A friend just posted this: My mom just called and my grandpa died.\
And all I can think of is, “Man, he must have really not wanted to talk to your mom.” Inappropriate laughter is the best kind. I was laughing so hard I squirted pear bits all over the computer. Oh man.
Bad Friend #184
Bad wife #9
Hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever made a bad wife post before. (We’ll discuss reasons why at some later point.)\
Today is Kevin’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Kevin!\
I don’t have a cake for him. Bad me.\
In my defense, we were supposed to go to The Cheesecake Factory and I thought a birthday cake after cheesecake would be too much. But Kevin is feeling ill and wants to curl up with some leftover homemade beef stew instead. So, no cake. Sorry, dear. I’ll do better next year! -
Bad Mommy #894
This morning I forgot to feed Brian breakfast! He doesn’t like to eat when he wakes up, he prefers brunch. I recently started trying to accommodate him. This morning though, I just went about my errands and totally forgot about his new eating schedule. While shopping, he started randomly crying, then stopping, then crying, then stopping but he wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. I finally figured out why and we hurried our butts home! At 11:45, when he finally got to eat, he just sat quietly and went to town. Heh.\
I found orange Cadbury cream eggs at Wegmans. Happy Day! You should all run over there and buy some. They are 2 for \$1, so you can try one and give one to someone you love.\
I also found Sprite Zero in cans. Double Happy Day!\
The dishes are done, the laundry is under control, and dinner is simmering on the stove. Triple Happy Day! -
Daddy’s boy and other things
Kevin must have spent extra kissy and huggy time with Brian this morning because he smells like Kev. It’s nice.\
It’s too rainy to do any of our planned activities today. Booooo! Brian and I may go to the mall instead but I need milk and the mall doesn’t sell that in a convenient gallon sizes. I only have it in me to drag myself and Max through one parking lot though so I have to choose: milk or mall.\
The meeting with the school didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but they said they would do some research and we could meet again next week. The vice principal kept guiding me away from the dyslexia testing and went on about how to qualify as disabled certain things must be present like an inability to do the basic work (or something like that), so I got to bust out my, “According to the IDEA law, a child cannot be not considered disabled due to high achievement.” YAY for Aunt Margie.\
They are also balking at giving Max an accurate reading assessment saying that their test is capped at the 5th grade level. What the hell? I have talked to: the district office, the old principal, the new principal, the vice principal, the teacher, the gifted teacher, the reading specialist and my dr’s office and no one is helping me! (And I really like my dr’s office and the school normally.) Kevin came home to me in a whirlwind of frustration. He was all, “What’s the urgency behind this?” And I cried. Yes, ladies and gentlemen of the internet, my husband made me cry. I am going to send in my request in writing to the school and we’ll see what happens.\
ETA- I couldn’t make myself go out in the rain after all. This turned out to be a good thing since school is closing early due to the bad weather! Now, how can I convince AOL to release my husband early too? -
SxSW Interactive Recap
There’s so much to say about SxSW this year. It was a huge year for me personally, and I think for AOL as a company. First of all, AOL sponsored the conference, which makes me extremely happy. This was my fifth year coming to Austin for a week of geeking out with my “tribe”, and this year, I brought my work tribe with me. In years past, other folks from AOL have come, but this year was different, because we had an “official” presence at the conference. Also, this is the first year I’ve launched something at the conference and come with swag. And oh boy, did we launch it. We launched last Wednesday, and I left for Austin Thursday. We had some hiccups getting out the door and I was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to say anything because the site didn’t actually work. Well… it works, and people really seem to be digging it. The response I’ve gotten talking to people about the site has been truly inspiring, and almost all the blog posts about the site have been great as well. If you want to follow along, check out the results on Technorati.\
On top of launching ficlets, and talking about it nonstop, I was on two panels, and did 20×2 for the first time this year. The first panel was Mr. McNally’s Ghost in the Machine: Spirituality Online, and I was honored to be a part of it. The folks on the panel with me were far more qualified to talk about the subject at hand that I was, but I had a great time at lunch with them, on the panel and dinner afterwards. I can’t thank James, Rachel, Gordan and Hussein enough. I was so inspired by their spirits, stories and openness. It was a truly great experience… and the panel went swimmingly. The only real “moment” I had was after the panel, a couple very neatly dressed guys came up to the table and introduced themselves, handing me their cards… “LDS Church”. I blanched for a sec, “Oh snap, they sent spies!”, but no, they’re very cool designers who work with Cameron Moll on the Church’s website. They were very nice, and I’m sad I didn’t get to ask them more about what they thought of the panel.\
Our panel the next day was How to Convince Your Company to Embrace Mashup Culture. I wish I could say I thought it went well. I was disappointed in how I did and how I handled the distractions around the panel (and during, but I don’t want to talk about it here). I’ve heard good feedback from folks who said they enjoyed it, but I thought I could have done better. Alla, Arun, Greg and Steve were real troopers for agreeing to do it at the last minute.\
20×2 was Monday night, and as always, Jeff, Kevin and Mike Stephens were fantastic, and I was psyched to be part of the show. Better yet, folks laughed in the right places during the movie Max and I made! It was so cool seeing Max up on the screen, and hearing the applause afterwards.\
After that, I was free. I spent a lot of time in the AOL booth all week, and had a great time meeting folks, talking about ficlets, OpenID, AIM, WIM and all the other stuff that came up during the week. I didn’t attend as many panels this year as I have in the past (the four previous years, I skipped a grand total of one panel – this year, I made it to about 6 total between AOL booth time, preparing for panels or working on ficlets stuff).\
There are embarrassing photos and videos imminent of just how “free” I was. I have a horrible tendency at SxSW to lose all verbal inhibitions, and I just say stuff… sometimes really really horrible stuff. It gets worse when I have a “partner in crime” with me, or a giggling audience. Unfortunately, Monday and Tuesday nights, I had both. Monday night, after 20×2 (so, not only was I free, but I was still buzzed from the reaction to the movie), I inappropriately touched my food. I couldn’t help it, that chocolate shake was asking for it.\
Tuesday morning, I attended the panel Arun moderated: Browser Wars. He moderated a discussion between Brendan Eich from Mozilla, Chris Wilson from the IE team, and Charles McCathieNeville from Opera. It was a fantastic discussion, and he did an amazing job keeping all those egos in check, and asked some really good questions, that I think led to better questions from the audience. I think I’ll make him moderate next year if we do a panel again.\
Tuesday night was oh so much worse. Kevin Smokler had his annual Castle Hill Cafe dinner, and I was at a table with Brad Graham (partner in vulgarity) and the giggling accomplices: the Browns, Mike Tremoulet, Kathryn Wu and Dan Budiac, Nikolai Nolan and Anne. Except for Nikolai, we all had a hard time finishing our dinners and desserts because we couldn’t stop laughing. We were all crying, holding our sides, and had laughter headaches by the end of dinner. Folks were hesitant to take bites of their food, for fear that another round of guffaws would break out. I apologize profusely in advance. I think Nikolai got video, and it’s going to be really really bad. Hysterically funny, but wrong in so many ways. There will be a price to pay for it, and well, I said all that stuff, so I guess I’m stuck with it (damn, but it was funny). There were muppets in compromising positions, twisted takes on Mark Twain stories, Jewish gay porn, and a truly disgusting act with a plate of goat cheese (that one wasn’t me, I swear). I’ll post the pictures after my ribs had recovered.\
All said, it was a great time all week. I started a little slow, had one bad night, but the glee and successes more than made up for one bad day.\
I’ll tell you about the adventure on the trip home later… right now, I need some sleep!\
And here are all the pictures! -
I Can Die Happy
Ficlets is on BoingBoing today.\
Just found out, sitting in the airport, about ready to board. You couldn’t wipe the smile off my face right now even if you punched me in the nads (not that you should try, you shouldn’t). -
Happy pi day, everyone!\
Kevin comes home today- yay!\
I have an appointment at Max’s school today and I’ve got my game face on. Wish me luck! Super big thanks to Auntie M for pointing me in the right direction. -
Cleaning up is fun to do.
20×2 is a tradition where 20 people are given 2 minutes to present their answer to the same hypothetical question. This year’s question was, “What if…” Kevin decided to do his on “What if Max were in charge?” Hee. Check out the video to the left. I heard someone did hers on “What if the internet didn’t exist?” My initial response: oh the horror! ’80s flashbacks with the hair and the leg warmers. Arrrrggk. I am looking forward to Kevin’s recap. Aren’t you?\
Kevin’s birthday is coming up. What should I get him?\
Auntie M wanted to know why, when, how I am going to Paris. Here’s the explanation: Kevin was asked to speak at a conference there in May. I decided to tag along. My mom even agreed to watch the kids. YAY!\
I have a meeting with Max’s new principal tomorrow. I am really tired of the run around I have been getting from the school, the district office, my dr’s office. Even the phone book and internet haven’t been useful. Grrr.\
In slightly similar news, Anne typed in a two paragraph’s of Max’s favorite reading material, The New Scientist, into a website that can determine its reading level. One paragraph came in at 9.5 (half way through first year of high school) and another came in at 15.3 (part way through third year of college). Cool, huh? Not sure how much Max actually understands since we don’t read the magazine too, but he talks about the articles a lot like he understands them. Max also enjoys reading kiddie books too, like James and the Giant Peach, so he’s fairly well-rounded. He is even starting to get into the world culture books Nana bought him. -
20×2 7.0: What If?
20×2 was tonight, and I was #8 in the lineup. Max and I created the movie below, and it was shown tonight… the “world premiere” if you will. Here is it, if you want to check it out. I was thrilled that people laughed in the right spots, and it got some big applause afterwards.\
A huge thank you to the star of the movie, Max, for sitting through my silly questions and giving such thoughful answers. I’ll try to put together an outtake package of the stuff that was funny but didn’t quite fit into the 2 minutes. But, right now, it’s sleepytime!\<embed src=”http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=153002″ quality=”best” scale=”exactfit” width=”400″ height=”300″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”></embed>
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<a href=”http://www.vimeo.com/clip:153002″>20×2 2007: What If We Put Max in Charge?</a> on <a href=”http://www.vimeo.com/”>Vimeo</a> -
Speechless: Injured soldiers being sent to Iraq.