I was going through old pictures in iPhoto trying to organize the chaos (over 9,000 pictures from the last five years, only the last two years in categories) and I found these.\
Max had just turned four (I think) and got into the toilet paper stash. He created snow, a sandbox, a hat, and I got a couple shots of him mid-revel. I love this one so much, I can’t even express it.
Old Pictures – King of TP
Tips For The Couch-Bound
Stuck on the couch with a laptop? Tired of your trackpad? ‘\
I have a little Kensington optical mouse I bought for travelling. It’s tiny (and so cute!), but it works really well on the couch cushion! So, I’m no longer bound by my clumsy fat fingers. I have true computing mobility again!!\
It’s the little things… like mice. -
baby Brian
Brian signed “more” today. YAY!
Advice For The President
CNN asked their viewers to give President Bush some advice, and some of it’s pretty good. I’ve decided to give him some too:
- Don’t trust your judgement. You’ve hired some really unqualified, unethical and despicable people to work for you. You have more convicted felons working for your adminstration than any administration in the history of the country. You may not have done all the bad things they’ve done, but you’re ultimately responsible for their actions because you’re the boss. Next time, hire people who are actually qualified for the job, not your friends and patrons.
- Stop listening to Dick Cheney. See number one… The man led us into Iraq, turned us into torturers and outed an undercover CIA agent. I know you’re too blindly loyal to fire him, but please, please please stop listening to him.
- Listen to the American people. A hearty majority of us think you lied about Iraq, and no longer think you’re a man of integrity (between 55-65% in the latest polls). That same majority thinks that Karl Rove should be fired. We’re right. Yes, we know you’re loyal, and the investigation is ongoing, but the indictment of Scooter Libby pretty much lays it out that Karl leaked to Matthew Cooper and probably Novak, and you know that. You’re the President. You know more about this than Fitzgerald does, and we’re going to hold you and your party accountable for it. Come clean. Get rid of Rove, Cheney and anyone else involved, and tell us the truth. You promised us in 2000 that you would return “honor and integrity to the White House”. Holy cow have you failed. You still have three years to try.
- Start answering our questions and fire Scott McClellan. Have you watched the gaggles in the mornings? They’re the most embarrassing exercise in futility I’ve ever seen. Scottie (and you too) refuse to answer questions, and we’re tired of it. If you want us to believe you, you have to tell us the truth.\
Mr. President, I don’t like your administration. I don’t particularly like you. But, I love my country, and I’m tired of the rest of world laughing at us and/or hating us. We’re The United States of America. I expect more out of my government than dodges, lies and torture. I expect the transparency, honor and honesty of a true democracy. I expect competance from those my President appoints, and responsibility taken when things go wrong. You’ve failed on all counts so far. I hope you’ll take some advice and fix things before it’s too late. If you won’t listen to me, or the 160 million people who think you’re a liar, listen to the smart people in your own party like Chuck Hagel, John McCain, John Warner and others who aren’t crazy, aren’t (or soon to be) convicted felons and who honestly want to do the right thing. They, among others, have been trying to tell you the truth, trying to help you, but you keep going back to the same wrong people over and over and over.\
UPDATE: Oh, and we’re on to the publicity tricks too. You think this means anything? You knew what they were doing, and if you didn’t, it says more about you than it does about them. You can’t say you didn’t know what was going on and that you didn’t approve because it makes you look like an incompetent leader. You can’t say you knew because it makes you complicit. There is no clean way to weasel out of this one, so you probably shouldn’t try. Just tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
I just received a call from the school’s counselor that Max said that an adult hurt him. Heads will role, my friends, heads will role.\
In reality, the class was talking about being a friend and Max said one time an adult hurt him. After class, the counselor took him to her office and they talked more. He said Aunt H’s friend was wrestling with him and Max’s knees ended up in Max’s face, which he didn’t like. He told Babba, who seemed to handle it. The counselor doesn’t think there is anything more to the story, but she wanted to check it out and let me know anyway, which I agree was the thing to do. -
Nurse Ratchet to the rescue!
Ack, I am playing nursemaid to two people today, and one of them isn’t Brian who takes up 80% of my time anyway! Wish us luck.
I’m a baaad mom
I made both of my kids go to bed early tonight. Neither made a fuss about it though.
Wrong Is Wrong
CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons\
How do we justify this? If this is against the law, both US law, and treaties we’ve agreed to as a country, and the President can’t sign a “finding” that breaks the law – how were we able to do this? Why didn’t someone in the government put a stop to it?\
Are we so far gone as a country, so without ethics, so without a moral compass, that we’re not all outraged by this? We’re in the business of torture.\
I’m ashamed of my government. It’s time for us, as a nation, to take a long hard look at ourselves, and how our government represents us.\
We should demand better. There are solutions to terrorism and to the other problems that plague us that don’t require torture and don’t require us to turn against our better nature.\
Shame on us for not demanding better. Shame on us for re-electing the fools who brought us here. Shame on us and Congress and our courts for not holding them accountable. -
Blogroll Changes
I know, you probably didn’t even know I had one, did you? But, I do, and it’s been updated. I used to use Bloglines to import it on the page, but I realized that that’s ALL I used Bloglines for, and it was a pain. So, I’m doin’ it myself now. I’m taking the OPML file exported from NetNewsWire and transforming it with XSL into the unordered list you see on the page. I’ve put more details and the files (so you can try it yourself if you want) on the blogroll.\
Is it revolutionary or even all that interesting? Nope. But, my foot hurts, the pain pills make me stupid and sleepy and this is what I do in between the extremes of the two (stupid and sleepy).\
Oh, and last night, I organized my del.icio.us tags and got the latest version of Cocoalicious so I can keep all my links organized (because they weren’t before, you know).\
If I can’t sleep tonight, I might play with doing something fun with my Flickr photosets or maybe something else. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just watch more bad movies. -
My Boys: Halloween Edition
My boys, taken by their Aunt Heather. Brian was a dinorsaur and Max was a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup, breaking his three year streak as Spiderman.\
We’re not sure what kind of dinosaur Brian was. He was either the fearsome Droolosaur, or the tame and cuddly Brianosaur.\
I’m sorry I missed it all, but they sure were cute. Brian in his costume was one of the cutest things ever.