It’s scary how easily these things get started. All it took was one little verbal slip in a meeting, and now we have t-shirts. I got mine today when I made a little trip to the office to show off a prototype. They turned out way better than I expected (because Cindy never sleeps, apparently).\
I love having talented friends who like the stupid stuff as much as I do. Work would be really boring without them.
Geeks Love *
I have a ton of stuff of substance to blog about (church, meetings at Max’s school, dumb ass politicians) but instead I want to tell you all about my latest dilemma. Today I went shopping for the road-trip-required twizzlers and peanut M&Ms for the drive to my parents’ house next week. Then I remembered that Brian can’t eat nuts and if he sees me not sharing, he’ll pitch a fit. Waaaah. I need my peanut M&Ms for the trip. It just won’t be the same without them! What am I to do?
Kids Love the Ska
Want to make your kids dance like mad little dervishes? Throw on some ska! I was listening to the SKAverville episode of Coverville where Brian played an unbelievable version of the Can Can. I loved it so much, I made Max listen to it (because he was nearby). He giggled uncontrollably and then started boogying. I tried it this morning on Brian with the same results – spinning happy kid.\
There you go, scientific proof that kids love ska. If you don’t have some, I highly recommend the Trojan Ska Revival. It’s got the Can Can on it, and most of the rest of the songs were recorded live, so they’re chock full of energy. These are going in the “dance” playlist we have in iTunes that we roll out when the boys need to let off some excess energy before bed time (I Like to Move It from Madagascar is one of their favorite “dance freakout” songs, along with Move Your Feet by Junior Senior).\
I love watching Max and Brian dance. It’s this funny combination of running, hand waving, head bobbing and butt shakin’ that warms my heart and makes me giggle. When Brian’s just grooving, he does this cute little head bob with the beat that just cracks me up. I’ll try to get it on video in the near future… -
Why I Don’t Go
I read this great editorial about Christianity going off the rails and then the Missionaries came over tonight. That, on top of the fact that I’m on a panel at SxSW next year about spirituality and have been thinking about my relationship with the church for a while, has led me to finally write this post. I haven’t been going to church for a while. Neither have Jen or the boys. Partly, it was a habit we broke with a new baby, and then with a messed up ankle, travel and other convenient excuses, like having to go back to a congregation we were never that comfortable in the first time we attended (short version: when we first moved to Sterling we lived in an apartment and were in the Sterling Park Ward – when we bought our house, we were in the Ashburn Ward – they re-organized the Stake and we were thrown back in Sterling Park). Jen and I talked about it several times, and we made several attempts to go back, but those attempts never stuck. Now it’s been several months, and we haven’t been back, and that’s what leads me to this.\
I don’t like going to church. I don’t like what’s become of it. Just like the editorial states (which made me say “Amen, brother!” out loud even thought I was alone), I feel like the church has slowly slid to the Right. The members of the church have aligned themselves with the same fundamentalist evangelicals who a generation before wrote horrible anti-Mormon literature, told unspeakable lies about our beliefs and were pretty much downright ugly. Now, they’re right there with Falwell, Dobson, Robertson and the rest of the pious idiots on the Right trying to take rights away from people and preaching hate instead of love and empathy. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand how members of a church that was persecuted by religious zealots in Congress in the late 1800’s, and forced to leave the United States to find peace, could support the same kind of bigotry today when it comes to things like gay marriage. The straw for me was when a letter was read from the pulpit before the Senate voted on the gay marriage amendment asking members to call their senator and “ask them to do what you think is best.” The vote was doomed from the start and even the senators who supported it knew it. It was a purely political play in an election year aimed squarely at shoring up support from the Religious Right. That the leaders of the Church either didn’t realize that, or worse, embraced it, was too much for me.\
There are other reasons that I’m not ready to talk about yet. When I am, they’ll show up on the blog too.\
I thought it would be harder to slip away. I thought it would be harder to give up a habit I’ve had my entire life of going to church every Sunday. It really hasn’t been. In fact, I don’t really miss it at all. I don’t know how Jen feels. We haven’t talked about it in a little while, and, as always, I’m only speaking for myself here.\
I don’t know what I believe any more, and that’s the only thing that’s currently troubling me. If I don’t go to church, I’m a “bad” Mormon. If I’m already a bad member of the church, what comes next? How far does the line slide? What do I believe?\
I’m not in a huge hurry to figure it out, but when I do, I’ll let you know. -
Digging the Twitter
Because I’m a big Odeo fan, I heard about Twitter through their RSS feed. I checked it out, and it seemed like a nice diversion but I didn’t really get it. Now I do. Since I have friends that have started using it (thanks Cindy and Jason), it’s become a lot more fun. I post updates all the time (well, now that I’m on vacation, what else do I have to do?), and keep the chat window open all the time.\
If you’re online all the time, and have friends who are too, it’s a fun toy. It’s not going to help you get any work done, but sometimes that’s a good thing. It’s a good way to keep track of what your friends are doing in whatever “medium” you want – IM, SMS, RSS, or on the web page.\
They even have a nice little JSON interface! If you go to the home page, and look at the bottom of the page, that’s pulled in from Twitter and shows my last three updates. Neat, huh? -
Look out, world!
I have been dealing with the longest bout of PMS ever. At what point do I face reality and admit it’s not PMS, it’s just that I am a cranky bitch?\
Yesterday was a bad day at Chez Lawver, with the broken pipe, flooded basement, heater on the fritz, and the lack of running water. I had Kevin take us out to dinner (my hero) just to keep the boys happy and out of my hair until bedtime. The waitress asked if we wanted an appetizer. I said, “No, but I want a brownie sundae with 4 spoons to eat now, while the real food is cooking. Because that is the kind of day I had.” Her eyes widened a little, in fear I think, while Kevin just laughed. But it was fun! My mom applauded when she heard about it. The best part was that Kevin filled up on sundae and salad and took home almost a whole steak and baked potato, which I ate for lunch. Score one for me! -
Hey, there is a new Supernatural on tonight (Thursday, 9pm EST on The CW) that looks awesome. YAY! This is the last new one until January though. Boo. But we finally get to know what the big, super-secret secret that John told Dean is. Yippeee! I can’t wait. Any guesses about the secret?\
I’ve also heard that Supernatural is now available on iTunes, which is cool. Now all you peeps out in internet-land can watch at your own convenience. Neat-oh, huh? -
In and Out, and out, and out
The good news: Except for one gift I still need to buy Max (I had to take something back, so I am a bit behind), I am DONE with my Christmas shopping! Yippeeeeee!\
The bad news: The heater has been on the fritz, so that it gets ridiculously cold in the house. It has been deciding to work about once a day. I have someone coming to look at it today, to the tune of I-don’t-know-how-much. Of course now that I made an appt, this morning the heater has been working. I am afraid that the guy will come out and say it is fine, but then it will stop working again tomorrow. Grrr. At least if my heater really is working, I will only have to pay a smaller amount than having it fixed or replaced. Bright side, right?\
A pipe broke this morning, I think from the cold, so now part of my basement is flooded and that is an extra few hundred dollars out the window. Plus, last week I needed to have my garbage disposal replaced. Homeownership is sucking the big fat one, right now.\
Oh, and a couple of months ago we had our ice maker fixed. Only now sometimes things get stuck up in there, so the ice won’t come out of the shoot. Pooey to that. And sometimes a layer of ice forms over the food on the shelf below the ice maker, like there is a small leak or the ice tray over sprays when filling. Grrrr. -
Thank Goodness…
Costco sells Midol in bulk. Best money I ever spent. Huh, Kev?
Cookies Are Yummy
In case you didn’t know, chocolate chip cookies are yummy. Max and I made a double batch while Brian was pretending to take a nap (he serenaded us over the baby monitor with babble-singing, then whining, then crying). They turned out really well. The keys?
- Use the Toll House recipe
- Mix the sugar and brown sugar before adding the butter and then break up any clumps before adding the butter.
- The butter should be about half softened / half melted
- Use about a half a teaspoon more vanilla than it calls for
- Use about half a cup more chocolate chips than you should
- Use half semi-sweet toll house chips, half Ghiradelli bittersweet.
- Cook them about a minute less than you think they need. There’s nothing better than a gooey chocolate chip cookie.