• Georgia is for peanut farmers?

    Life in Georgia is getting harder. What’s up with that? Ugh.

  • Stinky, stinky diaper change, boy my brother smells so strange

    Chez Lawver has had the crappiest week ever. I would sort of request a do-over but I do not want to relive it. Instead, I am requesting a fast-forward to… Thanksgiving vacation, ok? OK! So, someone make it so.

  • Not What I Planned for This Weekend

    Max was sick earlier this week, and now Brian is too. They both have some gastrointestinal explosiveness disorder that means Jen was up and down most of the night with them, we need to do laundry and we’ll be fueling both kids with Pepto©, kaopectate™, Sprite© and dry toast all weekend.\
    I just got home from an early-morning grocery store run to stock up on those things, plus caffeine to keep me awake.\
    We were going to have so much fun this weekend… Now I’m off to do the dishes and start some laundry.

  • The ugliness of the GOP

    This is so outlandish, the world needs a new word to describe the fuckery going on here. A new attack ad that John McCain released is so disgustingly twisted, I’m just left stunned by his lack of honor in campaigning and his penchant for distorting the facts.\
    Here’s some backstory to preface: while in Illinois, Barack Obama supported legislation that basically advocated providing K-12 students with age appropriate sex ed (I had sex ed in school, who didn’t?) For the young children, it would be about the difference between a “good touch” and “bad touch” – it was meant to protect children from child molesters! But yesterday, John McCain put out this ad entitled “Education”-\

    They use a smiling image of Obama under a voiceover implying the man wants to teach inappropriate sex ed to kindergarteners? That is SICK. We can debate the merits of educating kids in public schools about pedophiles, but to pretend that wasn’t the aim of the legislation to begin with, is disgraceful. (eta- except no, we can’t debate the merits of protecting kids against pedophiles. This is the most heinous crime ever and our kids really need as much protection as possible.) But even worse, did you know some of those articles cited within the McCain ad either go on to criticize McCain’s own education plans, or even compliment Obama’s? Yep.\
    Obama’s campaign released a statement:\
    “It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls – a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn’t define what honor was. Now we know why.” \~ Obama spokesman Bill Burton in an emailed statement.\
    Oh, but let’s not stop there. McCain released a new ad today accusing Obama of sexism against Palin because he used that old saying, “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig…” when describing McCain/Palin policies. But guess what? McCain used that SAME PHRASE this year to describe Hillary Clinton’s health care plan- Click for video.\
    Am I to understand it’s OK for McCain to use that phrase? Was he calling Hillary a pig? This is utterly ridiculous.\
    Obama’s campaign has not released ONE ad that stoops to these sorts of distortions. Not ONE. Check out Obama’s YouTube profile, his ads are usually in response to some attack ad of McCain’s, OR they talk about substantive issues. Now, check out McCain’s YouTube profile. It is jam packed with attack ads aimed at Obama.\
    After the attacks John McCain suffered against George Bush back in 2000, WHY is he doing this now? He’s no maverick. He’s doing exactly what George W. Bush did, so I can only conclude a McCain administration would be exactly the same too. He talks about honor and country first, but these sorts of distortions don’t benefit America. They benefit him.\
    I was horrified by what McCain suffered in 2000 and am equally horrifed now. McCain used to be a man of honor and deserving of respect. I am appalled by the changes in him as he tries for the White House. Political opinions aside, this is not the type of person to be the president.

  • International Day Of…

    I sent out a calendar entry for International Talk Like a Pirate Day at work this morning. Why? Because I can. I’m management now, I can do whatever I want, right? Anyway, here’s a short exchange I had with one of my co-workers in e-mail:

    • N: I can’t wait for International Caps Lock Day
      I’m a funny guy. As soon as I hit send, I felt bad that I left out OMFG!! at the beginning. That would have made it even better.
  • Wastin’ my time and energy

    We live a half of a mile from the school, and yet I spent an hour each day dropping Max off and picking him up. UGH. If it weren’t a thousand degrees outside I would just walk to get him. Hmm. Maybe I will just suck it up.\
    ETA- Virginia, kids, and old age has turned me into a sissy, I admit. Back in Arizona, before Virginia, kids, and old age, I would walk 4 times as much in much hotter heat. Sigh.\
    I decided to walk to get Max and it took just as long as driving and is a helluva lot further than a half of a mile. But by walking to drop off/pick up Max, Brian and I don’t need other walking time. So, I just gained an extra hour in my day! YAY! Except, now I have to find something else to occupy Brian for an hour. Drat. Next year, when he starts school full time again, I am going on a cruise. For a whole week. Maybe even two.

  • The Case For Obama

    I’ve been considering writing a post about why I’m voting for Barack Obama in November, but I’ve been too busy to sit down and actually write it all down. Thankfully, my friend Joe has written an excellent case for Obama with positive reasons to vote for Obama.\
    On top of all of the things Joe mentions, for me, this is the first time I’ve been able to vote in an election where I’m voting for someone. I like Obama. I’m happy that we finally have a presidential candidate who made it through the primaries that is intelligent, thoughtful, and stands for things I actually agree with, that isn’t entirely beholden to the party machine or big business. I think Obama is a great antidote to the last eight years, and I won’t hesitate at all to vote for him. In 2004, I voted against Bush. In 2000, I voted against both parties by voting for Nader (not like it mattered, Virginia was going for Bush and everyone knew it).\
    For me, it’s all about intelligence, thoughtfulness and how I think the candidates will do actually governing, not about an individual issue. I think Obama has the perfect temperament to be president and actually fix a lot of the damage done by Bush & Company. He won’t be able to fix it all, and I don’t expect miracles, but he’ll surround himself with the best people for the job, not the ones who paid the most. He’ll make sound decisions based on facts, not gamble with lives based on hunches and forgeries.\
    This isn’t a vote against McCain or his ridiculous pick for VP. I don’t agree with them on anything, or what’s become of their party and what they did to our country, but that doesn’t matter. I’m happily voting for Barack Obama.\
    If you’d like to try to convince me, you can save your breath. I’ve heard them all, listened to McCain’s talking points and positions – there’s no way in hell I’d ever vote for him again. He betrayed everyone who supported him in the 2000 election (and I did) by spending the last eight years cozying up to the worst extremes of his party, and his choice of Sarah Palin proves it. She is the antithesis of everything I believe in. She doesn’t believe in science, wants Creationism taught in our public schools and is wrong about pretty much everything else… extremely wrong. How can I endorse that kind of stupidity? It’s just not going to happen, so, like I said, save your breath.\
    Update: Andy asked in the comments (which aren’t showing up for some reason… I swear it’s a bug and not intentional) to re-address Palin’s stance on Creationism, and I’ve found another report from the same source as the one above that’s very well attributed that shows her stance on the subject and others. That she hasn’t pushed for it to be taught in school is small consolation: she uses all the same code words that every other creationist uses when trying to inject misinformed Christianity into public schools. That Creationism exists at all is a stunning tribute to modern American Christianity’s misunderstanding of the Bible, its translation over time and the nuance of the language it was originally written in. Instead of focusing on the parts of the gospel that are really important, like the Sermon on the Mount (you know, “blessed are the peacemakers“), the Religious Right has twisted religion to be about war, hate and shunning those that are different by selectively ignoring the many parts of the New Testament where Christ contradicts and supersedes the harsher laws of the Old Testament. It doesn’t belong in government, and I want nothing to do with it. She said even more outrageous things in her speech last night. For example, “The Iraq war is a task from God.” You have got to be kidding. The Iraq war is the biggest mistake our country has made in my lifetime, has cost the lives of over four thousand US soldiers and untold thousands of Iraqi civilians, fomented terrorism the world over and destroyed our reputation as a country. What happened to “love thy brother as thy self” or the other things that, you know, Jesus actually said:\
    bq. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy … Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.\
    I don’t understand how that’s not abundantly clear to any Christian of any denomination or sect. Anyone who quotes anything else is twisting the truth to suit their own desires.

  • 10+

    I am so in love with my husband, he makes me speechless yet giddy.

  • An Old Hope

    by Calamity Jon Morris

    I think we can all agree… Taft’s our man, or, as I like to call him: 300 pounds of awesome behind a 5 pound mustache.