Ok, all my Russian speakers, I need a translation. What does “ti horoshi” mean? Really. It might be Ukrainian. I don’t have the Cyrillic form, just the phonetic English pronunciation. Help!\
UPDATE: Do I have no readers who speak Russian? I got the translation, and it means “you’re good”. And it’s true. I am.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Translation Needed
Gender differences
Look at what Kevin posted about <——– and then look at what I posted about below.
Sex is heavenly
Barbara Walters is pimping her “Where is Heaven?” special and just said that Christians don’t believe there is sex in heaven. Well then, I need a new religion stat!\
ETA- I started watching the special and am disappointed she didn’t talk to anyone from the LDS Church. We have very different beliefs about Heaven and Hell, and who goes where. Including us would have added A LOT to the conversation, imo.\
A follow up about the sex question: she asked a Catholic guy (some big wig from DC and the president of some Catholic college) and he said there wouldn’t be sex or any of the other physical pleasures in heaven. Later, she spoke to an Evangelical minister and he said there would be physical pleasures in heaven, like all you can eat bbq and cookies. But he didn’t specifically mention sex and she didn’t ask. What kind of journalist is she? -
Merry Christmas, America
What have we found out this year?
- Our government tortures people because it can, does it without regard for our Constitution, our laws, international treaties or fear of punishment.
- Our government illegally spies on its own citizens without regard to the legality or constitutionality of the practice (more info from Salon and Josh Marshall
- Our President thinks the Constitution, the founding document of our country and the bedrock of all our laws, is a Goddamned piece of paper.
- Our President and Vice President have repeatedly lied to us about a whole host of issues from Iraq to torture to these new allegations of wiretapping, and no one is calling for impeachment. President Clinton was impeached for lying about an affair. President Bush and Vice President Cheney’s lies have violated your civil rights, caused innocent people to be tortured, killed our fighting men and women, and ruined our standing in the international community. Where’s the outrage?
- Our Congress doesn’t care about any of the above and is beholden to the wealthy and vile.
- Our Congress can’t seem to make or pass a law that doesn’t contain inordinate amounts of pork for wealthy donors in the home district. They can’t pass a defense bill without sticking in all kind of unread, unreviewed, unrelated measures meant to undermine due process and debate (like sticking drilling in ANWR into a defense spending bill at the last minute).
- Our supposedly independent press knew about the torture and the spying before last year’s election and sat on the stories. You think 51% of the country would have voted to keep Mr. Bush in office if they knew he thought the Constitution was a “god damned piece of paper”?\
Merry Christmas, America.
Physical Therapy Works
Yes, physical therapy works, but boy does it suck! Three days a week, I go in to get beat up by tiny friendly women with the souls of medieval torturers. It takes about two hours each time as I go from heat and prodding to never-ending exercises to freezing and electrocution. But, I can see progress. I now have a hint of a calf muscle, and I got rid of the crutch on Saturday!!\
Believe it, I am now crutch free. I can drive. I am almost back to where I was in September with the boot and walking. Unfortunately, I have a pronounced limp and by the end of the day, my ankle throbs and my knee is on fire.\
This all has a purpose. In January, Jen and I are going to Austin, and then comes a trip to Northern California, NYC, the big W3C shindig in France, and then back to Austin for SxSW. I need to be walking without the boot for those, and able to walk without a lot of pain. In order to be out of the boot by January, I figure I need to be able to walk in the boot without crutches about now, even though it’s pretty uncomfortable.\
It’s good to have goals, and it’s good to be able to see an end to all of this, even if it’s still a little ways off. -
Something Is Coming
Why have I been so quiet? Because something is coming. I’ll let you know when it’s actually here, but it has something to do with this.\
Also, something else is also coming at some point after the previously mentioned something shows up. -
Yesterday morning, I scraped off all of the ice from Kevin’s car and warmed it up for him, without being asked.\
Just now I shoveled over an inch of snow/ice/slush mixture while it was precipitating on my head, so that broken-footed Kev wouldn’t slip when he comes home later. And I have fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies waiting for him.\
I am so the wife of the year! -
I love my husband; he is wonderful. Everyone should have a spouse as thoughtful and loving.\
But you can’t have mine, go find your own. -
Coughing fit
I have a really bad, tickly itch in my throat and lungs that won’t go away. (I had a cold last week.) Any suggestions for how to get rid if it?
One short ride for man…
Kevin drove today. Hallelujah!