by his former team, 21-nothing, and they’re still trying to run up the score with just a few seconds before halftime. What a way to spend your forty-eighth birthday.

    Tomorrow, I’m starting on the Honey-Do list Jen left for me. Lots of phone calls… and maybe I’ll go see another movie. Suggestions?

  • Reid Does It Again

    I love Reid Stott’s site. I found it originally through searching for photos, and stuck around when he started blogging. He’s as smart a guy as he is a photographer, and he says it better than I ever could again in his Weekend Plame Update. Amazing summary of what’s going on, and a great view from the middle that should scare the President’s Re-election Team silly.

  • Football Notes

    Watching football, curled up on the couch with the laptop catching up on blogs, e-mail, etc and I just noticed that CBS’s new penalty notice underneath the little scorebox in the top corner of the screen looks just like a piece of corn on the cob. CBS, what’s up with that? Are you being paid by ADM to make me want corn?

    Oh, and Sam Madison’s interception, picking the ball up from the bounce off his teammates back with a leap OVER him was the coolest defensive play I’ve seen in a long time. Good golly, I love me some football.

    Relatedly, I watched NFL Countdown this morning, and they showed Rush’s comment from last week that led to all the brouhaha, and his resignation. A bunch of critics have said that the other people on the show didn’t protest enough. Seeing the replay, I think that Tom Jackson and Steve Young responded correctly. They didn’t respond to the racial aspect of it, because they didn’t recognize that part of it at the time. But, both Jackson and Young both responded very strongly in football terms, defending McNabb’s ability – which I think was the right way to respond to it whether or not they caught the racial aspect of it or not.

    It’s a football show. They’re former football players. They responded in football terms. Makes sense to me. I also think that the response from especially Tom Jackson this morning was spot-on. They addressed it at the open of the show before the opening credits, which was perfect. After they addressed, it they ran the opening credits and got down to football. Perfect.

  • Home Alone

    If I weren’t sick, this might actually be fun. Why is it that I get sick whenever I take time off? My boss calls it “executive syndrome” – I call it some form of twisted natural justice. It’s not fair. It’s annoying. I have a horrible sore throat, a fever, bodyache – yeah, you know, the flu. It’s the beginning of October and I have the flu. Bleagh.

    Sick or not, I’ve got a story. Go look at this pic and then come back. I know it’s fuzzy. The Sidekick has a crappy camera, I know, but you should be able to make out the bumper-to-bumperness of the traffic. That’s the LDS Temple in the background there. That was Friday night. That’s when Jen and Max were supposed to go to Tucson Friday night. Their flight took off from BWI at 5:35pm. We left the house at 2:30. It USUALLY takes an hour to get to BWI, with traffic, the longest it’s taken us is two hours. It took us three and a half hours to get there. Needless to say, they missed their flight.

    They made it yesterday in exactly 65 minutes. They? Oh yeah, my dad drove them to the airport because I couldn’t breath or keep my eyes open.

    Happy vacation to me…