Category: family

  • Sweet Talk

    Remember when I said UPN could kiss my ass? Well apparently that is just the kind of sweet talk they like (I should have known they liked it dirty and rough, they are UPN after all), as I was invited to be on the cool kids list too! YAY! Who knew complaining could be so effective?\
    Here is the latest press release:\
    VERONICA MARS Viewing Party\
    UPN is offering its dedicated Veronica Mars bloggers a great opportunity to have your 15-seconds of fame! Every week, get a group of friends together for a Veronica Mars viewing party and shoot some video of your event. The tape can include anything you want: sound bites of your friends talking about their favorite characters, you saying why you love Veronica Mars, or a group shout-out to your friends and family in your hometown. But keep it clean, because your tape could end up airing on UPN during an episode of Veronica Mars!
    If anyone out there is interested, leave me a comment and I can get you the details and UPN’s contact info!\
    And guess what? Veronica Mars is on tonight at 9pm EST on UPN! YAY!

  • BS

    Penn&Teller broke Kevin’s heart a little bit last night when they said he couldn’t join their club. Awwww. 🙁 Their latest show was on The Boy Scouts of America and how they discriminate against homosexuals and atheists, yet still receive government money, ever since the Mormon church got involved. Shame on the BSA! Pick a side and stick with it! Either you are a public group that allows anyone to be a member (and receives government money) or you are a private group that can make membership selective (and does not receive government money).\
    Speaking of homosexuals, I was lurking at TWoP and saw a funny post. A woman saw a commercial for Big Love, an HBO show about polygamy set in Utah, where one of the wives got into a screaming match about praying for souls with two guys on bikes. The poster thought the two guys were gay. Hee. Someone else from TWoP explained that they weren’t gay, just missionaries.

  • Hump Day!

    Today is the day that comes closest to a day off for me: Babba Day! After school, Max will go hang out with his grandma leaving Brian and me to do whatever we want. YAY! I even get to take a nap without any guilt! Wahoo! (In reality, I usually end up accidentally crashing on the couch every afternoon when Max and I watch Myth Busters.)\
    Kevin has the one working car today, so Brian and I are going to hang out in comfy pants ALL DAY! I am not even going to put a bra on! But I have laundry to do and a kitchen to clean. Plus Brian has a cold and is extra cranky, so today won’t be total fun. But like I said, it is the closest I get to a day off, so YAY! And then tonight we are ordering Chinese food and will settle on the couch for an all new and exciting Veronica Mars (on UPN at 9pm EST)! So, double YAY!\
    I must have been extra excited to start my day off because I woke up four times between 5 am and 6 am, when my alarm was set to go off. Isn’t that weird?

  • Max’s First Soccer Game

    I took pictures, lots and lots of pictures. Most of them were of eight boys running one way or another.\
    Little kid soccer is a lot of fun. There’s the thrill of the kick, the attempted kick, the frenzied chase for the ball, the constant in-bounding and then re-out-of-bounding. The kids loved it, and we had a good time yelling encouragement. Next Saturday, more of the same.

  • One of the elite

    I have the “stay-at-home-mom” title, I have the house in the ‘burbs, I routinely have play-dates, I own 3 strollers and 4 car-seats, and I even have a van. Finally, I have the last thing needed to be truly crowned a soccer mom: a kid actually in soccer. Max’s first game is on Saturday. Wish him fun!

  • Little old man

    Brian constantly walks around the house with his hands clasped behind his back, which accentuates his belly, making him look like a stodgy old history professor lecturing on something very boring. It is the cutest thing ever!

  • Eh, whatever.

    It’s interesting to read the various reactions about Big Love, especially from LDS members. Some believe that polygamy will be re-instituted on earth at some point and others don’t, some think there will be polygamy in the next life and others don’t. Honestly, there is much I don’t know about how things will shake out. Someone posted this philosophy, “The Mormon perspective, at least, tends to be, ‘Eh, we’ll work out the details in the next life.’ ;)” at TWoP. I laughed when I read that but that is kinda how I feel. Except that I am absolutely positive that whatever happens will be my choice; I won’t be forced into anything. So, either way, the thought doesn’t bother me at all.

  • Dear Everyone At Work

    Please stop sending me mail. I haven’t caught up from yesterday’s 330 to get to the 100 that have already come in since 8AM. Just stop. Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow.\
    I would ask you to call, but since I just moved to a new desk, I don’t have one. So, just sit there and do something productive until I get out from under the weight of all these useless bits.

  • Pictures Of Me Looking Stupid

    I spent a lot of time making faces. Here’s a selection:

  • The Crippled Conference

    I was really looking forward to SxSW this year. I’m moderating a panel I’m really excited about. I get to see all of my south-by pals, go to amazing panels and eat good food. It was a good plan, until I went to pick up the rental car and rolled my ankle turning to talk to someone. I don’t know if it’s bad or not. I don’t know if it’s just a mild sprain (which is what I thought it was the first time), something serious, or nothing at all. It’s the first time I’ve tweaked it since surgery, and I’m freaked out. It’s swelling more than usual, which may be normal because I’m doing more walking. It hurts, which also may be normal with all the walking.\
    What do it all mean? It means I’m not doing a bunch of stuff at night, and I’ve already skipped one keynote so I can ice and shock it (yes, the home electrocution kit made the journey). It means I’m missing out on a bunch of stuff, and that makes me sad. I had to skip out after dinner last night to ice myself into oblivion. Have you ever had ice directly on your skin to the point that it burns, till your skin turns red?\
    Yes, I’m just feeling sorry for myself. I’m still having a good time. I’m still extremely excited about my panel. I’m still ecstatic to hang out with my pals and meet new people. I’m excited about other peoples’ panels. My favorites so far have been Creating Passionate Users (see the blog) and How To Be A Web Design Superhero from Andy Clarke and Andy Budd. Both were very well done, and I got a lot out of them (now, I totally need to redo I Am Alpha). I am in complete envy of the Andies slides. They were the best slides I’ve ever seen, and I don’t normally like slides. If you were there, you know what I mean. If you weren’t, imagine a comic book as a presentation and then throw in some complimentary motion, and that it fits perfectly with the tone and timing of the panel. Yep, they were that good. It makes my poor little s5 slides look a little anemic. But, I’m not a designer, and I think the content is good, so we’ll go with them and see what happens. You can even get the slides yourself!\
    If you see me hobbling around, please say hi. I would love to meet you. Also, please come to our panel Tuesday morning at 10!! We’re in the “big room” according to the mini-schedule, and it would be kind of embarrassing if no one showed up.