But this is really funny. I couldn’t get to the original site, so BoingBoing will have to do. Doesn’t matter, it’s still extremely funny.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Speed of Sound
I love this picture. Brian sat at the top, eyeing the height carefully before he decided to go for it. This is him right before he flew off the end of the slide and onto his butt. Thankfully, the diaper took the brunt, and Brian hopped (well, I think he might have skipped one and landed on his feet) right back up and headed for another trip. My hand is only in the shot because I was trying to catch him… but I’m slow.
Playing at the Park
I didn’t have to work today (thankfully) and it was lovely, so we took the kids to the park! They had a ton of fun, and I had a ton of fun taking pictures of them having fun. The rest are up up on Flickr, but here are a couple of my favorites:
[![Max strikes a pose.](http://static.flickr.com/108/294903183_fd6d45017f_m.jpg “Max strikes a pose.”)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/kplawver/294903183/) [![Brian’s a fool for slides.](http://static.flickr.com/99/294903970_e515ec2e10_m.jpg “Brian’s a fool for slides.”)](http://www.flickr.com/photos/kplawver/294903970/)
Back to the Business at Hand
Supernatural is on tonight! Yippppeeeeee! Linda Blair, yes that Linda Blair, will be in tonight’s episode. Check it out! (Thursdays at 9 ET on The CW)
First they came for the…
Elizabeth Hasselbeck, from The View, a conservative who is known to believe that the homosexual lifestyle is a sin, said that she would be ok with gay marriage, if it were voted on by the public. Voting on whether gays should have the right to marry is as ridiculous as voting whether left-handed people should be subjected to slavery. (Right-handers unite!) Fundamental rights should not be voted on.\
I understand why some people are against the gay lifestyle. However, just because you think something is wrong, does not mean it should be illegal. Stand up and preach to your heart’s content about how you believe same-sex relationships are wrong. But don’t force your personal beliefs onto others.\
Seriously, why is this concept so hard to grasp? In light of all of the changes the human race has seen over the years- people being property the biggest one- why does it seem like a good idea for a majority to decide what basic human rights the minority should get? -
Christmas Morning
I went to bed a little after midnight and had a hard time getting to sleep. When I went to bed, George Allen still had the lead, but Jim Webb was closing every time new numbers were reported. I woke up at five AM and it felt just like Christmas Morning. What would be under the tree? I rushed (quietly) down the stairs, checked the feed reader, and what did I see? Presents! Webb up by an almost recount-proof eight thousand votes, McCaskill winning in Missouri and Tester teasingly close in Montana. The Democrats took the House, and are a recount (or two) away from taking the Senate. Merry Christmas, America!
Feeling Sorta Smart
It’s 11:30PM on election night, and I’m about to go to bed because I just can’t take any more. Right now, I’m feeling pretty smart. Let’s review my predictions from yesterday:
- A recount in Virginia’s Senate race: Right now, with Webb inching up every time they report numbers, Allen leads by only 7,000 votes, which pretty much guarantees a recount by whoever comes out behind when the first count is done. Update: Looks like there isn’t going to be a recount after all, but it was close.
- Cardin beats Steele: Yup, easy
- Wolf beats Feder: Yep
- The stupid marriage amendment: Yep, it passed. I’m disappointed, but not surprised. Never overestimate Evangelicals. They’ll disappoint you every time.
- Dems take house with twenty-five seats: We haven’t seen much from out west and the Democrats have already taken the fifteen seats they need. I expect at least ten more.
- Senate at 50-50: Too close to tell. Who knows? Update: Wrong! Hooray!! With Allen conceding some time today (Thursday 11/9), the Democrats will have a 51-49 majority in the Senate.\
Of course, I’ll update this as we know things for sure, but right now, I’m feeling pretty smart.
Hi! *waves*
I want you to imagine me saying this in my most condescending voice. I don’t think it will be that hard for most you:\
It is ok to be a Republican. Really, it is. You want the dream of lower taxes, individuals fending for themselves, and the government out of your lives except for your bedroom? That’s cool. Rock on with your Republican self.\
But it is not OK to support President Bush. I mean, I am not going to go to your house and attack you or anything. But after all of the information about everything since 9/11 has come out, it just boggles my mind that people would still support him. I understand supporting The Office of the President, but the man himself has been shown to be both incompetent and duplicitous. -
It’s raining!
God is sad because you didn’t vote yet.\
Quote of the Day
“To paraphrase Thomas Edison, sometimes interesting opportunities arrive dressed as a huge pain in the ass.” — Merlin Mann on the 43 Folders Podcast