I just got the best search referral EVER. If you search for Mormon weirdos, guess which post of mine is number one? It’s this one!! I am the king of all wacky Mormons!! I am a Mormon Weirdo!!!
Max Jumps
I took Max on his first school field trip! We went to Krop’s Crops in Great Falls, and had a great time (more pictures to come, probably). I just had to post this one RIGHT NOW. This is the corn pit. It’s full of corn!! Two whole feet deep! The kids were climbing up on the hay bales on the other side of the wall and jumping off. I caught my boy in the act. What form! What action! Thank you, brand new camera!
Nvu .5
Need to make a web page and wouldn’t know an HTML tag if it jumped up and closed itself around your head? Well, then go download Nvu!! It’s a great WYSIWYG editor (you know, like Word), and has gotten better with every release. There’s even an OS X build now!
UPDATE: For the uninitiated, WYSIWYG is an acronym. It stands for “What You See Is What You Get”. Programs like Microsoft Word or other word processors are WYSIWYG, as are web editors like the aforementioned Nvu, Mozilla Composer, Dreamweaver, etc. Notepad is a good example of the opposite of a WYSIWYG editor.
Socas for Congress
We met James Socas today. He’s running against Republican Frank Wolf, and Max and I were wearing his buttons today. We met him, shook his hand and talk for a couple minutes. He seems like a good man, and will make a great representative for our area. Vote Socas!!
Bottle That Face
Max made a super-helmet, and was showing it off to everyone at his party with some outrageous super-jumps. Max isn’t a baby anymore, and that kind of makes me sad. But, he’s turned into a fun little boy, full of energy, questions and he knows how to bring the funny.
Max Blows Out The Candles
He’s five!! Max is a great kid, and he had a really great birthday. Yes, the cake is homemade… and Max helped. There’s homemade buttercream frosting underneath the chocolate too (it didn’t stay together, so we used it in the middle and on the top).
Max and I have been cooking together a lot lately. I measure everything out and line it up. He dumps it in, and watches the KitchenAid do its thing. Well, except for the brownies. Those he stirred by himself. -
They Don’t Deserve It
The Bush Administration has failed the country on so many levels, they don’t deserve to win. They just don’t. Unless you’re a one issue voter, how can you support an Administration who lied to you, not about a blowjob, but about going to war? The NY Times (I know, I know, but read it) has the best Rumsfeld declares there was no link between Saddam and al Qaeda, then backpedals. This statement’s not based on new evidence that’s come out since the invasion, but finally stating the truth of what they knew beforehand.
- Bremer admits we didn’t have enough troops.
It’s unbelievable to me that these aren’t impeachable offenses. Compounded with Abu Ghraib, why hasn’t Rumsfeld been hauled in front of Congress and charged? Why are Wolfowitz, Bolton and Feith still employed? Why does Condi still have a job that she’s apparently not willing to do?
A vote for President isn’t just for one man, especially an incumbent. It’s a vote for the entire Administration. This one’s a disaster, and it’s time for them to go.