Author: jclawver

  • Slow Saturday

    Kevin and the boys are still getting over their various ailments, so we had a really laid back Saturday. Brian and I played “jump in the sky” where he would yell, “Jump in the sky,” and take a running leap at me. To me, it seemed more like we were reenacting the lifting scene from Dirty Dancing, even though he only got about an inch off of the floor. He was really excited to be jumping so high and it was really cute to see. Then he crashed at 5:30 pm and slept until 5:30 the next morning.\
    I cleaned up and organized the basement and am ready, really ready this time, to schedule the new carpet to be installed. YAY. I can’t wait. After that, I foresee much less clutter in places it doesn’t belong.\
    The kids have so many toys- darn birthdays and Christmas coming every year!- that I am tempted to just randomly pick up a toy bucket and send it off to Goodwill. But Brian actually plays with most of the toys still, so that seems mean. I try to rotate the toys, putting some in storage, but with the “reorganization” of the basement, he took advantage of my distracted state and ended up with all of the toys.\
    After the kids went to bed, Kevin and I attempted to have movie night. Transformers is the worst movie I’ve seen since… Cold Comfort Farm. Ugh. We eventually switched to Knocked Up, which we’d seen before. Most of the funny stuff wasn’t funny the second time around, but the sad and poignant moments were still sad and poignant. I try to give the kids ‘bubble’ moments at least once a day. That is my good parenting tip of the day.\
    Hmmmm. That was my Saturday, internet. How was yours?

  • Max has elephant man disease!

    Actually, impetigo. Which isn’t nearly as funny once I learned how to spell it. He also has strep throat. Kevin suggested I take Max to the doctor once Kev got a good look at the spreading breakouts on Max’s face. (That was me trying not to use confusing he’s and him’s. How did I do?) I just thought Max had a zit at first. Good thing Kevin’s around. Though it took us 2 or 3 days to arrange for Kevin to see Max’s face (that is how much Kevin has been working and how much Max has been sleeping).\
    After the dr’s appointment, we went to the store and bought lots of sickie food: Sprite (for the upset stomach), jello, popsicles, juice. I looked and looked but couldn’t find any kiddie valium to knock the kids out until the medicine works.\
    By the time Max goes back to school on Tuesday, he’ll have been out almost 2 weeks. With nothing to show for it! No awesome vacation or broken bone or surgery or the house burning down. Just sick. How boring is that?

  • Clarification

    Someone asked me today if my earlier post meant I was unhappy. The answer is a resounding no. But seriously, who in their right mind would choose to have kids knowing it is as mind-numbingly dull, exhausting, stressful, and a pain in the ass as it actually is? The only thing people say about having children is that “it’s the best thing ever!” or some lame ass variation. Hell no, it isn’t. It is constant worrying- about what they eat, what they see, what they know, what they don’t know, what they should stay away from, what they should embrace, what they need to learn, what they need to forget. OMG, the list goes on forever. Why would anybody do this to himself when he could be relaxing on the beach drinking fruity cocktails with little umbrellas in them? That’s what I am saying.

  • After the burrito…

    Here is a follow up post from Amalah: Check it out.\
    I read her post and can sympathize, but can’t empathize at all. Kevin and I are great, solid, blah blah, all sorts of schmoopy good things, blah blah.\
    But truthfully, if I could go back in a time and not have kids? I would so do it. Gosh darn it, but childrearing is THE SUCK. (I type this as Brian is having a crying fit about washing his hands. OMG, what I am going to do when he doesn’t go to all-day school? Uh, I’m going to go hide under the covers. Be back later.)

  • I love the beach!!

    We had a family combo birthday party over the weekend for Brian who turned four and me who turns 34 this month. I told my MIL that the kid and I could share a birthday cake (Spiderman!), cuz I don’t really care about the cake, but that I would pick the dinner menu (pot roast and mashed potatoes, yum), cuz Brian doesn’t really care about the dinner. But we’d both get presents, yay presents! It was a good plan. But then my MIL surprised me with a cake of my own anyway! Wheee.\
    It’s a beach cake, woot! I don’t know if you can tell in the picture, but it looked really awesome with the ocean and gummy fish on one side and the beach with candy shells on the other. My MIL also got me a beach bag and sparkly flipflops. It was a theme!\
    While driving home, I told Max that he had an awesome Babba. (She made me a beach cake, y’all!) Brian popped up, “And me too. Me have an awesome Babba, too.”

  • Craaaaaaaaaaaaamps.

    Well, that explains why I was crying over that post earlier. All Sunday Kevin offered to buy me a burrito. Heh. Does he not know that I am a kabob girl? (BTW, he did get us kabobs on Saturday- yay.) Anyway, the post didn’t make me think of US. It was all about ME: I don’t work, staying home with the kids suck, etc, etc.\
    Kevin and I don’t fight. Really we don’t. We’ve had some misunderstandings, but I can’t think of any. Ooh, here’s one- one night I told Kevin he could sleep in the next day and I would tke care of the kids. When I woke him up at 9 am, he was really mad. Yup, so, there ya go. We don’t say mean things to each other or tell each other to “get over it.” So, yea.

  • Yay, presents!

    Brian woke me up at 5 am ready to tackle and explore his many birthday presents. (Last night he was only able to check out a few before it was bedtime.) So far he has been flitting from toy to toy. His attention span has been reduced to 4.8 seconds because he is so excited to try them all. The one toy that he loves beyond all else? A 99 cents Hotwheels motorcycle. Sigh.

  • Brian the birthday boy!

    Kevin is out of town for the day, so he can’t resize my pictures, like he does. Sorry. But whatev, the beauty still must be posted:

    A very young Brian with very crazy hair.

    Brian covered in cake at his first birthday party

    Brian very happy to be in the pool and eating a rubber ducky.

    Brian at his second birthday party

    A very happy Brian in the snow.

    Brian tries on my glasses.

    Brian on a slide