I had the best Mother’s Day ever yesterday. Kevin got up with the kids, without any begging, prompting, or hinting from me. When I finally woke up, at the glorious hour of 9:30, he made me a plate of strawberries and cool whip to snack on while he whipped up a fabulous mushroom and cheese omelet. Then I opened presents and goofed off pleasantly with the boys. My in-laws gave me flowers and a scented candle. Isn’t that nice? It was such a nice morning, makes me actually look forward to next year’s. Big thanks to Kevin, Max, Brian, and the Lawvers.
Category: Kevin
Now that the TV-season is over, whatever will we chat about? And no, don’t say baseball.\
In super happy news, Kevin came home at a decent time last night. Whooo. It’s like crazy-time is over! YAY!\
In other, almost desperate news, there is only one Diet Dr Pepper in the house! Eeeep. -
Working late again
Kevin just told me that he will be working extra late tonight. Poor Kev. Which means I have to face the uber-scary Aaron Echolls on tonight’s Veronica Mars finale all by myself. Eeeep. My second thought was, “rib leftovers for me!” Yay!\
ETA- I actually just had some chicken instead of the ribs. I am the best wife ever! Hee. -
Weekend Update
Max had another soccer game on Saturday. He has so much fun there, I have to recommend it to all parents of young children. It is so much more interactive and physically demanding than tee-ball or little league. (It’s practically non-stop running for an hour, instead of standing around waiting to bat or for someone to hit the ball your way.) It’s kind of hard to watch though, because he tends to stop paying attention. Which is fine since he is only 6, except I want him to pay attention and get better. But I don’t want to be one of those overzealous parents you hear so much about. In practice all of the boys seem to be getting better at the basic skills, but come game time, they just kind of do a “Lord of the Dance” imitation when they get near the ball. If the teams kept score, you’d note that they are relatively high-scoring though because 1) we don’t use goalies and 2) once a kid makes a good kick, he can usually follow it through to the goal because there is almost no defense on the field.\
Yesterday was the first day in nearly a week that I didn’t have a horrible headache plaguing me all day. Also, Kevin only worked 11 hours. Coincidence? I think not.\
Tonight is the series finale of 7th Heaven. Sniff. Let’s all take a moment to reflect on this horribly written and horribly acted show. The fans will miss the many non-interesting story lines filled with hypocrisy, manipulation, backstabbing, and outright lying. I guess they’ll just have to pay more attention to the Bush Administration to get their fill from now on.\
In Brian news, he has been wearing only one sandal for almost 2 hours. I don’t know why.\
Kevin told me he gets teased by coworkers about my numerous Veronica Mars posts. Hmm, I guess this means I shouldn’t post my thoughts on under-wire bras. -
Workin in a coal mine…
Kevin left for work at 7:25 am and left from work at 10:25 pm.\
Isn’t that sad? -
He laughed out loud too.
Kev finally caught up on the last few weeks of Veronica Mars episodes. (Yes folks, that is how hard and long he has been working, he couldn’t even watch the best show on tv.) He laughed so much, it was fun to re-watch it with him. He had different favorite lines than I did, but was still surprised they got a shocker reference in there again and a dirty Sanchez reference.\
I am going to visit my parents and help them unpack from their cross-country move, so you will be without my VM pimpings for awhile. (It’s sad, I know.) Hey, maybe I can get Kev to do a little pimping for me.\
Just remember: Watch Veronica Mars on Tuesdays at 9 pm on UPN. (Due to possible local affiliate pre-emptions for sports, be sure to check your local listings. The episodes are aired later the same night or on the weekends.) There are only 3 episodes left until the season finale. If you haven’t seen the show before, it isn’t too late to start. I still have no clue who the killer is, and I can’t wait to find out. I also don’t know what is going on with Beaver or his older brother, Dick. All this and the other mysteries will be solved by the finale. Check it out! -
Yay for me, too bad for you.
I have the best husband in the world. Yay!
Penn&Teller broke Kevin’s heart a little bit last night when they said he couldn’t join their club. Awwww. 🙁 Their latest show was on The Boy Scouts of America and how they discriminate against homosexuals and atheists, yet still receive government money, ever since the Mormon church got involved. Shame on the BSA! Pick a side and stick with it! Either you are a public group that allows anyone to be a member (and receives government money) or you are a private group that can make membership selective (and does not receive government money).\
Speaking of homosexuals, I was lurking at TWoP and saw a funny post. A woman saw a commercial for Big Love, an HBO show about polygamy set in Utah, where one of the wives got into a screaming match about praying for souls with two guys on bikes. The poster thought the two guys were gay. Hee. Someone else from TWoP explained that they weren’t gay, just missionaries. -
Dear Everyone At Work
Please stop sending me mail. I haven’t caught up from yesterday’s 330 to get to the 100 that have already come in since 8AM. Just stop. Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow.\
I would ask you to call, but since I just moved to a new desk, I don’t have one. So, just sit there and do something productive until I get out from under the weight of all these useless bits. -
Pictures Of Me Looking Stupid
I spent a lot of time making faces. Here’s a selection:
- From Porter
- I give Porter the thumbs up
- Also from Porter
- Betsy likes my stickers
- Cindy thinks I have a secret\
Several people were kind enough to take pictures during our panel:\
These are all from the talented (and gimpy) Cindy Li: - Before we began
- I think this is before we started too (there’s a funny story about why Arun didn’t have a name badge thingie, which I’ll tell when I’m not exhausted)
- Marc Canter says ‘hi’
- Me, looking evil
- Jeremy Keith asks us a question and Eric Meyer and Susie Wychak are in the first row
- Look at the size of his head!
- My awesome panelists and me\
Leia took one too\
Needless to say, I’m home. I’m extremely tired and my foot hurts. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with Doctor Wilson to see if I’ve done anything horrific to my ankle. Keep your fingers crossed.