I don’t normally blog about work stuff (well, I have recently, but it’s an anomoly), but I have to point this one out because it’s such an improvement. There’s a new AOL Webmail beta, and it’s really cool. I’ve been using the current webmail at home on the kitchen computer, and while it was better than the one that came before it, it wasn’t great. The new beta? It’s great. It’s speedy once it loads, and I can view mail without having to open a new browser window. Check it out… really. It’s good.
Move over, Martha!
Now that I have the living room and dining room redecorated satisfactorily (I should post pictures, huh?), I think it is time to move onto the master bedroom. It’s been 7 and 1/2 years. We still don’t have any pictures or art hanging up there and we are still using temporary curtains. So, yea, it’s time.
I just realized that Kevin probably took Brian’s car seat on purpose so I couldn’t crash his work dinner and make him buy me expensive fish and a fancy dessert!\
He’s going to be near Harris Teeter, which has a nice selection of hard-to-find caffeine free sodas. Think I can get him to stop in? Or did he carpool? Silly carpoolers!\
In other pooo news-- Brian didn’t take a nap. Which means I didn’t either and now I have a wicked headache. So booo to Brian. He is so going down early tonight. Mwuhahaha! Ahh, my head.
- I had to throw out a whole container of ice cream. I bought French Silk and when I got it home I saw that it contained mocha. But French Silk pie doesn’t have mocha in it! Why did they ruin my ice cream with their nasty coffee? And why did they try to be sneaky about it? Super booo to the ice cream maker!
- No car seat meant no Costco trip. Booo. And no taking the kids out to an early dinner at Friendly’s. Booo.
- Bush is President. Booo to that. Just on principle.\
ETA- I just realized that the restaurant isn’t where I thought it was, so good thing I didn’t try to crash his dinner!
How to Get to Speak at Web Conferences
There has been a lot of discussion around the geek-o-sphere about diversity and the specific makeup of conference speaking panels (Kottke started it, and Eric has a good sampling of reactions). There’s been a lot of back and forth about who’s “fault” it is that the speakers at web conferences aren’t more diverse (meaning fewer white men, and more of everyone else). Seeing as I’m one of those white men, and I’ve been speaking at conferences for the past two years, I thought that instead of diving in with more critique (reasons why X is wrong and Y is right) I’d give some practical suggestions for folks who want to gain some confidence in their own speaking abilities and how I worked up to presenting at conferences. I am by no means an expert. I’m not Eric Meyer, Tantek, Jeremy Kieth, Kathy Sierra or Tara Hunt, any of whom I would gladly pay (and have) to see present. But, I’ve spoken at a bunch of conferences over the past year, and well, this might help someone. Here are my tips:
- Blog. You must be findable. Blog, at least a little bit, about the topics you want to speak on so people will find that you’re associated with that topic. This helps you get “known” in the field, and will put you on the radar when people are looking for panelists.
- Start with a small, friendly crowd. Do a brown bag at work on a topic you’re an expert (or a passionate amateur) in. Keep it short and informal. If you feel more comfortable, pair up with a friend who can help share the burden of keeping things moving. Kimberly Blessing and I started our guerilla standards group at AOL, and I can tell you that that’s the only reason I gained the confidence to even consider speaking at something like SxSW. I’ve presented to internal crowds now (once high on painkillers after ankle surgery) larger than I have at some conferences, and that’s a huge boost to your confidence.
- Find someone to trust as a mentor. I’ve had several at AOL over the years, but find someone who will tell it to you like it is and will help you improve your speaking style and delivery.
- Go to Mashup Camp or other unconference. The environment lends itself to anyone leading a discussion and you can propose a session on a topic that you know a lot about.
- Oops. Jason’s comment reminded me – your local Refresh (here, it’s Refresh DC) or Web Standards Meetup would be a great place to practice your presentational skills in front of a friendly and supportive audience.
- Pitch, pitch, pitch. It’s a pain in the butt, but last year, I pitched panel ideas to at least a dozen different conferences. It was only after I’d spoken at a few and people could see that I showed up on the speakers page at SxSW or Supernova that they gave me the time of day.
- Throw a Curveball. Don’t pitch what everyone else is pitching. Throw a curve. The wittier the title, and the more specific your description, the better. “Microformats” is a crap title. But, “A Proposal for an Interoperable Widget Spec Based on Microformats” was accepted at WWW last year.
- Get a library of your presentations and put them online. All of mine are, and I’ve been able to point to them as past work for conference organizers to look at. Keep all the presentations you give and use them. Don’t throw any of them away.
- Get work to help. It helps a great deal if you can point to membership in some professional organization. Most of the big internet companies (and many of the small) are members of the W3C. If you can point to membership in that organization or some other professional group, that can only help.
- Get work to help, part two. Get your company to sponsor a conference. Make it a smaller, more regional conference to start with. Most sponsorships come with speaking opportunities. Take advantage of them.
- Always have something to share, and don’t make it about the pitch. I’ve been to too many conferences where people squander their opportunity to speak with a sales pitch about their product or company. You have to give people attending the conference something worthwhile – something real – or you’re wasting your chance.
- Be a mentor. If you get to lead a panel, actively seek out new voices. For our panel at SxSW last year, two of the folks on our panel had never spoken at a conference before, and none of us were what I would consider “regulars”. Seek out opportunities to help, share knowledge and provide guidance. That’s a quick way to become known as an expert and have other folks seek you out for speaking engagements.\
That’s all I can think of right now. I actually need to go to bed so I’m awake for my presentation (to about 200 people) tomorrrow. Hopefully, this was helpful.\
Update – Meri Williams has set up a wiki for folks to post advice and volunteer as mentors to help folks improve their speaking skills with the goal of speaking at conferences. Go check out Make Me a Speaker!
Out of the mouths of babes
Max just told me that since he is the oldest, he will have a lesser chance of being gay.\
Maybe someone should pre-read his reading material. -
Happy Weekend
I didn’t know Kevin was in a funk. Did you?\
Kevin’s recap of this weekend fails to mention me, which is totally fine. But I wasn’t off eating bonbons and watching The OC reruns while Kevin was being ‘Father of the Year’. Oh no. Saturday I spent the time alone cleaning the house and Sunday I spent sledding time taking pictures and then shoveling snow. Just for the record.\
ETA- I just came in from shoveling out Kevin’s car. If he can’t get to work tomorrow, it is not because of lack of effort. The snow plow didn’t come through today, so I shoveled the street in front of our house. I am dead now. Goodnight. -
Me and the Boys
This has been a great weekend. I think I’ve broken out of my funk and am ready to get cranking on all the stuff that needs to get done before SxSW.\
Yesterday, I took the boys to the new Air and Space Museum, and this morning, because it was snowing, we went sledding.\
Before sledding, I did my slides for our big Guerilla Web 2.0 presentation on Tuesday (the non-corporate, pirate response to any and all corporate co-option of the term – all Cluetrain, all the time – should be fun), and started converting it to Powerpoint (bleagh) for the telecaster thingie.\
Now, I’m nursing a sore back, and thinking about taking a nap. Then, after the boys go to bed, I’ll be finishing up getting everyone’s slides into Powerpoint.\
Next week… I’ve got to get our top secret Rails project finished and ready for launch, and then figure out how to deliver it to our ops group. -
Check Out My Face!
A pal at work today told me to check out this thing called the AOL Image Organizer. I did, and it’s pretty cool. It’s over on the Greenhouse (which I love… give people a place to put out things that aren’t quite done, get them seen and get feedback), so it’s really not done. But, it does one really cool thing – it recognizes faces! I threw in a bunch of pictures of people from my Flickr stream, and it did a pretty damn good job of picking out people.\
Check it out, and let ’em know how you like it… keeping in mind that it’s not done (I couldn’t figure out how to add new face boxes to photos it didn’t see a face in originally). And yeah, it’s only for Windows. But, you could go download Cheshire (a very cool collection of AOL-related Mac apps) or my AIM Fight Dashboard widget. -
Life Update
- Kevin is now a Systems Architect. YAY!
- Max got the second lead in the first grade musical. YAY! He is a great white shark who helps a little fish learn that ‘special’ friends (like a seven-legged octopus) are just as great as non-special friends. The teacher forgot to include a whole page of dialog! Max and I caught the error fairly quickly, so no major harm done.
- Brian is speaking up a storm, learning his letters, and loves to draw the clues along with Steve or Joe while watching Blues Clues. YAY! He knows about a third to a half of the alphabet. It’s only been in the last month that he has really shown any interest. He is even starting to draw some of the letters too. So far his favorite seems to be ‘B’.
- I had brunch with some friends yesterday. YAY!
- We have new neighbors finally. YAY! It’s a cute family of three and the wife is expecting baby #2. She is also a stay-at-home mom and the daughter is Brian’s age. So we now have three two year olds in a row in our town home cluster. It should be extra fun in the Spring. The husband was extra chatty when I introduced myself, so he should get along with Kevin well. Plus, they didn’t shovel right away after the snow storm. I love that in neighbors, honestly. That way I am not peer-pressured into shoveling before a reasonable time has passed.
Britney proves that ROCK BOTTOM isn’t the lowest you can get: Britney shaves her head.\
I feel so badly for Britney. Whatever her problem, she is obviously crying out for help. Why isn’t her mother helping her? My mom would never let me get that far gone. Poor girl.