This is a test. I am blogging from my AOLTV box. Will it post? Am I wasting my time? We’ll see.
I had a great post
I had a great post about our Pic-couch-nic today, but Blogger ate it. I’ll re-write it all later. Right now, it’s Better Off Dead, which I’ve never seen before. Yes, I know. I’m a deprived little man.
Hot ‘Sghetti Balls: A humour
Hot ‘Sghetti Balls: A humour story by Mecawilson. I laughed, I cried, I winced in empathetic pain. You will do (if you know the source of his pain). Check it out.
A New Convert
I tried it before, when it was new. It wasn’t ready, and neither was my poor little Powerbook. I couldn’t logon to my ISP, watch DVD’s or do much of anything. Then, I got my new machine, and the update and now, I am a OS X convert. I hate to admit it. I got the machine to have a machine to run YellowDog on. Now, I spend my time in the bubble gum world of OS X, drinking in the stoplight icons, the warm fuzziness of the first daunting but now comfortable UI. Next thing you know, I’ll be using it more than my PC and then I’ll become a designer and wear turtlenecks, small glasses and tight jeans. I’ll drink small coffees and complain about how those stupid production people ruin my designs.
I admit it, that’s a longshot, but I do like OS X, which I NEVER thought would happen. See, Alice, people CAN change.
It’s one of those days
It’s one of those days where I feel like a punching bag. It’s to the point that I expect people to say “Yeah, I suck, but that’s ok because Kevin will make up for it and make it aaaaa-aaaall better.”
I think I plan on failing, just screwing up royally just once. Maybe they’ll leave me alone then.
And so he doesn’t get
And so he doesn’t get annoyed, I’ll post this great movie reply on MY site:
In response to: “Who’s in charge?”
I reply: “Well, Delmer, I believe it should be someone with the capacity for abstract thought.”
I love that movie… (Oh Brother, Where Art Thou for the uninitiated).
And for fun, DaveZilla’s Movie
And for fun, DaveZilla’s Movie Quote Replies (I’ve even contributed – Look, ma, I’m social!).
Someone else is using 2×2
Someone else is using 2×2 alternatingly transparent backgrounds. I’m not the only one – woo-hoo!
Halloween Max
Max went trick-or-treating for the first time last night, and had a ball. Jen took him around our block and hit a dozen or so houses. Then, I took him over to my family’s house, and he hit a few more. He was more interested in handing out candy and playing with his Uncle Steve. He’s a cutie… check out his pre-trick-or-treat pic I took right before they got bundled up and headed out.
Something Not Really Cool, But Kinda-Sorta Interesting
So, El Presidente threw out the first pitch in New York the other night. He made it across the plate! I know, how hard can it be to throw a ball 60 (is that how far it is) feet? Well, he dad didn’t do it. I have burned in the back of my brain George Bush Senior throwing a ball in the dust about 15 feet short of home plate. I don’t even know why I remember it, but it made my little teenage brain wonder about how much power this guy actually had if he can’t even throw a baseball.
There you have it, my less than cool but slightly interesting tidbit of the morning.