Author: jclawver

  • Tv

    Tell me you people are watching How I Met Your Mother. This week’s episode rocked! (Ha, literally.) Since I am a total spoiler-phobe, I was completely surprised at the many, many awesome surprises! Foshizzle, eh? Now I am off to check the Robin Sparkles videos that I have seen running amok on YouTube.\
    And if you aren’t watching How I Met Your Mother (CBS, Monday, 8:30), I weep for you.

  • Another one bites the dust

    My wedding ring is falling apart. Again. I put away my original ring because the gold was wearing down, leaving little protection for the diamonds. I bought a similar ring, with much thicker gold, and the same thing happened again. I give up. I am just going to draw on a wedding ring with magic marker every morning. Or get a ring tattoo. (I think Pam Anderson did this once, which automatically makes the idea a winner, right?) Maybe I will blow our tax return on a new, non-channel set, diamond and platinum ring. I hear that stuff is tough. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Kevin would make sad face though. But not if I don’t tell him!

  • WTH Tuesday? Why you be acting like a Monday?

    I am posting this at 6:32 am and this day has already been THE SUCK for three hours. Pouts.

  • I am embracing my old ageness.

    I just bought shoes that were labeled “athleisure.”\

  • Ring a ring a ding a ring ring ding

    Attention Mom and Dad: your email addresses aren’t working. Boo. Send me an email if you have new ones, k? Thanks! Bye.

  • Way in which I am becoming my mother #89

    I bought a watermelon for myself and I LIKED IT. In fact, I am craving some right now.

  • Random bits

    Brian woke up at the crack of the middle of the night again. How am I supposed to function like this? Kevin seems to be getting a jump on trying to adjust to China-time as his sleep schedule has been wonky too.\
    I find it really infuriating that Marie Osmond is pimping Jenny Craig/NutriSystem/some diet even though we all know she lost her extra weight by working out 12 hours a day for Dancing With the Stars. Super duper big boo to her.\
    Deadliest Catch is back. YAY! I can never tell the ships and their crew apart though. Boo. I think they should give the crew different colored rain slickers. Or use colored lens-filters-thingies. Something! All of the men look the same- old and bearded. There is one clean-shaved Asian guy though. Him I can tell from the others.\
    Yesterday Brian called me stupid. I think it’s the first time either of my kids have done that.\
    At Brian’s school when one of the kids does something the teachers don’t like, they say, “No thank you. Make a better choice. Blah blah…” Brian totally stole this phrase and says, “No thank you” very adamantly whenever Kevin or I do something he doesn’t like. It’s so cute and hard not to laugh.\
    As part of bedtime, I ask Brian what his favorite and least favorite part of the day is . I usually rephrase the least favorite question, because he doesn’t seem to understand, into “What didn’t you like?” The other night he thought about it for a long time and finally replied, “Cucumbers.” Ha. And no, we didn’t have any cucumbers that day.\
    No matter how hard I try, I can’t get the lived-in look out of my house. I think I should stop watching Design To Sell -type shows and start watching Clean House and just be grateful my house doesn’t look like that. Who knew I was such a minimalist freak?\
    Sometimes, I feel like I should get a life. But then I decide to take a nap instead.\

  • Bloggy Time

    I feel like I should blog, even though I don’t have anything interesting to write. Sooooooooo, boring stuff it is!\
    I made the best lasagna last night! And the worst brownies. They were fine when we had them about an hour and a half after taking them out of the oven but after they cooled, it was obvious they were severely undercooked. Boo.\
    I am totally obsessed with my wood floors. Look how pretty they are. (This was taken the day after we had them installed, so things are still out of place.)


    BUT! I totally have a love/hate relationship with my beautiful floors. First, there are probably over a hundred scratches and dents already. We’ve only had the floors for 4 months or so, waah. Second, after scrubbing the floors shiny, if you walk away and look back, you’ll see goopy smudges that were invisible before. Every angle shows different clean/dirty spots. Sigh. Third, even when I sweep and mop twice a day, they are never clean! Every piece of lint and fuzz shows up like a huge spotlight is trained on it. Boooooooo.\
    Um, yea. That’s all I got. TTYL.

  • Oy with the being awake

    If Brian doesn’t get back on a regular schedule soon, I think I am going to crack.

  • Example # 158 of how I am becoming my mother

    The fam and I went out for ice cream to celebrate Brian getting his cast off and I ordered a small cup of peppermint ice cream. It’s true!