Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Fess Up

    I know there are some of you out there that started watching Veronica Mars over the summer. So, come on, post a reply and tell me what you thought.\
    At work one day, Kevin got an IM out of blue that read, “I am hooked on Veronica Mars and it is all your wife’s fault.” Hee.\
    I also got several members of my book club watching it. Yay!\
    I should be using my power for greater good though, like trying to change the NFL overtime rules (cuz they suck).\
    But Veronica Mars deserves to be the beneficiary of my power right now. Need some convincing?

    • Logan in the closet during “Return of the Kane” was heartbreaking. The music was great, the editing and camera work were great, and his acting there was outstanding. I will never be able to hear “Ventura Highway” again without waiting for the belt.
    • The Camelot kiss was The. Best. First. Kiss. EVER. Even though there was barely any dialog, you could tell what the two were thinking and feeling. I loved the sweeping camera work and the selection of the literal music. I also appreciated the awkwardness that followed. Very in character.
    • The scene where Aaron beats Trina’s abusive boyfriend was brilliant. Fucking brilliant, in fact. The music selection was inspired. Aaron fought perfectly in character, like a guy who is used to having choreographed, pretend fights with props. Loved it! (I honestly think I scared Kevin after this scene because of how much I loved it.)
  • The Perfect Milkshake

    Jen decided that we needed pizza and milkshakes for dinner tonight. Since I’d recently scored a sweet blender from Woot! and we had lots of ice cream in the house… we were all set. They turned out so well, I thought I’d share the process (since milkshakes are kind of hard to get “right” at home… and I’ve tried).\
    Makes three awesome servings.\
    h4. Ingredients

    * 1 ~~gallon~~ half gallon (or whatever their round regular container holds) of Edy’s (or Dreyer’s, or any other creamy ice cream – Breyer’s probably wouldn’t work because it’s too icey) Cookies and Cream ice cream.

    * 3 cups of milk

    * 3 small bags of Mini Oreos

    * Some chocolate syrup.

    * 3 straws

    * Whipped Cream\
    h4. Directions

    1. Pour the three bags of oreos in the blender and pulse on the chop setting until they’re broken up.
    2. Add about half of the ice cream into the blender.
    3. Pour in one cup of the milk.
    4. Liberally apply chocolate syrup (if you like that sort of thing).
    5. Pulse in 3 second bursts on the highest setting, about 10-12 bursts.
    6. This should give you a really think mess of wonderful, and it should have brought the ice cream down to a level where you can add the rest of the ice cream (whatever will fit and still give you enough room to add the rest of the milk).
    7. Pulse again in 3 second bursts until the rest of the ice cream and milk are incorporated – should take about 10-12 hits.
    8. Split it up among three cups, stick a straw in it, and douse it liberally with whipped cream.
    9. Enjoy\
      I have never heard such happy noises from my family. We even let Brian have a little bit and he cried when it was all gone. It was awesome. It is the only milkshake that has made me want to cry. I think I might have actually shed a tear when it was all gone.\
      Oh, and the measurements are all approximate. I don’t measure stuff… sorry if I guessed wrong, but you’ll still get a milkshake out it, so how bad can it be?\
      Tomorrow night, mint chocolate chip.
  • Veronica Mars wrap up

    How many of you actually watched Veronica Mars this summer? Hit reply and shoot me a message. What did you think of it?\
    Season 2 premiere is Wednesday, September 28, at 9 pm on UPN. The show will have another season-long mystery with smaller mysteries sprinkled through out.

  • Look Around, See Anything Different?

    I switched some things around this evening (because there was nothing on TV). I’ve split the main page into two columns so Jen and I can post without feeling guilty for pushing each others’ posts off the front page. We also have his and her’s RSS feeds in case some of you don’t like me and only want to see Jen’s stuff. I haven’t removed any feeds, so there are still the unified feeds.\
    I never cease to be amazed at how comfortable Movable Type is to work with. The templating system is natural and it’s easy to customize how your blog looks, what it does and how it outputs and formats data. I love the developer community that’s come up around it that creates really cool plugins before I know I need them. I know I flirted with switching, but I don’t think I will. MT is just too comfortable.\
    Now it’s back to my new microformat and writing more XSL (for a project you’ll all be hearing way too much about in the very near future). Thank you, internet, for everything. Good night!

  • He speaks!

    Brian’s first word is officially “Max.” I am the mom, so I get to decide. Brian has mimicked sounds before, like “mama” and “dada” but we’ve never been sure if there was any meaning behind it. He has also done a breathy “hi” before, but again we weren’t sure if he intended to greet us or if it just came out that way. But we are sure that Brian uses Max correctly, pointing at his brother when he says it. He can’t say it correctly, but it is obvious what he is trying to say. Go Brian!

  • The Music Max

    This started out as a response to Katie’s comment from Kevin’s most recent post, but I decided to make this a post on its own.\
    I have a friend who only listens to kids music in the car, but I refuse to do that. The car is my domain. I listen to what I want and just turn the station if I hear an inappropriate song. When my oldest was 2, I realized he was singing along to “No Sleep Til Brooklyn.” Apparently the radio had played it enough that he knew the words. We sang it together at the top of our lungs. I knew then that I was either a really great mom or a really bad one.\
    A couple of months later we went to visit my parents and I roped them into singing too, cuz how could they say no to their adorable, little, 2 year old grandson? One of the highlights of my life is seeing my 50-ish year old parents singing the Beastie Boys.

  • A Tip For Cheering Up

    Need another pick-me-up? Go listen to some old They Might Be Giants, or watch their documentary: Gigantic (A Tale Of Two Giants). It shows up on IFC every month or so. It’s funny, and will make you smile.\
    You can’t listen to any song on Flood, Don’t Let’s Start or Subliminal and not smile. It’s a physical impossibility.

  • Money

    I want something that costs about \$5000. I have the money in the bank (more than required) and it would be a good use of our money, but I have a hard time letting go of money. So, if I do make this purchase, should I buy it in cash or finance it and then pay it off quickly (to lower the finance charges)? The benefit to using cash is that I can’t accidentally or foolishly spend the \$5000 as it sits in the bank. The drawback is that if there is an emergency, then I won’t have that \$5000 cash on hand. But I do have a high-limit credit card, and if there is an emergency then I shouldn’t feel bad about using the credit card, right? What do you think?

  • My Standards Story

    Molly’s post about search engines and standards has inspired me to tell my standards evolution story, because it’s really all about AOL Search.\
    I worked on AOL Search for five years, from 1999 – 2004. In that time, it went from being “AOL Netfind”, powered by Excite and in a horrible frameset where we had very little control over anything to something built completely in-house powered by the ODP, to what you see today (powered by a bunch of in-house technology and incorporating results from all over the web, most noticably from Google).\
    I was the only person to touch the frontend code for that five years. I wrote the first in-house version of AOL Search in AOLPress, a WYSIWYG HTML Editor that started life as NaviPress. It was a glorious example of old school HTML. It was all uppercase tags, unquoted attributes, tables all over the place and non-breaking spaces. But, it was one of the first successful web products at AOL, and was a whole lot better than NetFind was.\
    I started noticing the web standards movement in, I think, 2000. Back then, I couldn’t do anything about it because we had to support Netscape 4.7 and all the other old school browsers. But, in 2000, I removed all the font tags from AOL Search and we started using CSS for text (which was all it was good for back then). Life continued… I started blogging in July of 2000, and in November of 2001, my blog went all CSS-y (Zeldman even wrote about it).\
    In 2002, it was time to break out of tables, and we did. I dropped all the tables, and put in a browser sniff to give Netscape 4 users a stinky old tabled header and footer. I didn’t have a DOCTYPE (because I was young and stupid), but we were table-less. This is when our business decided that speed was all-important. They really wanted us to get our load time under six seconds. I don’t remember why six seconds was the magic number, but it was. We still had several large banner ads on the site, and six seconds seemed like an impossible dream.\
    I went crazy in 2003. I was on a mission. I was the six second man. I was going to get us there, because dammit, I love a challenge. We started 2003 at about 14 seconds (measured by an internal tool, over a modem, using the AOL client, not perfect, but it was consistent). I dove into the standards, and pored over weblogs, forums and A List Apart, looking for anything that would help me get there. This is when I discovered semantic markup. I started trimming. In the spring, we hit 10 seconds. Then, I put in a standards-mode DOCTYPE, and, without changing anything else, we went from 10 to 8. We were close, and I smelled blood. So, I devised a test where I made a version of the product that didn’t have any ads on it at all. We tested it and it loaded in less than four seconds, according to the tool. Now I had my villain and the lobbying started. I won’t go into everything I had to go through to get those big ads taken off, and I never actually got them all removed, but I got the “bad” ones taken off, and we replaced them with sponsored links, first from Overture and then from Google.\
    In late 2003, we hit 6 seconds. I did a little dance and took a vacation. When I got back, I decided that I could hit four without too much more effort. I started trimming. Everything on the results page was meaningful. All the results were list items. We had headers for result sections. There was a place for everything, and everything in its place. I got better with CSS, wrote better selectors, and shed more meaningless markup and lots of bad CSS. We hit 4 seconds (and broke it for a little while… 3.78 seconds). In the spring of 2004, by our measurements, we were one second faster than Yahoo (and much faster than everyone else) and one second slower than Google. AOL Search, at that moment, was everything I wanted it to be. It was fast. It was standards-compliant (except for those stupid ampersands). It was accessible (at one point, we did all these tests with an internal tool, and we were more accessible than any other major search engine, and scored better than Accessify).\
    That’s when I moved on to other stuff. I couldn’t work on it after that. I’d done everything I could with it. In my mind, it was perfect. Changing anything would have broken my heart. I wrote another search app, built on the philosophy of the CSS Zen Garden that allowed products within AOL to create search products without writing any code – just configure, create your own CSS file, and go.\
    Now, I’m doing training and mentoring stuff. I tell other folks how to do this stuff. What did I learn from my five years on AOL Search Everything. I learned everything. It was challenging, stressful and really scary at times, but I learned more than I would have if I had jumped around from project to project, never seeing the consequences of my choices. With AOL Search, I had a this huge high-profile product where every little change made a difference in the company’s bottom line. I had a platform for experimentation, and since I was the only one who touched that one part of it, I had almost complete control over how it was built. I got the blame when I messed up (and I did), and the credit when it worked (and it did, mostly). I got to see how making it faster made people use it more. When we got to six seconds, usage went through the roof.\
    Why tell the story? I don’t know. It’s important to me. It’s part of what’s driving me to push standards to the rest of AOL. It’s important because it makes for better products. It’s important because our users benefit. They don’t wait around for pages to download and can actually get on with using the product. We get consistency, and maintainability. It’s important to me because the process is repeatable. It’s possible to go from old school, inaccessible and slow to standards-based, accessible and fast. Today, it shouldn’t take you five years to do it. I was hamstrung by the browser environment at the time. You have no excuse. It’s never been a better time to work on the web, and it’s only going to get better. Get to it.

  • Need A Happy?

    I sure do. If you’re in need of a pick-me-up, go grab the latest episode of Coverville. It’ll cure what ails you. It’s an all a cappella set of covers and is wiping the grimace off my mug.\