has been fascinating to read over the past few months. I used to go for the photos. They’re beautiful. Since 9/11, though, he’s turned his blog into a totally different animal. I don’t know quite how to explain the change, because I don’t really know him, but it seems that where there were once soft edges and humor, is all hard corners and harsh words. Interesting.
Author: Kevin Lawver
The Good Little Entertainment Consumer Report
It was a fine weekend for consuming entertainment product. Here are the highs and lows of the weekend:
- Game 7: Finally, the Yankee’s lose! I hate baseball. I really do. But, that doesn’t keep me from hating the Yankee’s. Plus, Arizona was there, and they deserve a champion in something other than college basketball. If we’re forced to watch the Cardinals every year, we can at least get ONE World Series. (too bad I don’t live there and could take the day off or something)
- The Emmy’s: I thought they were a little overwrought, but it was great to see Peter MacNicol win for Ally McBeal. He’s the only real reason to watch that show anymore. He’s just groovy.
- Band of Brothers: It ended much better than it began. They tied up loose ends, and we finally got to see who everyone was! It bothered me that they didn’t put their names next to the old guys in the little interview segments at the beginning. I understand it (what do you think I am, stupid?). If they put their names up, you’d know who survives!! Where’s the fun in that?
- Fantasy Football: My whole team sucked this week. They really did. I didn’t start who I should have, and my QB was out on a bye. BUT, with one player each left (my kicker, his defense), I’m up by 13 points. I like my chances. If I win, it will put me alone at the top of the board with a crazy record of 7-1.
- Serendipity: John Cusack, what the hell happened to you, man? This was a piece of crap with a capital S. It was trite, completely predictable, and if it weren’t for Jeremy Piven, and how unbelievably cute Kate Beckinsale was, this movie would have no redeeming values whatsoever. The worst part? Whenever they missed each other, I heard a cascade of female gasps from the audience. DUR, ladies, DUR!! Jeez… what a stupid movie.
- The Crow: I took a late nap yesterday (I love Sundays), so wasn’t ready for bed when the game was over. So, I flipped over to Cinemax where I got to see most of The Crow. I still love this movie. It’s a little corny, but it’s dark, a little twisted and Michael Wincott is evil incarnate in it. That, and it rings a little too true with Brandon Lee’s death during filming. The end always gets me.
There you have it, the weekly entertainment roundup. I left out Iron Chef, but you know how I feel about that show…
The Whole Story Finally
Finally, here’s the Pic-couch-nic story. Jen had the great idea this week that she and I should have a romantic picnic in our backyard yesterday during Max’s nap. She went out and got veggie dip, yummy chocolate cake, a rotisserie chicken and fresh sourdough bread. She put Max down while I was in the shower, got the food ready upstairs and put the blanket out.
Then, things got interesting. When I got out of the shower, I heard Max fussing. I went in to check on him, and it was pretty easy to see the boy wasn’t ready to go down for a nap. So, I took him downstairs. Jen, ever the improviser, decided to scrap going outside. SO, we had a lovely little pic-couch-nic. It was great: no bugs, no hard ground, and Max got to join us!
This is a test. I
This is a test. I am blogging from my AOLTV box. Will it post? Am I wasting my time? We’ll see.
I had a great post
I had a great post about our Pic-couch-nic today, but Blogger ate it. I’ll re-write it all later. Right now, it’s Better Off Dead, which I’ve never seen before. Yes, I know. I’m a deprived little man.
Hot ‘Sghetti Balls: A humour
Hot ‘Sghetti Balls: A humour story by Mecawilson. I laughed, I cried, I winced in empathetic pain. You will do (if you know the source of his pain). Check it out.
A New Convert
I tried it before, when it was new. It wasn’t ready, and neither was my poor little Powerbook. I couldn’t logon to my ISP, watch DVD’s or do much of anything. Then, I got my new machine, and the update and now, I am a OS X convert. I hate to admit it. I got the machine to have a machine to run YellowDog on. Now, I spend my time in the bubble gum world of OS X, drinking in the stoplight icons, the warm fuzziness of the first daunting but now comfortable UI. Next thing you know, I’ll be using it more than my PC and then I’ll become a designer and wear turtlenecks, small glasses and tight jeans. I’ll drink small coffees and complain about how those stupid production people ruin my designs.
I admit it, that’s a longshot, but I do like OS X, which I NEVER thought would happen. See, Alice, people CAN change.
It’s one of those days
It’s one of those days where I feel like a punching bag. It’s to the point that I expect people to say “Yeah, I suck, but that’s ok because Kevin will make up for it and make it aaaaa-aaaall better.”
I think I plan on failing, just screwing up royally just once. Maybe they’ll leave me alone then.
And so he doesn’t get
And so he doesn’t get annoyed, I’ll post this great movie reply on MY site:
In response to: “Who’s in charge?”
I reply: “Well, Delmer, I believe it should be someone with the capacity for abstract thought.”
I love that movie… (Oh Brother, Where Art Thou for the uninitiated).
And for fun, DaveZilla’s Movie
And for fun, DaveZilla’s Movie Quote Replies (I’ve even contributed – Look, ma, I’m social!).