Kevin and I were sitting around the other day when one of us popped up, “You know, I think we need to up our yuppie status some.” The other replied, “I have just the thing! Let’s put Max in therapy!” And so we did.\
Tonight was the first visit for Max’s sleeping problem and it went really well. The psychologist told us that the we’ve been doing all the right things. She thinks maybe he just needs an extra little something to get past it. We have a couple different strategies laid out, nothing major though. YAY for professional validation.
Category: family
WTH, kid?
The minute after Brian gets out of the bath, he finds the closest marker and draws all over his face. Grrrrr.
I’m home.
I made it back from the protest march safe and sound. Kevin put up some pictures on flickr. Go to the “photos” link above and clicky.\
The experience was interesting and great and sad and frustrating.\
CNN has some pictures up: Number six is my favorite as it shows what I felt. I couldn’t see the front of the group or the back, even when higher up. -
The Great Stache Off Continues
I’m posting daily photos of the ‘stache’s progress. Today marks the beginning of the return of the ‘stache lovingly known as The Cletus. The sideburns may follow, but I’ll have to go to the judges and see if that’s allowed in the rules.\
It’s never too late to donate , but why wait? It’s all for saving testicles from cancer. Please, think of all the nuts you’ll be saving (and their balls)! -
Brothers- Two Stories
Last night Max and Brian slept in the same bed, as they sometimes do. A few minutes after being tucked in, Kevin and I heard Max crying. He gets sad at night and frequently cries (a story for another time), so we weren’t alarmed or surprised. Before we could get up to the bedroom, Brian got out of the bed, stood at the top of the stairs and yelled down, “Be-dan Ma’ (Brian’s name for Max) is crying, Momma! He is crying!” Kevin met Brian in the hall and he repeated, “Be-dant Ma’ is crying. He has an owie.” How adorable is that? Max didn’t really have an owie, but I guess that is what made most sense to Brian. While Kevin was calming Max down, Brian kept repeating to him, “Everybody loves you, Be-dan Ma’”. Brian is such a sweetheart.\
This morning, Brian was playing with a blanket that has drawings of sheep on it and pretending to pick up the sheep. Max swooped in and pretended to steal away one of the sheep. Brian threw a fit and started crying, flailing, and then kind of attacked Max to get the sheep back. They actually fought about this for over five minutes. Several times Max tried to put the sheep back on the blanket, but Brian wouldn’t accept it; he wanted to take the sheep back from Max. -
YAY for the small bits of happiness.
Brian went peepee in the potty today, of his own volition! That was the big triumph of the day.\
How was your day? -
The Great Stache Off Begins
It’s started! For two months, I’ll be shaving every day, except for my mustache “area”. Yes, The Great Stache Off has begun! I have a goal of raising two thousand bucks for the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation () in two months. I’ve never really done anything like this, but, I think the idea is so funny, and such a great way to raise money, that I couldn’t resist.\
So… if you’ve got some spare dough, why not help a nut out? If for nothing else, so Cletus can make a comeback!\
(the possibilities for puns and naughtiness for the next two months are endless… expect lots and lots of ball jokes)\
Update: I’ll be doing daily photo updates over on Flickr. You can follow along (yes, day one is kind of pathetic, but I’m not a yeti… it’ll take a good week before it looks like anything)!\
I’m super tired and have heartburn for the fifth time this week, but it’s Friday. YAY!\
Kevin and I are gathering friends and family to attend our first protest; I guess we really are hippies now: ‘End the War’ March on Washington on September 15. Who else wants to go? -
Amusement Park!
Tim, Monica and Sam are in town, so we all went to Six Flags (“we all” = Tim, Monica, Sam, Dad, Steve, Jen, Max, Brian and me)! We spent most of the day in the kiddie area and then we hit the water rides.\
This picture above was taken on Brian’s first roller coaster ride. The boy’s a daredevil. He loved it, and went several more times with with whoever would take him.\
A good time was had by all, but we’re all exhausted. Brian conked out on the way home for an hour, and then was so tired when we got home, he asked to go to bed. While we’re sleeping, enjoy the rest of the pictures! -
This is me!
Just substitute chocolate for the wine: Come home, Daddy!\
I can handle the kids the first 90% of the time Kevin is gone. Once that anticipation of Kevin coming home hits me, I am done for. If he is just at work, then I start to lose it around 4 pm. If he is gone on a three-day business trip, I lose it about half way through the third day. If he is gone for three weeks, I am fine for 18 days in a row- IN A ROW!!- until I sense that he will soon be home. It’s weird to me that I can be fine for 18 days in a row but can’t always handle a whole regular work day. I guess it is because I know I have to handle it when he is away on business.