Kevin took this picture last week and I love it. It would be perfect for our office, if we had one. Note to self: make sure next house has a great spot for this.\
Tybee Island Photo Safari
I took the boys to Tybee Island today, nominally, to go a photo safari. I had my lovely Nikon D80. Max was sporting the Powershot and Brian had the backup Samsung. Of course, I knew we wouldn’t be taking pictures for long after they saw the water. I got a bunch of shots in, though, since I wasn’t going to near the water.\
Here are a couple of my other favorites from the set: -
Savannah, oh, Savannah
When I think about what I gave up to move down here (the list is long), I sometimes feel like crying. But there haven’t been any tears yet! Well, at least not until last night when we were at a BBQ place and they only had mustard-based BBQ sauce. Apparently it is a thing here, so it isn’t a simple matter of finding a different BBQ restaurant. I mean, really
Mustard-based BBQ sauce! I almost high-tailed it back to Virginia right then! I was mollified when Kevin (jokingly) suggested I could bring my own sauce next time. The boys and I are going up to Virginia before school starts. While there, I am going to stock up on individual packets of BBQ sauce from my favorite BBQ place. Oh yea.
Question of the day
What is the appropriate punishment for one kid peeing on the other, while the latter was sitting on the toilet?
Dooty or duty?
Making my husband, everywhere, proud of me: I registered to vote today!!
Max got rickrolled today for the first time. (No, Mom, this isn’t anything bad and doesn’t hve anything to do with losing your shoes.)\
Brian used the manual can opener today. He was so proud of himself that he exclaimed, “Me didn’t need any help; me did it all by myself!!” My old can opener was really hard to use even I could barely get it to work. I think this is where his excitement came from.\
Brian drew his first dirty picture today. He was drawing attics with various amenities. One had a bathroom, so of course he had to draw a penis that could use the bathroom. Then he drew the boy to go with it. They were the same size. He then “built” (really, he just drew) a penis for me so I could use a urinal too. -
Passing the Commute
I have a commute now. It’s not long or even unpleasant. I get to see some nice scenery, and it’s only about fifteen minutes. I’ve realized that now I have thirty minutes a day to listen to something I wouldn’t listen to other than the radio or music (which I listen to all day anyway).\
Before I get to the list, I have to say, I love iTunesU. It’s such a great resource for interesting stuff from public broadcasting and universities all over the country, and all for free.\
So, here are a few of the things in the queue for the iPod to listen to for the drive:- The Bugle – Hilarious “audio newspaper for a visual world” podcast from John Oliver (from The Daily Show) and Andy Zaltzman. I look forward to this every week.
- Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams – I’ve heard about this from all corners of the web, so it’s in the queue, and free from iTunesU.
- Funny People: George Carlin – I just found this one while wandering around… it’s on the list.
- This American Life
- TED Talks – TED is amazing, and they’re putting all the talks online for free.\
Seriously, spend some time wandering around iTunesU and see the amazing amount of content. It’s a ton of fun to wander around and see what’s there and grab stuff.\
Obviously, now I need a longer commute.
… so take off all your clothes
While out shopping for school stuff, I passed a bank thermometer that read 104. So of course my kids wanted to wear winter, footie pjs to bed. Crazy.
Oh, man!
My first caffeine free, diet coke in almost a month tastes like ass. Back to water for me. (And sneaking Kevin’s really yummy Cherry Limeade.)
Hey, hey. Anyone interested in a fab townhouse, close to everything important?
Here is the link to our townhouse rental info. For the lookie-loos, and my mom, there are even lots of pictures (click on the virtual tour button)! Doesn’t it look awesome? I love the view of the trees too. After living in an apartment that overlooked a small stand of trees, I was worried that buying a house would mean our only view would be of the neighbors’. But no! Trees, glorious, trees! It’s so beautiful!