FYI, Kevin forgot his sidekick at home. It keeps growling at me every 2 minutes when he gets a new message. I don’t like the buzz feature. Mm, I guess it’s actually called vibrate. But whatever. It sounds more like a buzz.\
Today is the second unnecessary snow day in a row. Booo. But I totally got to sleep in until 10 am, so YAY! My van is stuck behind a huge ice wall still, so while I am out and about tomorrow, I am totally taking the Volvo. Oh, yea. :)\
TV was awesome last night. I laughed so hard during Supernatural I couldn’t breathe.\
Kevin bought me an iHome, which is an iPod speaker and alarm clock thingie for our room. I have been playing on iTunes ever since, making new playlists. I could have one for everyday of the week! Yippee. Monday’s would be Manic Monday on repeat for 10 times. Tuesday has Veronica Mars, so the playlist would feature something from the show. Wednesdays would HAVE to include My Humps, of course. Hmm, what would Thursday’s contain? Friday would be super happy music, starting with Friday I’m in Love. I am actually in love everyday of teh week, but that song is a Friday classic. Saturday would have something jazzy and nice, something pilfered from Kevin. Sunday would be mellow and calm, but not overly emo. Poor Thursday is still empty. I must think on it.\
Happy Weekend everyone!\
ETA- Eh, I am over the weekdays’ playlist idea already. Though I have been enjoying Tegan and Sara’s Monday, Monday, Monday today.
Happy Friday!
AOL and OpenID
John spilled the beans so I will too. AOL is doing OpenID! AOL is currently an identity provider (meaning you can log in on third-party openid-enabled sites using your spanking new OpenID URL, for example:, and we’re working on accepting OpenID logins on AOL products, but that’s going to take some time. See John’s post for all the details.\
This is really exciting for me. It’s another sign of us opening up, supporting emerging standards and trying new things. It means I won’t be all alone next month when we launch the super-secret Rails project, which will accept OpenID logins.\
Now, back to work so we can launch this thing on time and I can tell you all about it. -
Happy Valentine’s Day
I hope your day is filled with lots of chocolate and kisses!\
We are having a white Valentine’s Day, which is kinda cool. It would be neater if Kevin and I were at a romantic, mountain retreat. But, I’ll take what I can get.\
Poor Kevin couldn’t get his car out of the parking spot, so he is valiantly working at home. Not even simply pretending to work, but actually working. Such a good boy. -
Bring Me Your 48×48 Buddy Icons!
For our soon-to-be-a-launchin’ Ruby on Rails app, we’re looking for services that provide 48×48 buddy icons (you know, like AIM does). So far, it’s surprising how many different social networks and web apps have them, and it’s equally surprising how few of them have APIs to get at them. So far, I’ve got AIM Buddy Icons, Flickr buddy icons, and Twitter icons – because they’re really easy to get at (some easier than others). If you know of more services (or happen to run one) that has APIs for getting buddy icons (that are 48×48), please let me know! We’ll give you a link and make your users happy in the process, because they get to use their cool icon.\
One of my early goals with the project was to reinvent as little a wheel as possible:- I don’t want to store passwords, or make users remember another one, so we’re supporting AIM and OpenID logins
- I don’t want to host, resize, handle uploading, a bunch of images, because that means users have to upload yet another one (hence the question above).
- I don’t want to make people fill out a big long nasty profile, so we don’t have them (they’re short and funny).\
We’ll be launching the new blog in the very near future, and the product hopefully before SxSW. I’m way too excited about it. I even posted a sneak peek of the logo because I couldn’t take it any more (oh, the design on this thing… it’s gorgeous – the best looking web app I’ve ever been associated with, and I’ve been involved in plenty).
Sometimes I’m really stupid; sometimes I say things I shouldn’t; sometimes my jokes aren’t funny; and sometimes that pisses people off.\
And sometimes I don’t realize any of those things (mostly because of the first). If you are one of the latter that I’ve offended by one of the former, and I haven’t apologized to you, healed the rift or made it right, please let me know. I’m a boy – insensitive and thick-headed. I try not to be, but sometimes the lizard brain takes over.\
You know, having a blog is great… so great that I think everyone should have one. I think everyone, especially when you’re in a profession related to the online world, should have one – should have some place online where you talk about your passion. But, they’re a real pain in the ass sometimes. -
I am done for the day!!! If you need me, call someone else, k? Thanks. Bye.
Good News! (Mostly)
Brian was much perkier this morning. His eyes were open most of the way, whereas yesterday they were only open a sliver. His fever broke sometime in the night, too. YAY! He is still sick, but he played with a toy and only slept at nap time.\
Ooooo, cute story from yesterday. So we’re driving along, poor sicko Brian in his carseat, his puffy, swollen eyes barely open and suddenly he lifts his arm. After a minute I realized he was playing the road trip game we played on the way to Mississippi where we’d lift our arm when we went over bridges. Even totally sick and worn out, with his eyes barely open, Brian saw that we were going over a bridge so he lifted his arm. We played all the way to the hospital and all the way home. It made my heart smile.\
We went back to the doctor today. Brian has something going on in his upper right lung, so the doctor put him on oral antibiotics, his ear infection looks worse, and he is a little dehydrated. We have a follow-up on Friday. I am really thankful I don’t work. I am not sure how working parents do it. As it was, Kevin had to work from home so he’d be here when Max got home because the dr’s appointments have been interfering with bus-drop-off time.\
In case you missed it in all the above wordiness, the good news is that Brian is getting better!\
Also, more good news:\
Not me too!
I cannot get sick, I must not get sick, I refuse to get sick, I will not get sick.\
Oy, I think I am sick too.\
Brian is super sick. Took him into the doctor today, then shuffled on over to the hospital for a chest x-ray and lab work, and then back to the doctor’s office for injections of antibiotics. He has THE FLU (not to be confused with, “Boss, I can’t come into today because I… cough cough… am sick. I think I have the flu.”), a double ear infection, his white count is elevated so maybe something else too, I don’t know, and the doctor is worried about pneumonia. Brian looks so bad- his eyes are red and puffy and they are constantly leaking tears. His nose is also constantly running, so Brian has dried snot in various places around his face. His clothes and my clothes from this past weekend were frequently wet. Eww, gross, I know. He is lethargic and just wants to be rocked. He isn’t eating well but he is drinking his juice and Gatorade, so no worries. I spent all day (and most of the weekend) but for 20 minutes and while I was driving, with Brian in my arms. I should have Kevin take a picture of the poor little guy. He looks like the poster boy for some charity. It’s really pathetic. My left arm is killing me from holding him for so long. Brian weight 38 pounds, which is officially the size of a 4 year old. I think doctors need new charts. -
Dream Come True
I love SxSW, and one of my favorite events of the conference is 20×2. I got an e-mail from Kevin Newsum this evening inviting me to be a part of this year’s event!! I’ve been to the last four (I told Kevin three, but I’m sure it was the last four – I can’t believe this is my fifth SxSW), and loved every single one.\
What’s 20×2? Twenty people get two minutes to answer a very broad quetion. My favorite ones were “What’s the word?” and “What’s the big idea?”, and some of my favorite people have done it, including Dave Thomas, Kevin Smokler, Josh Benton and James McNally, and it’s a lot to live up to. This year’s question is “What if?” and I’ve already got some ideas. I don’t think I can stand up and take exactly two minutes with what I want to cover, so I’m thinking of doing a short film to answer the question. Not sure exactly what yet, but it’ll be something.\
On top of that, this month I’m launching a new site that Jason, Cindy, Ari, Jenna, Shadia, Jayna and others (who really need to get websites so I can link to them) have been working very hard on, writing an 80 page chapter for Christopher Schmitt’s new book, working on two panels for SxSW this year, and putting together a panel discussion for work. February is going to be very busy.\
Now? I have a cold. I made it through work today (got a lot done, but it’s easy to get a lot done in one day with a cold with Rails), but I am shot. I’m gonna go take some NyQuil, crawl into bed and watch the rest of Robot Chicken and then go to sleep.