Author: Kevin Lawver

  • OS X Utilities – For Fun!

    Everyday Software (found via Splorp) creates great (and cheap!) utilities for OS X well worth their weight in gold. I can’t wait to get my serial number for Bookit, to manage all of my bookmarks in the dozen or so browsers I have installed on my Powerbook.

    The other nuisance in OS X has been solved thanks to their nice little Show Desktop utility. It’s one of the few things I really dislike about OS X is that downloads, connections to FTP and AppleShare volumes and it seems everything is is done on the desktop. There’s no easy way to get back to the desktop… now there is.

    Honestly, there are other things that bother me about OS X. My Powerbook is slow compared to my RedHat box. Granted, my RedHat box is a dual Xeon beast, but still. The lack of oomph is starting to grate on me.

  • Idee Fixe – Step Two

    Michelle loved the design (with a minor change), so here it is: Idee Fixe: In Utero. It’s nowhere near done, but the shell is there. What do you think?

  • Gurgle… Sputter… Bleagh

    It’s been the kind of day where the only response I can come up with to almost any inquiry is “You suck!!”, and that’s editted for content. “Suck” goes first; and the first letter changes to another letter between E and G.

    I did get to start on Michelle’s redesign, but she hasn’t seen it yet, or given her thumbs up to the direction yet, so you can’t see it. Once she does, I’ll post a link. I’m really happy with parts of it. It’s unlike anything I think I’ve done before. It’s a little self-indulgent while still keeping to the direction I think I said I was going to take. It kind of reminds me of an old Sci-Fi comics cover in the color scheme and font, and an old Sears catalog all at the same time. Not quite sure what to call it… but you’ll see it soon enough.

    And now, not only do I have Michelle and Marty’s sites to do, I may be designing a new logo and website for a girls’ hockey team! Scary, huh?

  • And The Logo Is…

    I’m sure all of you have forgotten about the little redesign contest I ran a month or so ago. Well, I’m happy to share Michelle’s new logo with you. She wanted primary colors, and well, this is what we ended up with.

    Now it’s on to designing the rest of the page… I’ll show you when I’ve got something worth showing.

  • Not In Team?

    Possible reponses that may fly out of my mouth the next time someone says “There’s no I in TEAM” (inspired by this – thanks, Ray!):

    • There’s no YOU in it either.

    • There’s no chocolate in TEAM, which is why I‘m not there.

    • Yes, but there is a ME.

    • I go by MEAT when I’m in a TEAM, which is why you didn’t see me.

    • This isn’t about spelling. This is serious! Everyone knows there’s no I in TEAM. It’s spelled T – E – A -M. You should learn to spell and stop relying on spellcheck, honestly.

    • That’s true, but there is a U in DUMB. (there’s also a U in STUPID, but there’s also an I, which is why I used DUMB)

    That was fun… got any to add?

  • Not As Geek As I Wanna Be

    I am 32.54438[/b> geek, which highly disappoints me. I took the test last week, and didn’t take enough time to fully contemplate my answers and only got a 28]{style=”text-align:left;”}. I know you’ve already seen it, but you can take the test too. I am a huge geek. Not geek to the point of nerd, but I’m getting there. I’m such a geek that I’m embarrassed by how low my score is. My boss said I was too “cool” to rank so high on the geek test. That one knocked me back a step. I’ve never been cool. I think it’s probably because I discovered the joys of geekery after high school, so I missed out on the whole D&D, A/V Club thing. I don’t know… I swear I’m making up for lost geekTime. The last eight years working where I do, and meeting the people I have, and learning the things I’ve learned has been more fun than any other career I could have thought of back then.

    Geeks are cool. Geeks are passionate. Geeks get things done, and in many ways drive the innovation that make our lives better. The advances in all avenues of human endeavor have been brought about by passionate, smart people committed to an idea. That’s what we are. Geeks are folks passionate about something, anything. You’re probably a geek too… about something. If you’re not, I feel sorry for you.

  • Miller’s Crossing

    I watched Miller’s Crossing last night. A couple thoughts:

    • The Coen’s have a great feel for language and dialect. The movie is full of great old sayings like “What’s the rumpus?” and “Givin’ me the high hat” that will probably slip into my vocabulary now.

    • Jon Polito can chew up the scenery. I have an affinity for character actors, and apparently, so do the Coen’s. Jon Polito is one of my favorites. He’s just great in this movie (he’s got the “high hat” line and you can tell he loves it).

    • I saw this movie once about six or seven years ago and back then I didn’t catch on that Bernie, Mink and Eddie the Dane were gay. How did I miss that? (Ok, I can tell you why – I was naive)

    • John Turturro is an amazing actor. He pulled off Bernie so elegantly devoid of morals, and subtly adrogynous. It was an amazing performance.

    • Albert Finney with that tommy gun and cigar is the coolest old tough guy scene ever.

    Oh, and I wish my headache would go away. And, the big thing I miss about using my Mac? I miss Shift+Insert to paste. I really really do. Oh, and did you know you can style lists with a little CSS? I’ve been doing it for years. It’s great amounts of fun, really. Try it. You’ll like it.

  • Oh no!

    Q: when / will there be the next version of IE?
    A: As part of the OS, IE will continue to evolve, but there will be no future standalone installations. IE6 SP1 is the final standalone installation.

    Brian Countryman: Microsoft TechChat (about halfway down)

    One of the banes of my existence is that people never upgrade IE. From past experience, and the fact that a good portion of the surfing audience is still running Windows 95, I hope IE 6 SP1 is a perfect browser, because it’s the last one people will ever use. People don’t upgrade their OS as long as it still works. People don’t upgrade their browser unless they’re geeks (like me) or forced, usually when they buy new computers.

    Happy freakin’ Friday.

  • In Other Words, Fly

    as the radio man says it is 5 a.m. and the sun has charred
    the other end of the world and come back to us
    and painted the smoke over our heads an imperial violet

    Soul Coughing: Screenwriter’s Blues

    I’m not often touched by song lyrics. But Screenwriter’s Blues is a weird mix of thumping stand-up bass and beat poetry that forces me to listen. The section above just resonates in my skull. How gorgeous are those three lines?

  • Sorry, Newsreaders!

    I tweaked the rss files (.91 and 1.0) so they only contain the last five complete posts. So, if you get all of the last five posts in your newsreader instead of just this one, I apologize. I should be done playing for now.

    Why did I do it? Well, fifteen complete posts is a lot of crap to download just to read the most recent post. That was just plain inconsiderate of me, and I’m sorry. Second, it means shorter rebuild times for me. Third… I can’t think of a third reason.

    I also added a favicon (I used to have one… I removed it accidentally at some point). If you don’t see it, or have problems seeing it, please let me know (should show up in the address bar of modern browsers).