All use AOL’ers made it home last night, but it took a lot longer than we expected. Instead of one three hour flight on a small plane, it was two flights with a stop in Houston, lost luggage and a cab driver.\
I have so much I want to say, but right now, I just want to tell you how freaking tired I am, and how cool having all the SxSW notes up on a wiki is. As I find more peoples’ notes, especially for sessions we didn’t get notes for, I keep adding them. If you’ve got some you’d like to share, please feel free to add them. Also, if you’re a Mediawiki master and feel like sending me the right .htaccess to hide index.php in the url, I’d love that too.\
I’ll try to post the “new people from SxSW” list in the near future after I un-bury myself. There’s nothing like extreme engagement (panels, meals, socializing) to show you how much e-mail comes in. I was downloading 100+ messages every day, and barely able to read a tenth of them. This morning was an exercise in damage control. Oh, I long for the day when everything that I actually care about comes through NetNewsWire, and all the other cruft that ends up in my inbox just goes away.
The Slow South-by Recovery
T-Shirt Sites
James asked me to post a list of places I get my t-shirts. Here it is. On top of these places where you can actually buy t-shirts, Preshrunk is an awesome resource for cool shirts, and new t-shirt sites.
- T-Shirt Hell – Some of them are really raunchy, but there are some amazing gems here.
- Diesel Sweeties – Great pixel artwork, and funny slogan shirts, oh, and a hilarious web comic. Home of the shirt I’m wearing RIGHT NOW: Bacon is a vegetable
- Thinkgeek – Awesome source for shirts from the slightly geeky to the super-nerdy. Home of the Viva La Relativity shirt.
- Maestro Instruments – Home of “This is the torch I use to burn bridges” and other funny shirts.\
That’s where I get most of my weird shirts.
Sterling’s Keynote at SXSW
Was awesome, as expected. I took notes, but I’m nor sure how coherent it is.
SXSW In A Wiki
It’s totally not the same as being here, because the best thing about SXSW is the interaction with people who are just as weird, creative and passionate as you are, but we’ve been taking a lot of notes on the wiki, and I thought I’d share some of my personal favorites:
- No Absolutes: Social Software
- How to Leverage Solipsism
- We The Media: Dan Gillmor
- Blogging While Black\
There are a lot of other notes up there, provided by Kate and Porter. They’re all good.\
If you’re at SXSW and have notes, but no place to share ’em, feel free to post ’em, especially if we don’t have any up for that panel.\
Also, if you took a picture with an I BUY LOCAL sticker in it, could you send me a copy, or put it on Flickr with the tag IBUYLOCAL? Pretty please?
Whew… We’re Not Evil (well, in this case)
Slashdot issues retraction. AOL isn’t reading your IM’s. It’s only for publicly available info like message board posts. whew!!\
See this one too. -
I’ll Be Here
I’m in Austin for SXSW. If you’re here and would like to play along, I’ve put a wiki up for to take notes. If you’ve posted notes, come on over and throw up a link. If you are at the conference and want a place to drop your notes – drop ’em here.\
I’m having a ball, got a wicked sunburn playing kickball (we won), ate some great Mexican food, handed out a lot of stickers, met Jeffrey Zeldman finally, hung out with extremely cool people, and am so unbelievably happy to be here. -
This Is Becoming A Tradition
Last year, we met the Browns at Threadgills on Thursday night before SXSW began. This year, the crowd got bigger, with the addition of Kevin Smokler, George, Tim and Neil. We had a great time!!! I got to play with the kids, we talked about all kinds of things, I installed Movable Type, Instiki and Sogudi on George’s laptop, and we laughed… a ton. Oh yeah, I think I set the new land speed record for installing and rebuilding MT – three minutes from beginning to first post posted and site rebuilt. Can you beat that?
For Shame
I’m not sure what’s worse, how much I laughed at this list or how many of these have come out of my mouth in the past three years (I don’t think I’ve done any of them recently, but I’ll leave that for other people to decide – I surely don’t remember).\
I know I’ve done 1, 6, 17 and the last one. Shame on me… -
Driving Grandma’s Car
I made it to Austin, and Avis was all out of Monte Carlos. That means I’ve got yet another Grandma car – the Buick Century, with it’s grandma-hand sized steering wheel, and soap-like handling. The only good thing about it is that I’m sure I can get everyone’s luggage in it next Thursday.\
Had a lovely lunch at Moonshine, and am looking forward to going to dinner with the Browns and Mr. McNally’s posse at Threadgills.\
I love Austin. It’s 75 degrees outside, little humidity and the sun is shining. I can’t wait to see everyone, and geek out for a week. I also remembered to bring blank cd’s, and am working on a soundtrack for this week (at least for the car).