Author: Kevin Lawver

  • No Other Funny Pink Eye Jokes

    292.5 – Yeah, the diet’s on even though I’m sick and want to claw my eyes out with gardening tools. I’m watching John Ashcroft’s press conference about the raised thread level, and well, I’m not sure why, but I’m not terribly worried about going to ‘orange’.

    Daytime TV sucks. It’s just plain horrible. TiVo is letting me down and not recording enough stuff to keep me entertained and my mind off my eyes.

    I swear there will be new stuff actually worth reading (I know, some of you are saying “why start now?”). It will just have to wait until I can stare at this screen for more than 20 minutes without a gigantic headache setting in. I’ll be back… I hope.

  • Argh! It’s The Infamous Pink Eye!

    It’s even worse today. It took 5 minutes to get my eyes open this morning, and they sting like crazy. Visine helps a little, but not enough for me to stop squinting like a mole. Needless to say, I’m home again so I don’t infect anyone else. What 27 year-old gets pink eye in BOTH eyes? That’s just unfair.

  • Givin’ Me The Sti… Pink Eye

    I’m at home. Why? I’m the monkey from Outbreak. I’m extremely contagious with conjunctivitis. You got it. I have the dreaded Pink Eye. On top of my itchy painful eyes, I have a sinus infection! My doctor said not to go back to work until it’s cleared up, which means I could be here the rest of the week, on the couch, over a modem, small gooky tears rolling down my face as I stumble along trying to do work without all my normal tools.

  • A Post In Two ‘Pooky Parts

    I think I finally have a plan for the big redesign of this site. Since I don’t really want to invest a bunch of time in learning PHP while I’m still working on getting comfortable with Java, I’m working on doing some funky javascript includes to get content over from the other stuff on this site (photos and the geekery – well, the geekery once I turn it into a blog). I got the photos stuff working last night. The design’s all up in my head and just needs to be translated. It’s funny how completely converted to CSS I am. I used to think in tables and spacer gifs. Now, it’s all divs, floating left and right, width, padding, margin, font-family, etc. It’s a lot more fun than building Byzantine table structures, let me tell you.

    I’m still not sold on XHTML and all this validation stuff yet. I know it’s a nice ideal, but at least at work, there are things in XHTML that don’t work in older browsers. There are also things that require more code in XHTML than in old HTML 4.01 Transitional. I’m working on size and speed, not validation, which makes me a bit of a pariah, I know. But, in this huge project you’ll be seeing in a week or so, you’ll notice it doesn’t validate – but it is fast, which is my ultimate goal. For this site, I may try to make it validate, but only as an exercise to see if I can do it.

    :: non-existant segue ::

    I borrowed a bunch of PS2 games from my boss yesterday. Max and I were trying them all out. Of course, every PS2 game (and every PS1 game) has some sort of Loading… screen. Max is really into definitions now, and asked me what Loading means. I told him that the game is stored on the CD and the PlayStation has to read all the stuff off the CD so it can show it to us on the screen. I seemed to accept that, so about twenty minutes later as we were watching another Loading… screen, I asked him what Loading means. He tilted his head to the side like he always does when he’s trying to answer a question and then said emphatically, “It means the blue bar goes shwoooomp!” and used his finger to mime the loading bar. Yeah, he’s three… smart as a whip, but he’s still three.

    Ok, one more Max story then I really need to get back to work. As I think I’ve told you, Max can read. This isn’t the story, but it helps to illustrate his reading ability… We went to out local Vietnamese restaurant last week, and Max wanted to read everyone’s fortune from their cookie. He sounded each word out, and only needed help on one (possibility, I think it was). After practicing a couple times, he could read each of them without pausing. The scariest part is that he doesn’t read with a monotone like most little kids. He reads it like he actually knows what it means and puts some emotion and inflection into it. But, my favorite part of his reading is the fact that his S’s and L’s are silent and M’s are B’s. Ok, on to the story… Last night, I was headed upstairs after work to change into my comfy sweatpants and sweater. Max wanted to come too, but I told him to play in his room while I changed. He told me, “Daddy, I can’t. It’s ‘pooky in there!” Of course, I turned on the light for him, and he said, “See? No more ‘pooky!” I’ve been saying it at work under my breath this morning… “Man, I don’t want to do that, it’s ‘pooky!”

  • ::Yawn::

    294 – A crappy weekend, what with being sick and all. I’m back at work, and although I feel better, I’m still really tired. So, what do I do as soon as I get back to work? I start a fight. It’s my job. It’s what I do.

    I’m gonna go pretend to take some sort of caffeinated substance, and pretend to be awake.

  • Stupid Welcome Wagon, I Knew It Would Ruin Me!

    I love having a title that doesn’t relate at all to the content of the post that follows. I’m home sick now after actually attempting to make it through the morning and having my boss come over and tell me I looked like hell and to just go home. I was planning on working on a redesign of this site, but hey, I feel as bad as I look. Maybe later tonight if I wake up and the rocks are removed from my head.

    Oh, and I just passed the 900 post mark… yowza.

  • Wee Babies And Crackheads

    I mentioned Chappelle’s Show last week in my epic list of good tv, especially that I’d only seen the first episode and am reserving judgement BUT that it looks like it will be amazing. Well, folks, after watching last night’s episode, I can honestly say I want to have Dave Chapelle’s babies. The crackhead talking to school kids was almost as funny as the black white power sketch from last week. And the opening bit with the “pretty white girl” was just plain brilliant. Catch a repeat. Do whatever you have to to watch this show. You won’t be sorry.

  • Hodge Podge Covered By Kevin

    295 – Over at A Small Victory, there’s a discussion of the best cover songs out there. I came up with a pretty good list that I posted to the comments, but the list is SO good, I wanted to share it here too.

    • These Memories Can’t Wait – Living Colour cover of Talking Heads

    • The James Bond Theme – Skatalites cover of everyone.

    • James Bond Theme – Art of Noise… ditto

    • Not really a cover, but Bela Fleck and the Flecktones’ version of The Star Spangled Banner gives me goosebumps every time I hear. They also do a great version of The Beatles’ My Michelle.

    • I Will Survive – Cake cover of You Know Who

    • Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley cover of Leonard Cohen (John Cale’s is good too – it’s the one they used in Shrek)

    • Stand By Your Man – Lyle Lovett’s cover (on The Crying Game soundtrack)

    • Don’t Fence Me In – David Byrne’s cover (the only good thing to come out of The Bachelor – the film, not the show)

    • Take Me To The River – Talking Head’s cover

    • Wang Dang Doodle – Koko Taylor’s version (not really a cover cuz EVERY blues singer does this song)

    • Light My Fire – Massive Attack’s cover of Jose (you know who)

    • Crosstown Traffic – Living Colour’s cover of Jimi Hendrix

    In other exciting family news, my little sister has won yet another award!! She is now easily the most famous of the Lawvers. I have some catching up to do. As the oldest, I feel it is my place to be more famous than the rest of them. Ok, not really, but that sounds really catty, doesn’t it?

    My cold is still messing with me. It’s decided that waking me up choking on throat and nose goblins at the crack of dawn, then subjecting me to chills and a rampaging headache until at least 10:30am. For the rest of the day, it’s sore throat, stuffy head and dulled senses until I collapse again at night. Work isn’t helping. This huge thing I still can’t tell you about is about to be something I can actually show you, on top of lots of new projects and other craziness (can you say \$100 billion loss… I can’t. It makes me cry), I’ve been working way too long every day. In before 8:30, home after 7. It’s a wonderful life, I tell you.

  • State Of The Cheekbones

    Yeah, I know everyone’s going to talk about it. I think that’s a fine thing. Let’s all talk about it. Get it all out there in the open so they know what we think. We’re not some poll or a line in a graph. We’re real people talking about the stuff that matters to us. I’m a real person – a voter – with opinions and one vote to cast in the next election. I’m a tax payer, consumer, producer, capital creator, service provider, head of household (on my tax form anyway), middle class white male. I’m in a highly sought after demographic. I watch too much television and actually purchase my music. Wait, I had a point here… oh yeah, the State of the Union speech from last night. I watched the whole thing, the Democratic response, and some CNN coverage afterwards. I changed the channel as soon as Judy Woodruff mentioned that Larry King was coming up next.

    The first half of the speech sounded good for the most part. Conservation, hydrogen cars and a clean air program sound good. But, I don’t believe he means it. I guess I’m cynical, but I don’t believe him. Without the details of the plan, I have no idea if the “Clean Air” program is really a “Funnel more money to people who gave me money and have them make token changes so we can make it look like we’re doing something” program. Couching the Dividend tax cut as double-taxation is hilarious. Ummm, we’re double-taxed all the time!! There are payroll taxes my employer pays. I then pay income taxes on that same money (or what’s left of it). I get taxed on the same income by the state I live in. Double taxation is The American Way™. If you want to remove one instance of tax double-dipping for the top 2% (or whatever it is, it’s close to 2%), then you should remove all double taxation and then I might go along with it. Right now, it’s just showing middle class folks like me that you really don’t care about us.

    The Terrorism/Iraq stuff was better, well, at least it sounded better. The line about terrorists being “otherwise dealt with” was delivered too smug. It sounded like he got off on having them “whacked” and their lives were worthless. They may have been, and may have deserved to die, but none of the executed were given a trial, and that bothers me. It bothers me that the President admitted as much in front of the world. We all know dirty things happen that we’ll never know about. There’s something about a country admitting them that bothers me to no end. The talk about Iraq was solid. The list of things Saddam hasn’t divulged was illuminating, and it went a long way to convincing me that going into Iraq and forcefully removing Saddam is the right thing to do. While the list he gave was a great first step, and it’s what I think I needed to make an informed decision, I still want the supporting evidence. The good news is that we’ll probably get that evidence on the fifth when Colin Powell addresses the Security Council. If good evidence is presented there, then I’m on the bandwagon and support action. If not, well, I’m still on the fence. I support the folks in uniform no matter where our Government sends them. I grew up an Air Force brat and watched my dad ship off to all kinds of crazy places and know what it feels like to wonder if he’d come back (my brother and I never made our toy planes crash when we were little). Supporting the Government who sends them out is a different story, and the two can be mutually exclusive.

    On the domestic and economy front, I think the President was in a no-win situation. There was nothing he could say that would overshadow the things he had to say about Iraq, no matter how much people are worried about the economy. That part of the speech fell flat for me as all I really wanted to hear was whether or not we’re going to war. The last half of the speech was much better and more powerful. He sounded resolute, and left no doubt where he stands, which may or may not be a good thing. We’ll have to see on the fifth.

    The Democratic response was solid. In the time given, they didn’t really have time to go into details, but it left a good impression on me even if I can’t remember the details. The choice of a governor faced with a deficit partly caused by federally mandated but unfunded mandates was a good one. Using his grandfather as an example of the American Dream™© was masterful, and a great way to subtly show the Democratic opposition to the Republican views on Affirmative Action. Ok, I remember more than I thought…

    In completely (and I mean completely) unrelated news, I have cheekbones!! I had NO idea they were under all that face-pudge. They started peeking through yesterday, and today, I can really see them. Jen says I should take a picture to show my progress and I think I’ll do that tonight if I’m not too tired after my eleven hour workday today.

  • Super Loser (of Weight That Is)

    296.5 – I finally got a new belt last night and not a moment too soon. I was on the last hole and my pants were hanging precariously from my hips. I went ahead and got two the next two sizes down to save the hassle of going out again in six months to get a new one (the power of positive thinking, eh?).

    I’m still in training, but I missed so much yesterday with work interruptions that I’m a little behind. This morning has been no better. What a scheduling mess. A big project in QA, another big one going into QA on Friday and a new Giganto Project in the requirements phase, all with due dates this week. Oh, and I have a cold. Yes!! The perfect week.

    I actually sat down and watched the second half of Joe Millionaire last night. Ok, I get it. It’s horribly mean-spirited and “poor” Evan has to keep this deep dark secret. Watching the girls get all catty, and ruining Zora’s date was pretty funny. But, when you get down to it, it’s capitalizing on their greed and Evan’s willingness to play the bait in this awful farce. When you think about it, it’s pretty despicable even though it makes for great TV. I don’t think I’ll watch it next week.