Michael Cera and Alia Shawkat, who played George Michael and Maeby Fünke on Arrested Development, are going to be in TONIGHT’s episode of Veronica Mars. Woohoo! That’s Veronica Mars, Wednesday UPN at 9pm EST.\
Kevin and I gave season 1 of AD to his dad as a gift. I am not sure he got it, but it is a wicked funny show!\
ETA- Apparently, some jerk-off decided to play an April’s Fools Joke early and sent out a fake press release that VM was cancelled. THIS IS NOT TRUE, it has not been cancelled. The guy should have just prank-called the zoo like every other self-respecting April’s Foolser.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Arrested Development Love
UPN can kiss my ass
There was another event last night, open only to people who blog about Veronica Mars.\
Once again, I wasn’t on the list.\
Whatever. The peeps-in-charge obviously don’t know how cool I am and how utterly dedicated to the pimping of the show I have become. Oh, um, yea… I might not have been invited because there is no email link on this blog! (I still love you anyway, Kev!)\
The thing last night was an online press conference where the bloggin’ posers (ahem, coughsojealouscough) got to ask questions to Rob Thomas, the creator of VM, and Jason Dohring, one of the stars. Doesn’t that sound cool?\
But whatever. I am still cool too, dammit, even without UPN validation!\
The big “news” to come from last night is that Rob Thomas is thinking about switching from one season-long mystery to three smaller mysteries that have a seven or eight episode arc. (This would be to eliminate the mid-season slow-down that occurred this year with the bus-crash mystery.) And he wants our thoughts on this subject! Which is kinda scary, but kinda cool. If he wants to take advantage of a free focus group, more power to him!\
Did you know, Veronica Mars is moving to Tuesdays, starting April 11. Still on the UPN, still on at 9pm! I think UPN will still be re-airing the epsiode two more times over the week: Wednesday and either Saturday or Sunday, depending on your local affiliate. So, CHECK IT OUT! -
Baby love
Sometimes I have such wonderful Max and/or Brian moments that I think everyone needs a little Max or Brian in his life. And then I understand why they invented cloning.
Apparently I lied
I found this blog after lurking at TWoP: Author Cynthia Eden is VM crazy too! An excerpt from her: The characters are absolutely amazing. The plot twists often leave me suprised … Apparently, I’m not the only one drawn to watch the blond’s exploits. Recently, in teasers for the show, a nice voice-over said something along the lines of : Stephen King can’t take his eyes off her. Ohhhh…I’m in company with Stephen King…how utterly fabulous.\
In addition to the characters, I love the show because of the amazing plots. No, there’s no petty teen drama. Murders occur. Buses are sabotaged, babies are kidnapped, and, sometimes, Veronica gets locked in freezers…But no matter what happens, the show is geared to generate maximum suspense. Each week, the show ends in such a manner that I’m left desperate to know what will happen next time. Can you say awesome ending hook?\
If you haven’t checked this show out, I would highly recommend it (um…in case you didn’t get that from my gushing post!). -
TV Time: The Sopranos
The season premiere of The Sopranos was on a couple of weeks ago. By now everyone has had the opportunity to see it, right? The most telling of the where-are-they-now bits was the quick scene of Meadow dancing in her underwear in front of the tv. Yea, that relationship isn’t going to last at all. I love how the show portrayed Meadow and Finn’s bad relationship in just 10 seconds.\
PS- Can you tell I am bored while Kevin is away? -
Do not disturb
My husband comes home today- wheeeeeeeeee! But he is coming home sick. And I am sick too. That is how in sync we are with each other.
Ceasing the pimpage
Ok, I am done pimping Veronica Mars.\
But did you know it is on tonight at 9pm EST on UPN? -
Geek Conference Network Woes
This is my third conference in March, and it’s the third one with serious wi-fi issues. What’s the deal? These are not quilting conferences. These are serious nerdfests, where the organizers are expecting lots of geeks with laptops sucking down bandwidth with abandon. If you don’t have that bandwidth, you will have a bunch of very unhappy nerds on your hands.\
If you’re going to have a technology conference, please invest in good wi-fi, especially if people are paying to attend. Charge a little more, over-provide. Just please, get it right. -
MIX06 Reactions From Day One
I’m here in Vegas for Mix06. It all started with Bill Gates’ keynote in the morning, and it soon became clear that I was in a different world. I was in not in my world, I was in MicrosoftLand, where everyone has unlimited resources to build web products for everyone else and then build a special IE-only one. Better yet, a Vista-only experience using the Windows Presentation Foundation (for a platform that hasn’t been released yet).\
Windows Presentation Foundation should make Macromedia very nervous. It’s a Flash-killer baked right into Windows. It looks like it has a lot of really cool features that will suck advertisers in. If I were them, I’d start coming up with some marketing about Flash’s install base and cross-browser/cross-platform attributes.\
They showed off Atlas, their new Javascript framework that smells a lot like Dojo. That whole presentation, and a lot of the others, felt disingenuous to me. They touted them as innovations when other products have been there first and Microsoft is just taking that work and adding a special Microsoft twist on it. That twist may be innovative, but the ideas aren’t new.\
There wasn’t enough detail about what’s coming after IE7. IE7 is now layout complete, so if you haven’t gotten the latest beta, go get it. We can be pretty confident that the layout problems we see in the latest build will be the layout problems we see in the final version of IE7, for better or worse. I went to the future of IE panel and got very little new information. It was too generic, too little new info. I want a roadmap for IE that shows when we can expect what new standards support features. I don’t even want dates, because I know that dates are like handcuffs. I just want to know what’s coming. If the IE team doesn’t know yet, tell us.\
It’s weird being here, at a one-company conference. I’m used to the kind of friendly competitive tension of other conferences. Here? It’s all Kool-Aid all the time, well, except for Marc Canter. Somehow, the guy is the first to ask question (or something that’s more like a rant but might contain a question in it somewhere) in any panel he’s in. Not sure how he does it, or why… but he does.\
There were some highlights. The new Expression web site creator is very very slick. It creates standards-compliant code and has some amazing CSS refactoring features that should allow relative novices to create really interesting sites fairly easily. -
Veronica Mars explained!
Joe isn’t sure what Veronica Mars is about, which needs to be corrected ASAP! Since season 2 isn’t over yet, I will talk mostly about season 1.\
A quick description: Twin Peaks/noir/Buffy (without the monsters)/Alias (the spying, gadgets, and get-ups; not the physical ass-kicking).\
The show has a major season-long mystery: who killed Veronica’s best friend. The weekly cases are interesting enough, but it is the frequent clues to the main mystery and the character interactions which brings viewers back for more.\
Excellent things about the show:\
Jason Dohring and Harry Hamlin‘s performances. They both deserved Emmys! (In my not-so-humble opinion). Also, the actors who play: Lamb, as the assy sheriff; Wallace, the platonic best-friend (that is just so refreshing!); Dick, the dumb-ass lackey; Cliff, the sleazy lawyer; and Weevil, the local thug, are excellent! Great all-around cast chemistry!\
The snarkage! The bittersweet! The genuinely tender moments!\
The soundtrack! The creator, Rob Thomas, just won an Esquire magazine award for the soundtrack: We’re not pointing fingers, but it is entirely possible that Veronica Mars has hacked into our iPod. Calla. Spoon. The Pixies. [snip] The musician-turned-show creator writes with tunes in mind and seamlessly fuses each scene’s emotional tenor with just the right song, making it the only show on television that features Korn, Longwave, and Fountains of Wayne in a single episode.\
Writing that rewards smart viewers. Examples (from this season): in an attempt to coverup an affair, a woman quickly starts to paint her toenails (to mask the, uh, odors from her previous activities). Veronica plays loud music all night long to cover up noises from the apartment next door. Neither of these things are explicitly mentioned. A casual observer could take both things at face-value and enjoy the show just as much.\
The lines that get by Standards and Practices: You got a trophy for a rim-job?\
The mysteries are solved by the end of the season.\
The writers know their characters, even from the pilot. The audience may be learning more about them, but the writers are not making this up as they go along (yes, Lost, I am looking at you! And Twin Peaks, which sucked after the initial greatness.)\
The extras and set-designers do an awesome job! One episode will have auditions for a musical and in a later episode, the hallway will contain posters advertising the musical. Yay for smartness!\
The lightning and camera-work are really cool. Excellent people working behind-the-scenes.\
The continuity: The gym teacher shows up again! Mrs Murphy! Kaz! Loretta Cancun! Sabrina’s mom! Meg is still the news anchor! Miss Dent’s disappearance is explained. It’s like the writers actually know that the less visible characters have their own lives and keep tabs on them.\
Veronica Mars is on most tv critics’ top 5 list.\
Granted, the show isn’t perfect. Like, where was the household staff when the best-friend was killed? Wouldn’t they have seen something? Shelly Pomroy was played by three different actresses. And Paris Hilton guest-starred. Ewww. Simply ewwww. But even she didn’t ruin that episode.\
So, give it a chance. This year’s mystery is just starting to heat up, so it’s not too late to start watching! It airs on Wednesday at 9pm EST on UPN and again on Sat or Sun (check your local listings) and is re-aired on Tuesday ay 8pm, I think.