Kevin left his nuts at home when he went to Vegas this morning. He asked me to get some cashews for the plane ride, which I did, but then he forgot to pack them. More for me!\
Also, I am sick with a deep-chested cough that cries out for Nyquil. Yet, I can’t take any since I have the kids to watch. Dayquil just isn’t the same. 🙁 Oh, and the house is a super-wicked mess. Please don’t drop by unannounced without expecting to see a huge ol’ pig stye and me in my purple jammies.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Reasons to celebrate!
Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone. Be extra safe when traveling tonight! Kevin wore his green shirts on Wednesday and Thursday, thus he had none for today. Feel free to pinch him if you see him. (He said it was ok this morning, so I assume he meant it was ok for everyone. Just no pinching the butt, that is my area.)\
I went shopping as soon as Kevin walked in the door last night and had a mighty fine time. Since I was out and FREE!, I did a bit of window shopping for the living room I want to redecorate. It was fun. I didn’t find what I was looking for, which is off-putting. What if they won’t have it when I am really ready to buy? But I ran into a friend and made a date for me and a separate date for Kevin and the kids. YAY! I also bought some bed-risers for Max’s bed so I can store some of his outgrown clothes under there. Yay for storage!\
Brian’s second birthday is right around the corner. I feel like we should decorate his room (since we decorated Max’s when he was two and he LOVED it), but I am not sure how to proceed. Should we get bunk beds for the kids and just use them in their separate rooms for right now? Should we keep Brian in his crib a little bit longer?\
I haven’t seen any Girl Scouts selling cookies this year. What’s up with that? Am I just going to the wrong stores? -
Out of the mouths of babes…
Max just told me that “the dad on My Dad the Rockstar is a pain in the ass when it comes to camping.”
I remember the first time I cussed in front of my mom. I was in jr high and I said, “how the hell am I supposed to know…” (talking about school stuff). We were in the car and we were both shocked that I said “hell.” Max had no such shock and even repeated the phrase when I said, “what did you say?”
For those who care…
Kevin went to the doctor today to have his ankle looked at (he rolled it while in Austin) and his ankle is fine. YAY!
Dear Everyone At Work
Please stop sending me mail. I haven’t caught up from yesterday’s 330 to get to the 100 that have already come in since 8AM. Just stop. Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow.\
I would ask you to call, but since I just moved to a new desk, I don’t have one. So, just sit there and do something productive until I get out from under the weight of all these useless bits. -
TV Time
So who watched Veronica Mars last night? Who? Who?
He is so busted!
Kevin’s birthday celebration is tomorrow, since he will be traveling on his actual birthday. And what did Kevin come home with last night? A book that was on his wishlist that I had just bought for him for his birthday. The dude is in soo much trouble. If you see him today, go ahead and shout, “dead man walking.”\
Tonight is the only night we will all be home together before his next trip. Except now I must go out and do birthday shopping again. (I can’t do it during the day because I don’t have a working car right now.) So, I am going to feed him some salad (since he just got back from France and Texas I figured a salad would be a good thing), and then I am hitting the stores all by myself, before the kids’ bedtime. Yeehaw! Shopping alone is fun! And since the kids will be awake while I am out, it’ll feel like I am ditching, which will make it extra awesome!\
ETA- Oh, I just remembered that I was planning on having Kev spend time with the kids while I cleaned up the top floor, which is really hard to do when the kids are awake and when they are asleep. Oh well. Birthday shopping comes first. -
Those darn kids
Do you think Kevin’s and my parents read our blog and shake their heads at how conservative-y yet liberal we are?
Pictures Of Me Looking Stupid
I spent a lot of time making faces. Here’s a selection:
- From Porter
- I give Porter the thumbs up
- Also from Porter
- Betsy likes my stickers
- Cindy thinks I have a secret\
Several people were kind enough to take pictures during our panel:\
These are all from the talented (and gimpy) Cindy Li: - Before we began
- I think this is before we started too (there’s a funny story about why Arun didn’t have a name badge thingie, which I’ll tell when I’m not exhausted)
- Marc Canter says ‘hi’
- Me, looking evil
- Jeremy Keith asks us a question and Eric Meyer and Susie Wychak are in the first row
- Look at the size of his head!
- My awesome panelists and me\
Leia took one too\
Needless to say, I’m home. I’m extremely tired and my foot hurts. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with Doctor Wilson to see if I’ve done anything horrific to my ankle. Keep your fingers crossed.
Come To My Panel… Or I Will Cry
Come to Convincing Your Company to Embrace Standards this morning! If you want a preview of the presentation, it’s here. But, it would be better if you help fill up the room. If the room is empty, I’ll be sad, although it might make doing the presentation a little easier.\
And, if you don’t care about standards, but still have a small group that needs to convince a large group to do something, you might get something out of today’s panel. It’s all about subverting from the inside and effecting change within large organizations with limited means.\
Should be fun! See you there!